We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Monday, December 30, 2024


 17-18The seventy-two followers came back – elated, saying, “Master – even the devils obeyed us at the sound of your name.” Jesus said, “I saw the adversary tumble down like lightning from the sky… 20But don’t celebrate that you defeated the demons. Rather, celebrate that the Lord, God makes that victory possible!”(Luke 10:17-20)

                  Do you celebrate? It takes time and costs resources to celebrate. Why would you spend money needlessly to throw a party? Isn’t the satisfaction of experiencing the victory enough? You will celebrate. In whatever way you feel is appropriate, you will take a personal victory lap. The real question is, will you allow your people to join you?

                  Jesus let His people celebrate. He was never in too big of a hurry to focus on them, and what was going on in their lives. This passage likely is a shortened version of a much longer discussion, but Luke does include that Jesus joined in, echoing His peoples’ excitement (vv.18 & 19). Then, He did what every great leader should do. He reminded them it was God’s work that they had done, and that God gave them everything they used to succeed. Jesus pointed all the celebration toward God. They celebrated Him rather than what they had done.

                  Be the leader who sees value in celebration. Show the world that God has worked in and through you and your people each time He does something great.

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