pray that all who believe may be one; the way you, Father are in Me, and I am
in you, so they will be one in us too. Then, the world will have hope and
believe that you sent me. (John 17:21)
does community rank in your list of priorities for those you lead? How
important is it to you that these people see your group as a distinct people? Have
you given them a hopeful vision and the values that can set them apart?
Jesus, an intense common unity and fellowship was the one thing He asked of the
Father for you and all others who would come to know Him as Lord. Only through
this oneness of each person looking to the Father, each moment, just as Jesus
did, can your community share the Hope of His love. Only then, will His Spirit
be alive in you through Jesus Christ.
For a believer; a follower of Jesus, He is the Hope of the world. Jesus
says that for others to believe and be changed, His church - including you and
your people - must be united. Hope requires unity!
Real unity fosters a culture that brings change in the lives of others in the community. Community is job one!