We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


 Therefore (since we please God, and we find His peace and joy through obeying Him – v.17), let us seek peace and what helps one another. Don’t get in the way of what God is doing for personal gain. There are many things you can choose to do, but you choose what helps rather than hurts another person. (Romans 14:19-20)

                   It is one thing to accept that some pain may come your way, but to choose to deny yourself an indulgence – even when there’s nothing immoral or unethical about doing it – that is another issue altogether. Have you ever consciously chosen not to do something you really wanted to do, just because it may hurt someone else?

                   It seems that Paul is encouraging initiative here. “Do what the Lord tells you to do, and then look around for ways you can encourage others (and refrain from derailing them). Paul knows that you can’t make decisions for other people, but he is saying, “Even when you extend trust enough to love and care for other people, don’t trust them with things that may harm them.” You can often keep people from fooling themselves. That is the fraud that will hurt them the most.

                   Care for others like Jesus cares for you. Let their needs inform and motivate your actions.

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