We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 Peter was deeply affected; quite hurt that Jesus asked him a third time, “Peter, do you love me so much you will pay the cost?” He said to Jesus, “Lord, you know me inside and out. You know how much I love you!” Jesus replied, “Feed my little sheep.” (John 21:17)

                   Here, John captures Jesus’ presentation to Peter of the job description for a person who will make following Jesus their vocation for life. In a word, Jesus says, “love who I love, how I tell you to love them.” Remember, Jesus identified himself as the bread of life (John 6:35). When telling Peter to feed the weak, little sheep, He was not only saying, “make sure they eat,” but also “give them Me.” Given the challenge as to how dearly Peter loved Jesus, Peter must have understood that his calling was to give his very own life for the benefit of others, so they could know and grow in Christ.

                   The job you are called to do, as you lead your people, is to love them as Jesus loves them, feeding them at your cost; feeding them the bread of His life, and paying for that meal with your life as He did with His own.

                   Do you love Jesus so much you will pay the cost of feeding His sheep? Feed them as He sends them to you – one at a time.

Monday, June 24, 2024


My only food – my tears – all day and all night, all while they humiliate me; taunt me saying, “Where is your God, now?” All day long they laugh and scoff. (Psalm 42:3)

                   The context of this writer’s panting for God is in a place (among enemies), at a time (in exile from the throne), that other people are challenging David for answers. They are asking him to explain God; to defend his trust in a seeming powerless, absent deity. Should David ad-lib? Should he try to vindicate himself? Or God? Not this believer. He would simply, patiently, humbly continue to seek God’s presence and comfort.

                   How about you? Dark days come. God seems to have left you at the moment you need Him most. Will you continue to pursue Jesus, and only Him, when the answers come slowly, while the personal costs rise, and while others laugh at you and make fun of you and your God? Or, will you lose patience with the Lord, and find the world’s most effective way to achieve the result that you think is appropriate? It is at this time of struggle, when life comes down to these simple questions, that you will know if you believe.

                   Persevere in faith. Pursue God’s presence until He acts. Wait on the Lord. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024


My heart needs and desires you just like the parched deer stag pants for the refreshment of the cool stream. Yes, my soul is literally thirsty for the living God. When can I return to Him? When can I be in His presence again? (Psalm 42:1-2)                

                   This Psalm is thought to be written by David, or a choral director with him, after they fled from David’s son, Absalom. Again, on the run, you may have expected David to long for the luxury of his palace or the cheers of his people. But, David valued the relationship he had with God most of all. He didn’t value property, power, or praise more than that. He needed God.

                   Think of a time you acted without consulting God. Rather than considering the outcome, think for a moment about the arrogance you showed when you did that. You were saying, “I, a child of God, who has told everyone I am devoted to following Jesus in every part of my life – have decided that I can choose not to follow when I want.” Have you truly given your life to Christ if you can say that?

                   Take Jesus seriously. Recognize the value of relationship with God, and only pursue Him and His will for your life.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Jesus, even though He had the very character of God, did not seek recognition as God. No, He took on the appearance of a man. He took off the things that would bring Him recognition, choosing to simply serve others as if He were their servant. (Philippians 2:6-7)

                   Do you want to matter? Are you trying to find something important to do? If yes is your answer, Is that consistent with your vocation as a follower? The goal of significance is common, especially among accomplished leaders. But, even when motivated by an intent to accomplish something for God, self-designed efforts just don’t pleased God.

                   Paul shows Jesus was completely aware of this, as God and as man. His nature – His character, was that of God. But, His work was to be man. He was to be the perfect man, so therefore, He simply became a man who was an obedient servant to God; showing mercy to God’s people. How amazing that the Holy Spirit led Paul to write in a way that brought together God’s desire for obedience (1 Samuel 15:22) and love (Mercy) (Hosea 6:6) more than sacrifice. Obedience equals love. Mercy to men and women God loves is the evidence of our love for God.

                   Choose the path of insignificance, and embrace loving obedience to the Lord.

Friday, June 21, 2024


 Jesus, while here in the flesh, suffered emotions and pain. He turned to the Father when He had need – with requests and thanksgiving, and with urgent pleas. He knew the Lord God, alone, could bring Him out of the vulnerability of human life and even death, and God honored Him because of that absolute commitment. (Hebrews 5:7-8)

                   When you feel overwhelmed, weak, vulnerable, and you are afraid – do you have absolute confidence that God has the power to save you, or to bring you through – even if you die? You must have this confidence if you are going to respond well when it seems you are all alone.

                   Jesus, who lived this life of submission and death to Himself he offers you, suffered. That is what this passage says. He had emotion and felt pain. He felt alone and vulnerable and weak and tired. But, even when it was hard to go forward on the path designed for Him, Jesus turned to God – only God. God honored Him because He responded with that absolute, consistent, and complete faith. What God desires from you is that kind of total faith.

                   When you want to be afraid, be confident. Know that your God – the Savior – the one who was brought out from death – can bring you through whatever is placed in your day.

Thursday, June 20, 2024


 I don’t want your confidence to be based on man’s wisdom. I want you to be anchored in the power of God. There is wisdom in what we have told you who follow. But it’s not this world’s wisdom. No, that will never last. We speak of the Lord God’s ageless wisdom that is hidden from them. It’s a different way. (1 Corinthians 2:5-7)

                   Where do you go for answers? When a big decision looms, and the stakes are highest, is it a consultant, a mentor, or a book that you scour for answers?

 If Paul is to be believed, all that wisdom – if it comes only from the minds of men and women – is temporary. It is destined to become old, dated, and even irrelevant. Paul taught Jesus. He spoke Jesus. He sought Jesus. That is what following Jesus means. Jesus is the answer to every part of life for any person who will follow Him. Ideas, information, observations, experiences, and the like will often come from human sources. How you regard this information must be determined by Jesus though – if you truly want to follow Him. And, much of God’s wisdom is the opposite of this world’s wisdom (Luke 16:15). It is a different way.

   Take the great risk that the world will call you foolish. Trust Jesus who, unlike them, loves you and calls you His own. Trust Him always.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Jesus told Peter, “Follow Me.” (John 21:19)

Whoever doesn’t accept God’s plan for his or her life, and follow Me – accepting whatever that journey requires – can’t be mine. (Luke 14:27)

                   Have you really considered the enormous cost that Jesus requires of you? “Following Jesus” sounds nice and neat and safe enough. After all, God is love. He cares about me. Could He let harm or difficulty come my way? He did promise, repeatedly, that it would. Immediately before asking Peter to follow, Jesus gave him a picture of the future. It was not a nice, neat, safe vision. Three times Jesus explained to Peter he would give his life away to other people, and then he would meet a difficult, unpleasant end.

    Jesus told followers; promised them, that there would be uncertainty, difficulty, and pain for anyone following Him. He clearly said the cost for each person is to accept that unknown future unconditionally; to enter a vocation of simply following Jesus in every part of life.

Will you accept God’s plan for you without reservation? To make any exception is to say no to Jesus. Say yes – Follow Him - whatever the cost.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Take the work I give you, and learn the way I will show you to do that work. Like me, you will find the right way that has been prepared just for you if you accept the timeless wisdom of God’s way to good life. In that life you will find real rest. (Matthew 11:29)

                   Can you really submit to Jesus as He asks? Not only by exception – in the moment where you are motivated to do some act of mercy, or choose a moral option. Jesus is talking about an ongoing, daily relationship that will go to the office with you. He will show you what to do, and how to do it all day at work, as you lead your people. He will set the priorities of your life down to the details. Are you ready for that?

                   With this offer, Jesus may have been thinking of God’s word to Israel through Jeremiah (6:16), where the prophet challenged the Israelites to choose one of the two paths at the crossroads of life, God’s way or not God’s way. He promised that, in God’s good way, they would find real rest for their souls.

                   Always, in every situation, decision, plan, and attitude of life, there are the same two choices. Like Jesus, choose God’s good way, and find His rest and peace.

Monday, June 17, 2024


 As we love God, learning to live in His love, the Lord will bring that love to completion, giving us confidence that defeats fear. All this because in this world we will then be like Jesus. (1 John 4:17)

                  The writer here says clearly, “if you live in God your character and nature become what you love.” In loving you – God (verse 14), through His Holy Spirit (verse 13) has revealed and given you Jesus Christ (verses 15-16) as evidence of His love. Your love for other people, expressed by your actions to seek their interests more than your own, is what will become your character; your very identity. Your nature becomes the Christ you love, as you grow in that love and lead in response to the overwhelming love God has shown you (verse 19).

                   You are then becoming “like Jesus.” Like Jesus, your life reflects a selfless love. Like Jesus, what you want is never the basis for what you choose. Like Jesus, others will be influenced, and they will find their way to new life. Like Jesus, the world will not value and honor your work and your life, and will even despise and oppose you as you try to show them God’s love.

                   So, do you really want to be like Jesus? Is your love for Him such that you will have no ambition but to follow Him? If so, a life of passion and powerful transformation can be yours. Be like Jesus!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

JUNE 17 - HOW?

 Jesus responded, “You must love the Lord God with all you are. That is to be your whole understanding of life. That is most important! And the rest of it is, you must love everyone with whom you deal by showing them a true and pure love. Love them as you love yourself. That’s everything – all of it – in two, simple statements. (Matthew 22:37-40)

                   If your vision is to be summed up in a description of your response to God (worship), it may be said that your values will be about both your relationship with God and everyone whom He sends to encounter you (love). These values statements are promises that you make to explain what it means to be in such relationships of mutual dependence and love.

                   Jesus was very clear when He spoke of what He valued. He gave details, painted stories that were relatable, and cautioned those who wanted to ignore the hard parts. Your challenge, with your people, is to be like Him; clear, detailed, relevant, and wise, as you prepare them to join with you in pursuit of what the Lord is calling you to do.

                   Pray for the wisdom to understand your people and pray for the courage to be clear and uncompromising on the standards God sets before you.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Because I came down from the heavens to do only one thing – the will of the One who sent me – not to do what I want to do. (John 6:38)

                   Are you here to do just one thing? Did God create you to lead an organization? Is your purpose to be successful in creating and achieving aggressive business goals; to make a mark on your industry. Are you to impact your culture at large? What is your one thing to do?

                   Jesus said, “My one thing is worship.” He would do what pleases the Lord God. He would consider it to be His work, His life, and His entire focus for life. Nothing is ever more important nor urgent than simply doing the Father God’s will. When you consider the nature of a vision statement, it is a visualization of what will happen in the future. This statement is Jesus’ vision statement. He was more concerned with attitude, relationship, and obedience than busy activity, goals, and objectives. Consider as you lead you people whether you talk about what the Lord wants rather than what you want. Consider – do you want to bring glory and honor (worship) to Him, or make your mark in the world?

                   Communicate your vision in a way that leads your people to a relationship of community, and be sure that community understands your one thing.

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Everyone the father is giving to me will come to me, and those who are all heading for me right now, I will receive as my own. (John 6:37)

                   Do you believe that the Lord God prepares each day’s agenda for you? Your days are a series of encounters with people. Do you believe that each meeting has significance from the Father’s eternal perspective? Do you value and engage with each person in a way that is consistent with your belief? Jesus recognized, in a very simple, practical way, that life is planned and ordered by God – toward His purposes. He taught followers life should be lived with constant regard for that plan. Encounters were never chance for Jesus. He was always alert for the people who were heading his way at that moment.

                   So, when you are tempted to carve out pieces of your day or week that are “just business” or “personal time,” maybe you could ask yourself, “Who may Jesus be sending to me right now?” Will you receive that person like Jesus did – as your own (responsibility)?

                   Recognize that the person who is sent to you may be entirely different than you expect. Have no expectation then, except that God will continue to send them. And, when He sends them, accept them as your own. Whom? All of them.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


 Listen! The Lord God, Jehovah always is my rescue. I’m certain of His constant presence, His strength, His love for me, and so I will not ever be afraid. He is not my last resort. He is my only resort. And you can know my joy if you will make Him the source of your life. (Isaiah 12:2-3)

                   Does everyone you influence know the source of your confidence, your optimism, and your love for life and other people? Have you told them that they can have that same life? When you break everything in life down to the most basic, important issue – this is where you will land. One question matters to every person, “Upon what or whom do you base your life?”

                   Isaiah speaks of that great, future day – now – today, when men and women can be reconciled with God. Because of Christ Jesus, intimate relationship with God is again possible. You know God’s character; His nature. He is always present, always stronger than any opposition, always loving and caring. God wants constant trust and daily moment-by-moment intimacy. And, He promises that you can have a future of joining Him to accomplish His purposes in the world together.

                   Live this reality boldly. Tell your people why your life is filled with hope and purpose, and tell them they can have that too!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 My family, as our Lord and savior Jesus willed, I plead with you to end pointless disagreements. Be united in your thoughts and understanding; your pursuits and your purposes. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

                   Where there are people there will be conflict. Many groups are sentenced to mediocrity by settling for a consensus of human ideas to provide their vision. Often, that agreement among people represents only the ideas of those most willing to engage in conflict, rather than those with better ideas. Paul urges the church at Corinth to reject such politics, and the petty arguments that come from selfish motives. He encourages them to understand and obey Jesus, whose desire is for each member of the community to prosper as they follow God’s unifying vision and purpose for themselves and the group (John 17:21).

                   As the Lord gives you vision, keep in your perspective that this vision will always be for a people. He always wishes for these people to experience the life He offers together; to move in unity toward His purpose for them.

                   Conflict is inevitable. Conflict can be healthy. Have the courage to approach resolution of that conflict in a way that looks to Jesus and promotes unity around His purpose. Let God’s word unite your people.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 God is trustworthy. He has called you into a new identity in His Son; our Lord, our Savior, our everything, Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:9)

                   Can you say like Paul, “For me to live is Christ? (Philippians 1:21)” Jesus made it clear that you must take on this new identity if you want to find the purpose-filled life that will get to see God work in powerful ways (consider John 15:4-5). It is in this sense that Paul says later in his letter, “Let the one who brags brag about the Lord God! (1 Corinthians 1:31)”

                   This concept of a new identity in Jesus is the foundation for understanding real humility; the proper regard for yourself. You are not to be timid, but bold. However, you are to be bold – not about yourself – but about your faith and confidence in Jesus. There is nothing you should fear, because you can truly accomplish, overcome, meet any goal, overcome any obstacle or challenge. You can find this success as long as it is Christ who works in you and through you to meet each struggle.

                   Recognize the great value you have to Jesus. Recognize the great value your life will be to others as you learn true humility.

Monday, June 10, 2024


 Oh, I long for my people to listen to me. If only they would obey and walk in my ways. (Psalm 81:13)

                   There is another reason to listen for God’s voice as you engage with other people, and to wait on His instruction before speaking or acting. God longs for you to do it. Is that reason enough? Do you really love the Lord? Then, surely you want to satisfy His desire for an intimate relationship with you. He longs for you.

                   In this context, the Psalmist speaks of God’s desire to be heard and obeyed by the people of Israel. His promise to them was to defeat their enemies and cover them in the security of His love. God is unchanging. He continues to love His people, and He continues to want to enjoy them in a relationship of mutual love and constant trust. He also continues to promise His prosperity; to be a part of accomplishing His work in the world, to those who do trust Him enough to simply do what He asks.

                   Love the Lord with your attention. Listen for His voice. Then, do what He says to do.


Sunday, June 9, 2024


 If you speak, be sure it is God’s word. If you will serve, let it only be the work God provides in the strength and ability He gives you. Do this so that everything you do, coming from Him, by His design, will bring glory to Jesus Christ as it should be – always and evermore. (1 Peter 4:11)

                   Can you wait? No, can you really wait – when you think you’ve seen the situation before, or when you just know you have the tools and experiences to rescue the person you want to help? Is it ever okay to tell God, “I got this?”

                   No one in history has struggled more publicly with letting his words and actions get ahead of God than Peter. How fitting then, that he makes a dramatic point here. Peter urges the reader – urges you today - to always wait on God. If you will wait, God will give you the words, and will act through you with His all-knowing, all-powerful, perfect will.

                   Today you will face opportunities to either listen carefully, and wait on God, or you can rush ahead to action that you will ultimately regret. Choose to wait and, as Peter promises, you will see God’s glory.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


 …and very slow to anger. (James 1:19)

                   Anger is a symptom, not a disease. You may have argued as Jonah (“I do well to be angry.” (Jonah 4:9)), as you read that statement. But, the “righteous anger” you wish to claim from a human perspective is challenged by the next verse, “For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God (James 1:20).” It’s as if he read your mind, right?

                   What is your alternative to anger? Identifying the disease is critical to this answer. The disease of self-centeredness is often behind the anger people feel. If you resolve that you will simply accept people unconditionally, you will slow the speed of your anger in a measurable way. Taking time to learn who a person is, why they are who they are, and the experiences and feelings which have formed their beliefs and attitudes is the way to that acceptance. As you build relationships this way, you will find yourself consumed by concern for them and their welfare. It is difficult to respond in anger when your goal is for the person to find God’s love and then pursue His perfect will for their life. Such concern centers you on mutual need rather than differences and disagreements.

                  Accept your people as they are, even when they differ from you. Love them enough to seek their best as a higher priority than your own. But, begin where they are.

Friday, June 7, 2024


 … slow to respond… (James 1:19)

    “Slow to respond” speaks to the relationship you should have with the person who is standing before you. This advice is not, “be timid in your obedience when you understand God’s will.” Quite the opposite, the author encourages you to listen carefully, seeking simply to understand, and asking the Holy Spirit to lead you to a proper response – rather than to respond before God speaks.    

        As you listen to your people, with genuine concern, you evidence that you care for the person and for their condition. Listening with such concern is a way of helping another feel that they are not alone. It can validate them as members of a community, and tell that person, “We are in this together,” long before the first word you say in response. “Slow to respond,” means, “listen long enough” for the Lord to work in you and in the other person.

                  Love your people enough to listen to them in a way that helps them understand how much you care. Remember that your active listening may communicate concern more effectively than your words or answers.

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 So – (because the Lord Jesus chose to give us life through Himself) – my beloved people, let everyone be swift to hear… (James 1:19)

                   Here begins instruction that is critical to any person who is to lead others. It is a message with two strong points rolled up together in, “be swift to hear,” In other words, “Listen to others.” But, the advice doesn’t end there. Every conversation with another person should include the Holy Spirit. So, do you always listen intently – to both the person before you, and to God’s Spirit to help you have understanding?

                   Many people put themselves in God’s place, making judgments on their own, as they listen to their people. With best intentions, they may be thinking how they will respond to what they hear. In the Lord’s kingdom, you do not have to expend that energy. Rather, the work is to listen carefully, praying even as you are listening for the Spirit to give you the understanding you need. God will give you the thing to do or the words to say when He wants you to speak.

                   Listen today to each person with whom you engage, and as you do, listen for what God will tell you. You may not be asked to respond, but obey always when you are.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Constantly dwell on the word of Christ while you teach and remind each other whether singing or reading, let your hearts focus with gratitude on him. In each thing you do or say, be sure everything brings glory to Jesus and is done as He leads you. (Colossians 3:16-17)

                  You can never dwell on the word of Christ too much. If you have sought the Lord’s guidance; His plan for you and your people, He has given you a word specific to that work. The direction or vision for your way forward together and the important principles or values that He impressed upon you as vital, are part of God’s word.

                  Paul says here to read and re-read, sing and re-sing, teach, and remind each other constantly of this word from God. Paul knows the value of this repetition. He knows this constant focus will serve to renew your heart, change you, and grow you. As they hear you speak with passion about the way forward, your people will be drawn to recognize and appreciate the work of Jesus more each day.

                  Focus on the word of God, the Scriptures, the hymns and Psalms, and His personal word to you for your life today. Dwell on this word to find the life He desires for you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


(As the people whom God has chosen (verse 12))… Let the peace of Jesus Christ; His rule, make every decision for you. You were called to be one people for Him and His purposes. Always be grateful that He has loved you and called you – let praise and thanksgiving be your character. (Colossians 3:15)

                  Are you optimistic? Shouldn’t you be? You believe that the Lord loves you, and He has chosen you. You know He has a purpose for you. God has called you to lead His people to become a community that is united in doing His work. Should you not be always grateful and optimistic?

                   Paul reminds these people that the burden of being perfect has been removed. They don’t need to have all the answers now, because they have the rule of Christ calling them to work under His direction. That is where peace is found; real, lasting peace. God’s peace allows you to accept each challenge optimistically. You can see each one as an opportunity to be successful simply by doing what He asks. Peace results when you obey, and when you encourage your people to continue to believe and follow the vision too.

                   Consider, always, the hope you have in Jesus. Rest in His peace, and encourage your people with optimism and gratitude.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 So, if someone is to have a part in Jesus Christ, he must become a new creation. The old ways; the old parts – they all die. Listen – everything will be made new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

                   Old stuff is sticky. Habits, speech, attitudes – everything about a person (and the groups of people who spend time together with them) makes that person or group become who they are. These actions frame the character of the people, and they define the culture of the community around them. To change and re-orient character and culture requires new habits, new ways, and new attitudes. What are you doing to introduce the birth of the new to your people?

                   Paul is saying to these people, and to you, this is not a simple, easy evolution God requires. There are parts of you, and each of your people that must die. Everything that goes forward will be new. That means change – both large -scale and small. Some people and some relationships won’t survive those deaths and become part of your peoples’ new life together. There will be cost where there is truly a change to a new thing. All this change will take courage.

                   Ask the Lord to show you the things that must die. Ask Him to give you courage to replace all the old things that must die with His new things.

Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Jesus is who we put forward, advising, urging, and teaching everyone with all wisdom of the Spirit. We do this so we may see each life be filled and completed as a work of Christ Jesus. (Colossians 1:28)

                   Your community – all the people God has called you to influence and love – is hungry. These people need hope. They need life that is meaningful; that has purpose. They need Jesus – the bread of life (John 6:35). If they are going to last; to make it over the long haul of lives and generations, these people must be unified. Unity will be formed around their definition of the common future they will pursue – your vision. Real, lasting change begins to happen when your people begin to move in the same direction.

                   As Paul observed, this happens one person at a time. As you share the vision God has given you for His future, you point each person toward Him. Advising, urging, and teaching the values critical to the work and the success of the group will bring people to pursue right ends and change what they desire, and how they pursue those desires.

                   Put the vision God has given you firmly in your people’s consciousness and help them find the full, complete lives God desires for them.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


 Who knows if you haven’t come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14)

                  God created this world and everything in it. It belongs to Him. He orchestrates and He wills. He acts, and His purposes will be fulfilled exactly as He desires. He has chosen to love men and women, and to work in and through their lives. He has called you to a specific people, at a time, in a place, where He intends to use you. Will you say yes?

                   Esther was presented with an incredibly dangerous task. As the queen, she had privilege – but not without risks. Mordecai asked her to consider her people’s lives. Their fate was execution if she could not persuade the king to prevent the slaughter. But, Esther had to risk her life. She did this simply by asking for the audience before the king. If she made such a bold request, and the king denied it, she would be killed. After praying and fasting, she took the risk, trusting God’s Providence and power. Her people were saved. Such is the call to each person whom God calls to lead a people. To lead them, you place at risk everything you value except your relationship with Christ.

                   God has called you to a people. Love them enough to risk everything for them.