We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Monday, January 29, 2024

January 30 – ONE HOPE

I pray that all who believe may be one; the way you, Father are in Me, and I am in you, so they will be one in us too. Then, the world will have hope and believe that you sent me. (John 17:21)


               Where does community rank in your list of priorities for those you lead? How important is it to you that these people see your group as a distinct people? Have you given them a hopeful vision and the values that can set them apart?


               For Jesus, an intense common unity and fellowship was the one thing He asked of the Father for you and all others who would come to know Him as Lord. Only through this oneness of each person looking to the Father, each moment, just as Jesus did, can your community share the Hope of His love. Only then, will His Spirit be alive in you through Jesus Christ.  For a believer; a follower of Jesus, He is the Hope of the world. Jesus says that for others to believe and be changed, His church - including you and your people - must be united. Hope requires unity!


               Real unity fosters a culture that brings change in the lives of others in the community. Community is job one!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

January 29 – WHAT DO YOU WANT?

 Jesus called the crowd to gather around Him with His disciples and said, “Whoever wants to live this life with me must give up pursuing what you want. Instead, forget about yourself, embrace the suffering you will experience in this world, and follow me.” (Mark 8:34)


               What do you want? No, not the acceptable, honorable, public answer. Deep inside you, what do you long for? Security? Acceptance? Significance?


               Jesus explains very simply and directly that following Him is not possible if you keep pursuing these goals that other people around you are seeking. This world offers a long list of diversions to fill any emptiness you may want to fill. Considering the many alternatives, and the strong attraction they have, Jesus spoke in clear, concise terms; “give up,” “forget about,” literally “take up your cross daily.” He was preparing would-be followers for an experience that would look a lot like His own life. Following Jesus, you will spend your life; giving yourself to other people so that they will come to know the Lord. This message is for you too.


               You must want Jesus Christ most and only, if you want to experience the life He offers.

Monday, January 15, 2024

January 16 – ABRAM’S BELIEF


The Lord God appeared to Abram and said, “I will give this land to your descendants.” So, Abram built an altar, taking ownership in God’s name. Because he believed – Abram acted! (Genesis 12:7)


               Does God ever tell you to do something that doesn’t make sense to you? How do you respond when that happens? Is your first thought about “how” you should get started, or is it about “whether” you should act?


               Abram, at seventy-five (75) years of age, having moved his wife, his family, and all his other people and possessions three hundred miles, stood on the edge of a new country. He could see the land was occupied by other people. He knew that he had no children. He understood that the promise was not even that he would personally benefit. Rather, the benefit was for generations to come. Yet, Abram’s first response was to act – saying, “Yes, Lord.”


               Will that be your answer? Will you say, “yes,” and trust in the vision God gives you for a people?

Sunday, January 14, 2024

January 15 – IN WITH THE NEW


Anyone who comes to faith in Christ becomes a new person. Look! See how the old ways are gone, and a brand-new life begins. (2 Corinthians 5:17)


               Do you want to be a new person? Some people, especially those who enjoy success in life, don’t really want to put their successful formula at risk. They don’t want a new life unless it’s guaranteed to be a better life – on their terms.


               Paul explains that you must be ready to abandon any old way that is inconsistent with the brand-new life you begin when you follow Jesus. Is there anything (relationship, possession, place, identity) old that you want to hold onto, no matter what? If so, understand that your decision is about whether you will have another god. It makes the importance decision even more clear as you realize that Jesus will not share you with that other god.


               Decide today that you will trust Him and pursue the new life He offers. Let go of anything that stands in the way.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

January 14 – THE GIFT


No one can show greater love than this, that he or she willingly, gladly decide to spend his or her life for the benefit of friends. (John 15:13)


               It would be easy to read this passage and think only of the heroic. Many people are stirred to action in times of immediate danger. But, are you intentional in giving your life in the everyday, boring times? Will you intentionally choose to invest time and energy in the everyday life of another person, given there will be times when you know it will cost you something?


               During this conversation with His followers, Jesus explained three truths. First, He reminded them that their time together had been possible only because He willingly, gladly spent His life each day for them. Second, Jesus gave them a way to understand His crucifixion that was soon to come. It was His ultimate gift of love. Finally, He explains to them, and to you, that His true friends will spend each day being “spent” so that others will learn this love.


               You received this gift. Will you give it?

Friday, January 12, 2024

January 13 – PURPOSE – THE JOY


I have told you these things, that my joy – the great delight and happiness I have in My Father – will be in you too, and so you will experience this joy fully and completely like I do. (John 15:11)


               Do you feel “great delight and happiness” at 9:00am on Monday morning? Jesus says that you can!


               The context of this promise of full and complete joy; this “thing” he has told you,” is an invitation to a life focused on the Father. Jesus explains that a prosperous, fruitful life comes from an intimate, personal relationship with Him. It is recorded in John 15:1-8 that Jesus used an illustration of a vine and its branches to show that this relationship engages both you and Him, together in every moment; united in producing very good results that are the result of a shared life. On the other hand, if what you feel consistently is far from delight and happiness; if you don’t see lives changing around you each day, there may be something missing.


               How can you “delight” in every moment? Spend each moment with Jesus.