my Lord – God – everything you have promised concerning me and my family, make
it all happen in and through us; just like you said! (2 Samuel 7:25)
promises are numerous, generous, and gracious. Do you believe any of them
enough to conduct business each day as if they are truthful? David believed. He
was not perfect. He did some really bad things. But, David trusted God. God
even said that David was a man after His own heart. Why would He say that?
was humble. Even as king, he knew he was subject to the Lord, God. David wanted
to be obedient and faithful. He recognized that God held authority over him and
he respected that authority. David loved. He loved God, and he loved his people
– even enemies within his ranks. Each of these characteristics show great faith
in his Lord. Jesus began many of His promises with the words, “if you have
you have the faith of David? Will you earnestly call on God to “make it all
happen” just like God says?