We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

January 1 – ONLY ONE HOPE


We are holding back nothing, putting everything we have and everything we are on our Hope. That Hope is Jesus, and our trust is that He is the answer to what each of us need in our lives. That’s the reason we follow Him so closely each day. (I Timothy 4:10)


Is Jesus really your hope? Or, is it your wits, your management team, your process, and your effort that you count on when it comes down to stressful times?


Paul tells Timothy here that he has made a basic, bottom-line decision; “Jesus is going to be my answer!” Notice too, the way he makes Jesus his answer. Paul says that he follows closely. That gives him opportunity for constant conversation, constant questions, and the chance for Jesus to give (and be) the answer to each situation.


Resolve now only one thing; that each day this year will begin with an affirmation that Jesus is the hope for you, your family, your church, your people, and all the rest of your life.

Monday, December 30, 2024


 17-18The seventy-two followers came back – elated, saying, “Master – even the devils obeyed us at the sound of your name.” Jesus said, “I saw the adversary tumble down like lightning from the sky… 20But don’t celebrate that you defeated the demons. Rather, celebrate that the Lord, God makes that victory possible!”(Luke 10:17-20)

                  Do you celebrate? It takes time and costs resources to celebrate. Why would you spend money needlessly to throw a party? Isn’t the satisfaction of experiencing the victory enough? You will celebrate. In whatever way you feel is appropriate, you will take a personal victory lap. The real question is, will you allow your people to join you?

                  Jesus let His people celebrate. He was never in too big of a hurry to focus on them, and what was going on in their lives. This passage likely is a shortened version of a much longer discussion, but Luke does include that Jesus joined in, echoing His peoples’ excitement (vv.18 & 19). Then, He did what every great leader should do. He reminded them it was God’s work that they had done, and that God gave them everything they used to succeed. Jesus pointed all the celebration toward God. They celebrated Him rather than what they had done.

                  Be the leader who sees value in celebration. Show the world that God has worked in and through you and your people each time He does something great.

Sunday, December 29, 2024


  Jesus kindly responded, “I know you are worried about doing a good job. But there is only one thing most important. Mary chose correctly. I won’t correct her.” (Matthew 10:41-42)

                   When you must correct one of your people, do you do it kindly? Do you talk about issues instead of blame? Do you protect the vital relationships of your group community and avoid needlessly humiliating people? Do you address conflict and its resolution transparently, being sure all parties are included?

                   Jesus spoke to Martha in a way that corrected her misunderstanding, “You have misunderstood what is most important.” He noticed that she was a person who wanted to do well. He acknowledged she had good motives. But, He identified the error. Jesus addressed the issue in the presence of everyone who had heard the charge. He answered her directly, explained why, and so settled the issue. He never chose Mary over Martha. He calmed the situation. You would expect that Martha, given this kind explanation, my simply have dropped her dish towel and joined the others, now united in purpose.

                   When you have conflict in your group, lead like Jesus. Be direct. Be truthful. Be transparent and inclusive. But, be kind, show grace and love, and so build community.

Saturday, December 28, 2024


 (Martha) had a sister, Mary, who sat by Jesus’ feet, listening as He taught. Martha, who was scrambling to prepare for the gathering said to Him, “Doesn’t it bother you that Mary isn’t doing her job; helping me. Tell her she’s wrong!” (Matthew 10:39-40)

                   Where there are two people, there are usually at least two opinions - maybe more. Often one of those opinions or a person’s actions may be wrong. Do you care enough about your people and their development to tell them the truth? Will you risk the negative aspects of conflict and help them to grow?

                   Jesus knows that ignorance is costly. He loved both Mary and Martha. To see conflict erupt in this public way was probably discouraging to Him. How long had they been friends? Why did Martha not understand? Jesus also knows people become side-tracked. That is why staying “at Jesus’ feet,” or focusing on Him and His word is so important. In your group, there will be conflict. You will be engaged in conflict. The question is, will you create conflict where it is necessary and profitable to your people?

                   In a world of choices, where men and women have freedom to choose, there will be poor decisions. Care enough for your people to confront them when they make poor choices.

Friday, December 27, 2024


…. (Jesus gathered them together, privately, and quietly took them away to Bethsaida. (Luke 9:10)

                  Do you take time to concentrate on your people? Remember, Paul said, “the greatest of these (values) is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).” Jesus said the commandments all speak of loving God and other people (Matthew 22:37-40). Your people are fighting the fight each day against fierce opposition, and as a minority in a world that does not play by the same rules. If they are to persevere, they need you to show them some love.

                  It is not surprising that Luke’s abbreviated account of the accountability meeting is immediately followed by a time of team building. Jesus knows people. He understands that work can make you weary, even successful work. He understands that the conflict that can be part of accountability can be discouraging. He knows that people who are accustomed to rejection are looking for signs of their falling from favor. It is difficult for them to be authentic and focused in those times. So, Jesus made time to invest in His people, assuring them of their value to Him.

                  There is much work to do, and it is very challenging to find time for the work of restoration. But, it is valuable, important work. Find the time to invest in loving your people. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024


 Then the followers whom Jesus had sent out returned, and reported back to Him all the work they had done… (Luke 9:10)

                   Good leaders don’t hover after they have given authority to one of their people, but they do hold those people accountable. Do you follow up with your people? Do they expect that they will have to discuss whether they have done what you asked in the way that you asked them to do the work? Do they understand that there will be consequences if they do not faithfully follow the plan they are given to pursue?

                   Jesus continues His development of His people by listening to their analysis of their work. From that report, he knows much about where they are both in understanding what matters, and much about their capacity and willingness to do the work. Such discussions can be challenging; even contentious, but by beginning with the other person’s perspective you are in a much better position to talk about issues. Often, uninformed leaders can cause a person to feel they are being attacked personally rather than being developed.

                   Establish accountability to the vision and values you have been given. Do it well. Do it kindly. Do it with love. But, you must do it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


 1Jesus called a dozen of His followers. He gave them great authority – to drive out evil and to serve, and to heal every disease. 5-7Jesus sent them out saying, “Do not go to Gentiles or Samaritans. I’m sending you to the people of Israel…. Your message is this, ‘The kingdom of heaven is approaching’… 8Give generously of yourself and what I’ve given you…9-15And extend trust.” (Matthew 10:1,5-15)

                  There have been thousands of books, lectures, articles, videos, and sermons on effective leadership and supervision. Jesus gives here the executive summary for all the meaningful advice those efforts include. He selected the right people. He clearly explained their role and responsibility, and He gave them the authority to do the job. After showing them how, Jesus sent them out, explaining carefully the vision (to deliver His message), the people to benefit, and two important values to remember (generosity and trust).

                  If you wish to lead effectively, you must also bring your people together around well-defined values to pursue a clear common vision. You must give each the authority to do the work for which he or she will be held responsible. You must tell them whom to serve, information and examples about how to serve them, and then, when you send them out, you must stay out of their way.

                  Learn from the leader who continues to lead you today. Unite your people around His vision and values to serve His people.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 (Satan said,) “I will give all of it (everything the world has to give) to you, if you submit to me; spend your life following my way.” Jesus said, “That’s enough – get out of here. God’s word is this – ‘Worship the Lord, Your God, and serve Him only.’” (Matthew 4:9-10)

                  How many times have you thought, “Just this once?” Often, when you are tired, or distracted, or facing unusually harsh opposition, Satan will show you what appears to be an easy way out – a shortcut solution. “If you ignore your values; just for a moment, it will go so much better – so much more quickly – so much less pain and cost…” If ever you have chosen this easy way, you know the human cost – to yourself and to others.

                  Jesus must have been tired, and probably weakened by His time praying and fasting. As He came to receive and understand more of the work that lay ahead of Him it must have seemed very intimidating, even to Jesus. Rejection, animosity, pain, loss, and constant opposition lay ahead. But, Jesus persevered. He kept the bigger picture in mind. He remembered that only God’s way would lead to the end He wanted. He remembered that Satan’s shortcuts lead only to death, misery, and destruction.

                  You will be opposed if you pursue God’s vision for your life. When you are opposed, remember God’s words to you immediately. Continue to pursue His vision for your life and work. Persevere, as Jesus did, Him helping you, as you hold to the values and lead your people forward.

Monday, December 23, 2024


 So (Jesus) told John’s followers, “Go back to John and tell him the things you have seen me do, and the things you’ve heard Me say…” (Luke 7:22)

                   Do you dare to tell your people to watch what you do and listen to what you say, so they can judge who you are and what you are? Whether you tell them to do this or not, it will be the primary way they make this judgment. Your people will decide what you think is important by the things they see you do each day, especially in your personal interactions with them. For this reason, if you want to pursue what God has told you, and you want to teach your people to follow Him too, you must be very careful to act with integrity. You must live by your stated, defined values, or those values will have no meaning to your people.

                   If some of your people directly lead others, they must also be held accountable by you for their words and behavior in these relationships. Otherwise your values will have no meaning to any of them. If your people represent you in any relationships with other people, they all will be affected negatively if accountability is not a part of your process.

                   In the end, the values your people are taught are always the values that are modeled, regardless of what is said. Be sure the right values are modeled.

Sunday, December 22, 2024


 Therefore (because God’s unchanging law is forever), anyone who dismisses the least one of these, God’s laws, and teaches other people to do the same thing – that teacher will end up being last in God’s realm. But, the person who pursues right-living and teaches others to do so, will be great in that kingdom. (Matthew 5:19)

                   You will teach your people something. Remember, they are listening to you, looking for clues and creating a mental picture of what is important. Jesus gives you the two alternatives you can choose. You may decide to treat some or all of what is important to God as unimportant, displeasing God. If so, you’ll finish last. Or, you can pursue what He gives you diligently, working to communicate clearly and consistently that everything God says is important. Then you will please God.

                   Jesus says here, “Obeying God, obediently, and helping others understand what to obey, how to obey, and the importance of obeying God, obediently – That is the way to greatness.” Since Jesus included teaching others in His metric, you may want to be intentional about that work as well.

                   Follow the values God gives you. Teach the values to your people. Become great in God’s eyes.


Saturday, December 21, 2024


(Jesus said), “Don’t regard all of this as an indication that I am here to wipe out God’s law or what He said through His prophets. No, I’m coming – bearing in me the completion of those messages.” (Matthew 5:17)

                  Why should you have to define your values? Doesn’t everyone understand simple words like honesty and respect? In fact, no, not even most. Many people have no understanding of the Judeo-Christian concepts of morality. Many more have lived with definitions that are very different from the absolute values in God’s word. Fewer numbers have studied God’s word trying to live what they learn as led by the Holy Spirit.

                  Jesus followed up this statement with examples of what He meant, as He fleshed out some practical implications of the law (Matthew 5:21-48). He gave real-world application to the followers, which He took from everyday life and common circumstances. If your people are to understand your values; what you have promised them will be your guide, you must do the same. If you can’t be sure they understand your meaning, the accountability that is so important to a healthy community will be impossible.

                  Ask the Lord to give you wisdom. Ask Him to make clear to you the values and definitions your people need to live life together in community. 

Friday, December 20, 2024


 Jesus saw the crowds, and He went up on the mountain. As they drew near to Him, He began to share God’s promises; “The poor are blessed that they are rich in the kingdom of God. The mourners, that they will find comfort. The gentle and humble, that they are the heirs to the land. Those who want more of God’s way as if thirsty or starving for it are blessed that God will fill them up…” (Matthew 5:1-6)

                   The values you hold dear; what matters to you, can be communicated and defined for your people by the promises you make to them, and by the promises you require from them. The character of relationships is composed of these promises when they are clearly stated, and even if they are simply learned by watching you.

                   Jesus communicated His promises. These were the promises of God. He did it clearly in words, and with everyday examples people could understand. Here he mentions the feelings of rejection, humiliation, and loss that are so common to the human experience. Then He counters all the negative with God’s promises. God’s best is theirs not only despite their sad state and great needs, but these gifts are the antidotes for these human problems.

                   Your people are looking for someone to promise that they can be valued, loved, and included. Will you make those promises to them today?

Thursday, December 19, 2024


 Like it was said, “I believed; so, I have told it.” We have that same great confidence, so we speak. We know that the God who raised Jesus will bring us through too, and you as well. All this – for and through you – growing more and more to a great celebration that brings glory and honor to God. (2 Corinthians 4:13-15)

                  Your people will be encouraged, and their fears will be calmed, when they can see your steady, consistent confidence in Jesus. Will you keep the assurance of God’s faithfulness in your mind and in front of your people all the time?

                  Paul recalls a verse from Psalms (116:10). In this Psalm, the circumstance was that, “in His great affliction” the writer continued to believe, and therefore continued to speak of God’s glory. The psalm writer says he was changed from the day when adversity had made him despair. Paul begins with reference to this change, saying he too has had this experience. This encourages his friends in Corinth to become new – to see God’s glory and persevere when they are challenged. Ultimately then, through their faith, many other people will come to faith, celebrating and worshipping God. All of this because of one person’s simple, confident belief.

                   Recognize that your actions, because you believe, will be the basis for others to believe in an ever-increasing, geometric progression. The trust of others begins with you.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


 At all times, we carry around in our bodies the same, intentional putting to death of us that Jesus suffered, so that His life will show through our lives. We who are alive are constantly surrendering these earthly bodies to a daily death for Jesus – so that others can see His life in these bodies. In other words, we die so you can live. (2 Corinthians 4:10-12)

                  Have you ever seriously considered the practical implications of this explanation? If you had no hesitation to tell the truth about cost and sacrifice before considering this, you may re-think your approach, huh? What a warm invitation this is to life in Christ.

                   Paul explains, the success that you see; the changed lives around you, will come at your own expense. Denying yourself in this daily death of what you want is the way that your people will come to see, experience, and to embrace Jesus themselves. If you want to see God build a community of faith from the people whom God sends your way, the mortar that holds you and those folks together will be the cost you pay to be obedient to the Holy Spirit; to use your life the way God wants rather than to hold onto it for selfish purposes. As you give your life to Christ, and He lives in you, others will be able to see only Him. That is when change happens.

                   Be the source of change for your community of people. Show them from the beginning how to live in faith.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 Remember, we aren’t preaching the truth according to Paul. We are sent to tell them about Jesus, the Messiah, Lord of the world, and the Master who sent us as His servant to serve and help you. The Lord, God who said, “Light – come from obscurity,” has made His light; the truth about Him that shows who Jesus really is, come out of our hearts for you. (2 Corinthians 4:5-6)

                  What are the things that you should be sure your people understand about their relationship with you? Do you spend a lot of time and energy explaining who you are, and how you do things? Do you wait for a special, right time to let them know why you are, and why they are there with you?

                  Paul is clear. When God sent him to a person it was for him to tell them about Jesus. He didn’t spend a great deal of time and effort qualifying or explaining himself. He didn’t talk a whole lot about anything other than what God sent him to do. Shouldn’t that be true of you? When is too early to tell someone that you do all that you do because you are a servant of Jesus? Or, how long must you have relationship with a person before they hear that you believe life is a series of opportunities to tell people good news?

                   The Bible says to wait upon the Lord. The Bible also teaches that, when God speaks, and He shows you what to do, you should get to the point and obey Him immediately.

Monday, December 16, 2024


 Rather (instead of giving up when you are rejected), we won’t resort to desperate tactics, dishonesty, or try to spin the word of God. No, we transparently present God’s Truth. The, it is up to them. Even if this Truth is hidden, it is only hidden to those who have been blinded by Satan. Choosing the road to certain death, some can’t see God’s light and truth and glory the truth about Jesus. (2 Corinthians 4:2-4)

                   Do you sometimes choose to talk more (or only) about God’s love and care and gifts, and the peace and joy of following? Do you hesitate to give the full picture of what life lived on God’s terms will require of others? Have you ever been surprised to see someone turn away from God angrily when things go wrong, or when times are hard?

                   People deserve the truth. God did not create men and women with the freedom to choose so they could be tricked into choosing relationship with Him. The work with each person God sends you, as Paul explains, is to share the unvarnished truth with them. That is the only way that you can be obedient, and God can be glorified. There is no end that justifies anything less than transparency. Your end is always to obey God’s call.

                   Be transparent. Present the truth about Jesus and His work in your life authentically and honestly.

Sunday, December 15, 2024


 But, if the people in the place I send you do not accept the gift of God’s blessing, get back on the road. Accept their response. Say to them, “We have done all that we are to do. We will not argue, but you must understand that God’s kingdom is coming to reality.” (Luke 10:10-11)

                   How many times have you tried to “fix” another person? How many times has that effort proven to be successful? In the sense that long-term change is required for success to be declared, you likely must admit that you have not been able to succeed. People don’t change unless they decide to change. The strength of your will, your considerable attributes and talents, nor even your love for them will overcome the other person’s choices. You cannot fix someone else.

                   Jesus’ instructions acknowledge this reality. Yes, you are to use those talents and give your love passionately, as God’s Spirit leads you. But, in the end, each person must decide if he or she will pay the cost (everything) required to enjoy life in relationship with God and His prosperity.

                   Recognize that, when your work is done, you must leave. As with every other aspect of life in Christ, that time is determined by God. But, when the Lord says, “leave,” you must not stay. You cannot fix your people.


Saturday, December 14, 2024


 Pray for the Master to provide workers from and for the work of harvest… 9Heal the sick who are there, and tell them, “you have experienced the working presence of God.” (Luke 10: 2,9)

                  Can you keep understanding that it’s not about you when great things are happening, and people are praising you? Can you remember that your work is no more important than that of any other believer, no matter what your role? Can you stay focused on the single person Jesus puts in front of you each moment, even if there are so many you must consider?

                  Twice during His instructions to the seventy-two follower/students, Jesus reminded these people, “It is not about you. This is God’s work.” Think for a moment. There were no believers in these towns where Jesus sent them. The prayer in verse two is for a harvest full of harvesters. The workers to lead the people must rise from the people who would be changed. That takes a miracle of God. It is no less a miracle than to heal the variety of “sickness,” (whether emotional, spiritual, or physical) these people would encounter. All of it was beyond their human capacity.

                  This same work is also your job. And, it is also beyond your capacity, apart from the Holy Spirit’s leadership in your life. It is still God’s work – all of it – every day.

Friday, December 13, 2024


 If the people (where I send you) desire God’s blessing and peace, then His blessing will be theirs. If not, then accept their answer. If you stay, get to now the people well. Understand and participate with them in their daily life; you’ll earn your keep. Don’t jump around. Stay with your people and be content living life with them. (Luke 10:6-8)

                   Do you like the people God has given you? The question is not, “do you love…” because you may feel obligated. The Bible tells you to “love your neighbor…” But, some folks are easier to like than others. Sometimes, one or more of your people will be difficult. Often, the answer to their struggles is found in getting to know them and their situation better. Will you make the investment required to do that? Will you pay that cost of following?

                   Part of Jesus’ instruction here is simply, “get to know your people.” Attitudes, behavior, even emotional, physical, and spiritual health, are greatly influenced by the day-to-day circumstances of a person’s life. Jesus knows that you will have a far better chance of empathizing with a person and the challenges they face if you experience those challenges with them.

                   Take the time to pay attention to the circumstances of your people’s lives. Invest yourself fully in the work of knowing them.

Thursday, December 12, 2024


 After this (Challenging His followers to find those who were willing to pay the costs of following Him), He named seventy-two people, and sent them out in pairs, each to a place He planned to go. He sent them, saying, “There is a great harvest ready, but so few to work. Pray the Master will produce workers from and for that work. You’ll be like little sheep in a wolfpack. Don’t try to prepare, and don’t get side-tracked. Just go where I send you and say, “I bring God’s prosperity to this place.” (Luke 10:1-5)

                  Can you still follow directions? Sometimes, as people grow older and gain experience, their way becomes fixed. Sometimes, they even begin to think they are too far along to change, so any instruction requiring change may be dismissed as unreasonable and therefore, wrong.

                   Jesus didn’t ask these seventy-two followers to tell Him where they should go nor what they should do, nor how they should do it. He told them, in some detail, about every aspect of the work that was important to accomplish His objective for the work that would be done. He knew what each person needed in their own life, and what those whom they would meet needed as well. You don’t know either of those answers. Your job description still reads, “follow Jesus” even when you lead others.

                   Be sure that today, and every day, you find your place in the work by listening for the Lord’s voice.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 Then, Jesus said privately to his followers, “You are so blessed to be able to see all of this! I want you to realize that the prophets and kings would have loved to see and hear and experience the life you are being given” (Luke 10:23-24)

                   How often do you complain? Do you get up some mornings thinking of the challenges of the day with anxiety or even dread? Or, do you understand that every moment of your life is an opportunity to watch and participate in the great work that God is doing in His world and His people? Are you living the dream or the drudgery?

                   Jesus has just celebrated the return of the seventy-two people He commissioned to go ahead of Him. He had challenged them, sent them, heard the stories of God’s work through their lives. Then, He thank God “full of joy through the Holy Spirit (verse 21).” This was a big deal for Jesus! He was excited. So, He made the effort to get his people to stop and take note; to celebrate their great fortune. They had been chosen by God to be part of His work to change lives. You have been chosen too! Celebrate that great opportunity every day.

                  See your great fortune through Jesus’ eyes. Relish the opportunity you have been given to live God’s dream life for you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


 There are different jobs and different ways of working, but it is all God’s work through men and women. Through His Holy Spirit, He gives to each person the understanding needed for their work and their people. (1Corinthians 12:6-7)

                  When you think of Paul’s promise in Philippians 4:19, “My God will make sure you have all you need…” do you think about wisdom, understanding, perspective, and other measures of competence to do your work? “All” means “all,” correct? Was Paul reassuring his friends that God would make sure the funds they sent him would be replenished, or was he showing them that God had brought them to understand, empathize, and experience the joy of partnership with him in his struggles? Maybe it was both!

                   In this passage, Paul clearly thinks of God’s provision broadly. Here, he speaks directly of provision that is given in order that the work can be completed. This is a powerful message to you. With the assurance that you will not run short of what you need to complete the work God wants you to do, your focus can be on the work, and upon the people who need the work to be done. Most human fear is rooted in worries that his promise eliminates.

                   Live confidently, focusing on the vision and values God has given you. Help others to see that He consistently provides for the work he commissions.

Monday, December 9, 2024


 But the results that give evidence of God’s Holy Spirit working in a life are evident in what you see. They are a love for other people, cheerful happiness, an inner calm and peace, a willingness to wait. These people are kind and gentle, consistently good, and are unruffled by challenges. You can’t make these traits appear by force. Rules don’t bring these results. (Galatians 5:22-23)

                  People who lead are often fond of rules. Rules are simple. If you could only list the important dos and don’ts in one place, and then threaten consequences for those who don’t follow that list, it would be so easy…. Well, not really. Remember the Ten Commandments? Like it happens today, the short list didn’t work, so people in power created many more rules that no one followed, not even the leaders. Why not? Why don’t rules work?

                   Paul observes, the important values of God can’t be created with rules. Jesus explained, “It’s from your very core; your heart, that you desire evil ways and hate others. (Matthew 15:19)” Jesus restored your ability to relate to God through the Holy Spirit living in you. With your heart focused on Christ in you, you can live the life that Paul describes.

                   Understand that living God’s values is an issue of the heart. Frame these values as promises from Him and from you - because of His love – not as rules.

Sunday, December 8, 2024


 I am sure that the faith of your ancestors has become yours. We affirmed that gift, and we are praying for you. Charge ahead with that Spirit leading you – just as if it were a consuming fire. Be bold in using that power to discipline yourself and love other people. (2 Timothy 1:5)

                   What controls you? Many people, especially those who have been successful, fear loss or failure or pain. That fear is often what turns their bold thoughts into passing ideas. Living boldly with self-control is a very difficult balancing act for most people. Charging ahead is not usually considered a part of discipline. How do you accomplish this balance and go all out without fear of rejection or humiliation when God calls to you?

                   Paul argues that it is Timothy’s faith in the Holy Spirit of God constantly leading him that will enable him to have this confidence. His act of self-discipline is simply to focus intently on what God tells him to do next. Paul also hints at another helpful constant. Jesus is always focusing His work on people. He always loves you and the other people around you. That orientation will always mark His work in and through your life.

                   Focus on the vision God has given you, and upon the people who are the face of that vision, and then charge ahead. Set your community on fire for Jesus.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


 The disciples of Jesus did what Jesus instructed; they brought the donkey and its young colt. Then, Jesus sat on their coats atop the colt. A massive crowd gathered, spreading their coats and tree branches on the road before Him. The crowd burst into praise, surrounding Him and shouting, “Oh, save us Son of David! Celebrate the one coming in the Lord’s name! Oh, save us Most High!” (Matthew 21:6-9)

                  Have you ever noticed – those who truly have great authority, strength, and power don’t really need to advertise it? People who wish to be thought powerful, or to be feared, will often flex their muscles to be sure they are noticed and admired by others. Men and women who are focused on the work, and especially those who are intently focusing on the people who will benefit from their work, don’t really have time to pose and flex.

                  People gave Jesus great authority over their lives because they saw evidence of great power and strength in His actions. But, rarely did Scripture record an action where Jesus raised His voice or became aggressive in any way. The power He exhibited was God’s transforming, healing, restoring strength. It flowed through Jesus with only a simple word or a gently touch. You have that power and strength within you as well.

                  Pursue the vision God has given you with the quiet, gentle confidence that comes from knowing your God is in control of your life and the world around you.

Friday, December 6, 2024


 You are true to your word; faithful from the beginning to the end of all time. Just as you created the earth, and it remains through time. (Psalm 119:90)

                   Do you realize that your best efforts are certain to fall short of perfect? Part of the human condition is inconsistency. Inconsistent behavior makes it a certainty that men and women cannot be and do everything they wish to do perfectly. So, how do you be that person who has the integrity to consistently be and do what you should – faithfully; every time?

                   The psalmist repeatedly observed evidence of God’s consistent faithfulness, both in relationship to him personally, and in the world at large. But, as life’s experience proves, he surely found that it was impossible to emulate that character. Jesus revealed the problem (John 15:4-5). Paul explained God’s answer for that problem, as he said, “Although I can’t do the right things I wish to do on my own (Romans 7:19-24), Jesus lives in me (Galatians 2:20), and that life that Jesus lives in and through me gives me the ability to accomplish God’s purposes (Colossians 1:27).”

                   Don’t do your best. Don’t settle for that. Hold out (wait) for Jesus to live in and through your life as your hope for consistency and faithfulness to God’s will.

Thursday, December 5, 2024


 And Jesus said, “Why do you say that I am good? No one; nothing except for the Lord, God is good (excellent, virtuous, principled…).” (Mark 10:18)

                  What is your standard for excellence in attitude, thought, and behavior? Do you have a list? Have you worked hard to assemble a self-created code of laws to govern your own conduct and that of your people? If so, you are settling for something that is less than ideal.

                   Jesus is here answering the question, “What must I do to become an heir to the life God offers?” This statement is Jesus’ summary of that answer. He continued with a reference to God’s law and challenged His questioner. Finally, Jesus observed the hopeless condition of a person who thinks he or she can find real life, meaning, and purpose – either here on earth, or eternally – apart from relationship with the living, virtuous God who truly is good. The Lord, God has values. He has a framework designed specifically for your life, and for the life of each of your people. Your list of rules is not adequate to govern you, much less will those rules be enough for the unique, diverse people you will lead. Your words and actions must encourage them to find relationship with Jesus if you are to help them prosper.

                   Don’t settle for human goodness. Put all your hope in the Lord’s complete goodness

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 (In my despair and anguish) Yet I go back to this – and so I have hope. It is because of the Lord, God – His unfailing love that we have not been killed. His kind mercy comes every morning – always. So, I know the Lord, He is where I live. In Him alone will I hope. The Lord, God cares for each one – each of the people who follow Him. (Lamentations 3:21-25)

                  Are you ready to put this together? Will you try? God is faithful! Place all your hopes and dreams – all your life – in His hands.

                  Lamentations is a unique book. It shows what happens when people rebel against God. This book chronicles the pain and depravity of sin. In the middle of this description of evil and hopelessness, the writer points to the one and only hope; the Lord, God. Apart from His continuing, unfailing, vast reservoir of love, caring, and kindness, there is no hope. Because of that love – while you still have breath – there is hope and opportunity. God created you. He is calling you to enjoy the peace and joy of finding purpose in each moment – not tomorrow, nor when you die – today! God has made you uniquely. He has a plan – a vision – for your life. He has created you to grasp His truth in unique ways, and He will share that values framework with you! He has prepared others to partner with you in the work you will do.

                  Recognize the unfailing kindness of Jesus Christ. Place all your hope in His love today.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 So, my beloved people, as you await Christ’s return, do everything you can to pursue a close relationship with Him. Persevere in pursuing His way. Be patient, knowing that His patience means opportunity for other people to know His love, just as our beloved brother Paul wrote you from the wisdom that God gave Him. (2 Peter 3:15)

                  Do you ever feel that you are all alone in the battle? Do you get weary and tire of seeking to do the right thing when it is so hard? Do you long for Jesus to return, and bring end to the struggles you face? Should your supply of patience be greater? When you consider Peter’s explanation, does it make you more willing to persevere?

                  Peter has written two letters. Both have urged personal holiness; obedience to the leadership of God’s Holy Spirit – consistently. He has provided the reasons for such faith and he has recited the benefits of that obedience. He has also warned of the dangers and problems that come when people turn away from God defiantly. As Peter closes this second letter, he has come to value perseverance. Interestingly, he includes Paul in his words. Maybe he was reminded of how hard it was for him to keep dealing with Paul, patiently asking God to show them the way to unity. Maybe he is reminding the readers, “I have had struggles too, but with God’s help, I have made it through to my end.”

                  When you are ready to give up, ask God to give you the love for others that will help you to patiently persevere.

Monday, December 2, 2024


 Aggressively chase after peacemaking with everyone while you seek the personal holiness that enables your relationship with the Lord, God. (Hebrews 12:14)

                  When someone wrongs you, do you understand that the Lord wants you to pursue peace with that person? Do you see that your right-living; your holiness, is closely connected with your relationships with your people? Remember, it is God who has brought these people into your life. There is a purpose. How can you obey His vision for your life if you cannot make peace with the people He gave you to help you in that work?

                  The writer of Hebrews repeats these two challenges – repeatedly (Hebrews 10:23-28, 10:34-38, 13:1-6,13:16). They seem to be a very import part of his values framework. He joins the two values at every opportunity. Could this be one disciple’s effort to wrestle with the words of Jesus when He said, “Love the Lord you God with everything in you – heart, soul, and mind…. And… love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself? (Matthew 22:37,39)” Reading this letter, it also seems he has found a paradox. By peacemaking with others, the writer sees a pathway to right-living and inner peace that he desires for himself. Such insight is available to you if you take the values framework God gives you seriously and ask Him to increase your understanding of His will for you.

                  Find the peace the Lord provides as you grow in relationship with Him.

Sunday, December 1, 2024


 Think of it as joy; be glad brothers, when you find yourself in very tough situations. You can be sure that this test of your faith will build your ability to patiently endure. These trials work to bring you to maturity, sound and complete in every way. So, keep going until God brings you to completion. (James 1:2-4)

                  It is very important for you to have a strong command of the values framework that God is giving you. Words, especially words that describe values, are often viewed differently – sometimes with great emotion attached - by different people. People often define words differently too. So, it is very important that you clearly state, define, and live your values without the confusion of mixed messages.

                  James’ value of being joyful in tough situations is not one most people would choose these days. Some psychologists say everything people do is motivated by a desire to avoid such pain. See how James painted the picture for his reader to help them understand his ‘Why?’ The ‘why?’ is very important when you are arguing for a value that goes against another person’s perceptions.

                   Consider your values and their definition in view of how they will be received by your people. Recognize that your actions and policy can be an important part of defining them. And, don’t forget to tell your people the ‘why?’ of your values

Saturday, November 30, 2024


 8-9Love does not ever fall short. Other important things may not always be part of the work. God may not give you a prophetic word. Your gift of tongues may be restrained. Your knowledge may not be enough. Because, what we know today, and what we understand about tomorrow are incomplete…13In summary, the big three: faith, hope, and love; but the biggest is love. (1Corinthians 13:8-9,13)

                  What are values? Most people understand that values are principles that define morality and serve to encourage ethical behavior. You hold many values – but some values you ‘value’ more than others. As a follower of Christ, you have a few concepts that form your framework for understanding your relationship with Him. These values, whether you have paused to identify them or not, have been given to you to help you grow in your relationship with God.

                  Paul had three parts to his framework. Throughout his writings he defined faith, hope, and love for his people with both his words and his actions. For much of this understanding, the Holy Spirit awakened in him the Scripture he had studied all his life. It seemed to fit best into these three values as he had come to define them.

                  Pray today that the Lord will speak to you, and that He will give you clarity as to the values that are most important to you and your people. Ask the Lord to help you articulate and define this framework for you and your people.

Friday, November 29, 2024


 Finally - my family - let transparency, integrity, innocent holiness, purity, gratitude, and kindness consume your thoughts and inform your hearts. Project your desire to be an excellent servant. (Philippians 4:8)

                   Paul was given vision by God. He saw a future where many people would decide to follow Jesus. His words before and after this passage (vv. 4-9) describe these followers living life on God’s terms. Moreover, Paul was able to tell these people, his people in Philippi, to emulate his actions, and to do the things he had encouraged them to do because he had consistently pursued that vision. Note that all these admonitions are stated in positive terms.

                   Do you focus your efforts on pursuing the vision God has given you? Do you lead your people in a positive way toward pursuing that vision in unity together? This is not to suggest that you should ignore difficult or negative circumstances. However, your focus should be primarily on the positive ends that you pursue. Paul said elsewhere in this letter, “I am pursuing the goal so that I can accomplish what God has called me to do in Christ Jesus.”

                   Pursue the goal (vision) God has called you to accomplish. Point your people toward that goal with positive encouragement.


Thursday, November 28, 2024


Then, His people came to Jesus asking, “Who gets the highest position in your kingdom?” Jesus called a little child to stand before them and He said, “Listen, unless you change your perspective; see yourself as the immature children you are, you’ll never even see the kingdom. The one who humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1-4)

                  Many of your people today have no connection to a cultural values framework. Your choice is to either establish detailed rules, or else to establish and define shared values for your community. If that community is going to encourage an environment of trust, fairness, and consistency, as perceived by your people, your group needs the right values. How do you create that list? How do you know which values are most important, and how to clearly communicate these mutual promises to your people?

                  In this story, the disciples were really asking Jesus, “We want to earn our way to the top of your kingdom.” How surprised they must have been to hear Jesus say they must start with humility! And, He used a child as His object lesson. Children look to adults for direction, and they trust what they are told. They assume the parent knows best. That is what Jesus wants for you, both personally, and as you lead others.

                  True discernment, the kind that leads to a change in culture and health, comes only from God. Let Him have control of your decisions and your every action.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


 When Cephas came to Antioch, I confronted him directly – face-to-face. I saw that he was acting hypocritically; bringing condemnation on himself and leading others away from truth. (Galatians 2:11)

                  When you see a friend messing up in a way that will harm that person and others around them, will you step up to address it? Do you feel a responsibility for praying; asking God to give you direction? Do you act when the Holy Spirit moves you to speak? There is great risk – to relationships, self-interest, even to the entire group, when someone falls short of the community’s stated values. It is a big deal.

                  Paul and Peter (Cephas) were two of the most visible leaders of the early church. Conflict between them was a serious issue that carried a high degree of risk. Paul must have wondered how it would end, when he decided to confront Peter with his failure. Fortunately, we know from Peter himself that he and Paul continued to have a solid, perhaps better, relationship (2 Peter 3:15), but Paul could not have been sure of this ending when he approached Peter. Fortunately, Peter did listen, and the church community was strengthened.

                   Measuring your own performance, and the actions of your people is important ongoing work. Holding them, and yourself accountable in humility is a critical part of creating a strong values-based culture.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 And the Lord, God said, “I am the One who has rescued you. You will have no other gods to rival Me. Nor will you worship anything in the sky, on land, or sea… Don’t misuse my name… Remember I created the Sabbath day – observe it… Honor your parents… Don’t murder, commit adultery, steal, or lie about another person. And don’t wish for what other people have.” (Exodus 20:1-17, abbreviated)

                  Do you know what is important to you? Can you tell someone what matters from your perspective? To be a thoughtful person with integrity, you must identify what attributes you value. Certainly, if you will lead your people well, you must communicate and define these values. Without that explanation, there is no fair measure for your evaluation of their conduct. And, experience teaches that what the leader says and does is what the followers will do.

                  God clearly explained to the Israelites these values. This law; the ten commandments, became the standard for their conduct. Jesus communicated these truths and other truth about God and His Kingdom using statements of values, and through His own actions. In the absence of good consistent communication about your expectations, there can be no accountability in your group. With clearly defined values, fair evaluation can be a reality.

                   Give your people understanding of the values that the Lord gives you to communicate. Lead them to prosperity as you measure each other by these standards each day.

Monday, November 25, 2024


 You are truly blessed of the Lord God when you recognize your poverty, and you rely upon God for everything. With this understanding, you hold the keys to the kingdom. (Luke 6:20)

                  Are you poor? Does this verse make you uncomfortable? At what point do you have enough (money, intellect, power) relative to other people, so that you believe you are secure and self-sufficient? Do your words communicate arrogance or a humble heart that understands all you possess – except your relationship with God – is temporary?

                  Jesus may have been thinking of God’s word through Isaiah when He spoke these words. Isaiah had said, “Don’t you remember I made everything? I am looking for the person who knows his or her place; who hangs on my every word. (Isaiah 66:2). The fundamental truth; the “I AM” of history, is God. God is all-powerful, always present, all-knowing, both loving and just. He is the creator, sustainer, and the source of all truth. Compared to Him, no person has a reason for pride, apart from God’s involvement in his or her life. Nothing you have will give you security. You are not self-sufficient. Accepting this, and recognizing that only God is your security, is a fundamental truth for you if you will be effective.

                  Grow in the humility that sees God as the source of all strength and power. Embrace your role as a carrier of that gift through the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


At every opportunity; whenever someone asks you for anything, offer what you have. And, even when they take something that is yours, don’t ask them to return it. Be creative – find ways to do for them what you dream others would do for you. (Luke 6:30-31)

                   Do your people treat the people around them like family? Do you give to one of your group as easily as you would give to a spouse, a parent, or a child when they have a need? Do other people trust that you will try to help when someone has a problem or a need?

                   Jesus is describing here the attitudes that His people should have. He describes the value of generosity that caused Him to explain at other times that giving rather than receiving is the way to real joy (Acts 20:35). Generosity, as Jesus taught and lived it, was not limited by self-preservation, nor what others would call wise restraint. The only limitation for Jesus was He would not give enough to hurt the other person. With genuine empathy He considered what was best for each situation, and then gave without limit.

                   Invest yourself generously. By this action you will grow a community of people who will also respond without reservation to the needs of the people around them.