have allowed enemies to run right over us, you have led us through the fires of
great testing and the deep waters of overwhelming circumstances. Yet you have
brought us through to your kingdom of wealth and abundance. (Psalm 66:12)
you believe in the Lord even when those who oppose you seem to be winning?
While you are struggling with uncertainty and challenges that appear to be much
larger than you, does your confidence and hope stay strong?
writer observes what Jesus, the disciples, and even the prophets before them
all said, “If you persevere, God will bring victory.” Whatever the work that is
your life as a child of God, you are promised that powers and principalities
(those of high standing and great strength – greater than mere men) will fight
against you. But, you are also promised that God will prevail if you continue
in faith.
you are in a fire of great testing or standing at the edge of muddy, deep
waters today, make the decision to be faithful, trusting in God’s ability to