We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Friday, March 7, 2025


 So, they asked, “Who will make it into God’s Kingdom?” Jesus looked straight at them saying, “You can’t do it on your own, but for anyone who trusts and relies on God it is possible.” (Mark 10:26-27)

               Do you ever hear or ask this question, “What is required to please God and to get in on what God is doing?” Like the disciples asked, “Who will make it?”  Some think it is a basic right of every person. They feel that a loving god is going to simply overlook and forgive – regardless of their decisions and choices in life.

                Jesus makes it clear that this is not the case. In fact, He says it is not possible for anyone – no matter how good, how generous, how loving – to find relationship with God unless God makes it happen. Only moments before, Jesus disappointed a young man who thought he had checked all the boxes on God’s task list, and had therefore earned Jesus’ admiration. But, as he talked to Jesus he quickly realized he had not accomplished much after all. Jesus revealed the real tests – selfless love and constant reliance on the Lord. These, as Jesus explained, are only possible with God’s grace.

                Tear up your to-do list of how you will please God. Instead, let Jesus write His list on your day. Let Jesus accomplish the work you do. He just wants you!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 7 – GOD’S WAY

 The wise and discerning know, and they will learn God’s ways. His plans for you, and the way He completes them, are the right way to live. Those who love and obey the Lord will live and walk as God leads them, but others will stumble and fall. (Hosea 14:9)

                The word, “way” speaks of a journey, or a path. Are you walking along your path each day with God? Are you allowing the Lord to lead you on your journey?

                Hosea explains there is a way that is God’s. Life is a journey that everyone must take on His terms. This is the Lord’s world (Psalm 24:1). God’s way is a path to life. Men and women who will trust God, and who will obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership each day as He gives them counsel are on this path. Hosea also says that there is another approach that many will choose. Most people will choose to rebel against God’s love and ignore His voice, opting to travel without Him. These people will not find prosperity. In fact, they will not survive the journey. Their journey leads to death.

               As you consider this reality, choose to follow God. It is not His will for anyone to follow the path that ends in death (2 Peter 3:9). Watch and listen, as you travel on your journey, for the people God is sending you to love in His uncommon ways, so they will also come to know Him, and find God’s way to life.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 The bottom-line total of everything you say is one thing – Truth! And every word of it lasts forever. (Psalm 119:160)

               Can you really trust God? If you can believe the two statements in this verse, you have a basis for life-changing trust; the kind that will enable you to throw caution aside and fully invest in a life of devotion to the Lord. God requires you to trust Him that fully if you want to experience the life He offers. His life is only for those who take Him at His word.

                The Bible is filled with the stories and testimony of hundreds of witnesses who went with God where He told them to go, spoke the words He gave them to say, and acted as He told them to act. Many who have followed Jesus this way have seen Him change lives. They have felt God’s Holy Spirit move them, and they bravely kept going in challenging times. These people, many of whom suffered and died as martyrs, said, “He can be trusted.” Until you can believe that God is reliable, these will be simply stories, and you will understand the Bible simply be a book. What happens when you trust – enough to stake your life on it - is that God begins His work in you. Then, He begins to write your story!

                Take your first step. or take the next step, of trust. You can trust the Lord God! His word is forever truth.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 It is by this one measure that everyone will know that you are mine – if you love one another. (John 13:35)

                Do other people see love in your actions? How about your people? Could someone who observed the people who represent you see them loving others? Take stock. Gather your lists of people (customers, vendors, employees, friends). How many of these could you say that you and your people love?

                During His last Passover meal with His closest followers; those who would soon be leading His church, Jesus gave one instruction. He said, “Love one another.” Then, for more clarity, he explained that this will be the measure of their devotion to Him. Time has proved this counsel to be true. From the time of those disciples to this present day, there have been many people who have opposed everything about the church. But, those same opponents, when they observe uncommon acts of unselfish love, find themselves drawn to that love. Whatever your business, wherever you work, and with whomever you relate each day, love should be your primary measure.

                Make love for others your primary measure, and watch for the change that will come.


Monday, March 3, 2025

March 4 – BEING – DONE

 But when the Spirit – the Spirit of The Truth – comes, He will be your guide to The Way. He is The Truth directly from God, who will lead you, and direct you through The Life that God has prepared for you. (John 16:13)

                Do you concentrate on doing? Think about the list of appointments, tasks, objectives, and goals on your agenda before you answer. Are these your focus? Do you have time to focus on what God’s Spirit would say to you? Would you be willing to change your agenda if the Spirit leads you to do that?

                If Jesus is to be taken at His word, literally, your agenda must always be viewed as a work in progress. The Spirit’s role is to lead you. That doesn’t leave room for you to navigate. “Doing” is navigating; moving toward an end that you desire. Following – being a follower – is the correct role. The aim of the life Jesus describes is to complete the plan God has for your life. You do this by following the Spirit who gives you His Truth. The Spirit shows you His Way to live each moment in view of that truth. Being His follower is the work.

                Believe that God loves you and has a plan; that He wants to be your guide. Follow. Let the Spirit lead you. That is how you can be sure the work that matters will be done.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 3 – PLANS

 Yes, I said it, and I will make it happen; I have planned it as part of my purpose, so it will come to pass. (Isaiah 46:11)

                Does the Holy Spirit of God really control your life? God is not like ordinary men. He does not lie (Numbers 23:19). The Lord has a plan – a whole, consistent plan for His world that He planned before you were born (Isaiah 37:26). A plan this complete, that is backed by God’s infinite power, will be fulfilled.

                Isaiah describes, in some detail, how God had planned to move a foreign king to action; a pagan king who has no idea that he is being used. What power! Power like that is a foundation upon which you can build your future. A life lived for Jesus will reflect the certainty of living for the end that the Lord has promised. That life has a constant view of God’s power and purpose. That life will also be consistent, true, and reliable, and it will reflect God’s truth with great love.

                Do your words speak truth? Do you see the purposes of the Lord in the events of your life and those around you? If not, make the decision to give God control today, and your answers will change. That is how He planned it.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 2 – HERE AM I

 And I heard the voice of the Lord. It was saying, “Whom shall I send?” and “Who does go for us?” And I say, “Here am I, send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

                How often – how completely – for what length of time do you place yourself in the presence of God to simply listen for His voice? With meetings and phone calls, problems and decisions, people and places demanding your attention each day, does your role as leader prevent you from doing your job as servant?

Isaiah describes an encounter that happened because he was waiting on the Lord. He had searched himself, prepared himself, and then stood – simply waiting, watching, and listening. God speaks. One who will be used by Him must spend time listening for His call. Notice too, that Isaiah did not know the task, so he could not foresee the results, nor could he know the personal cost of his mission. Even so, he simply said, “Here am I, send me.”

Will you intentionally place yourself in the Lord’s presence; anxiously awaiting His call? Will you answer, “Yes!” before you know the details? If so, God will speak to you.