We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Saturday, November 30, 2024


 8-9Love does not ever fall short. Other important things may not always be part of the work. God may not give you a prophetic word. Your gift of tongues may be restrained. Your knowledge may not be enough. Because, what we know today, and what we understand about tomorrow are incomplete…13In summary, the big three: faith, hope, and love; but the biggest is love. (1Corinthians 13:8-9,13)

                  What are values? Most people understand that values are principles that define morality and serve to encourage ethical behavior. You hold many values – but some values you ‘value’ more than others. As a follower of Christ, you have a few concepts that form your framework for understanding your relationship with Him. These values, whether you have paused to identify them or not, have been given to you to help you grow in your relationship with God.

                  Paul had three parts to his framework. Throughout his writings he defined faith, hope, and love for his people with both his words and his actions. For much of this understanding, the Holy Spirit awakened in him the Scripture he had studied all his life. It seemed to fit best into these three values as he had come to define them.

                  Pray today that the Lord will speak to you, and that He will give you clarity as to the values that are most important to you and your people. Ask the Lord to help you articulate and define this framework for you and your people.

Friday, November 29, 2024


 Finally - my family - let transparency, integrity, innocent holiness, purity, gratitude, and kindness consume your thoughts and inform your hearts. Project your desire to be an excellent servant. (Philippians 4:8)

                   Paul was given vision by God. He saw a future where many people would decide to follow Jesus. His words before and after this passage (vv. 4-9) describe these followers living life on God’s terms. Moreover, Paul was able to tell these people, his people in Philippi, to emulate his actions, and to do the things he had encouraged them to do because he had consistently pursued that vision. Note that all these admonitions are stated in positive terms.

                   Do you focus your efforts on pursuing the vision God has given you? Do you lead your people in a positive way toward pursuing that vision in unity together? This is not to suggest that you should ignore difficult or negative circumstances. However, your focus should be primarily on the positive ends that you pursue. Paul said elsewhere in this letter, “I am pursuing the goal so that I can accomplish what God has called me to do in Christ Jesus.”

                   Pursue the goal (vision) God has called you to accomplish. Point your people toward that goal with positive encouragement.


Thursday, November 28, 2024


Then, His people came to Jesus asking, “Who gets the highest position in your kingdom?” Jesus called a little child to stand before them and He said, “Listen, unless you change your perspective; see yourself as the immature children you are, you’ll never even see the kingdom. The one who humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:1-4)

                  Many of your people today have no connection to a cultural values framework. Your choice is to either establish detailed rules, or else to establish and define shared values for your community. If that community is going to encourage an environment of trust, fairness, and consistency, as perceived by your people, your group needs the right values. How do you create that list? How do you know which values are most important, and how to clearly communicate these mutual promises to your people?

                  In this story, the disciples were really asking Jesus, “We want to earn our way to the top of your kingdom.” How surprised they must have been to hear Jesus say they must start with humility! And, He used a child as His object lesson. Children look to adults for direction, and they trust what they are told. They assume the parent knows best. That is what Jesus wants for you, both personally, and as you lead others.

                  True discernment, the kind that leads to a change in culture and health, comes only from God. Let Him have control of your decisions and your every action.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


 When Cephas came to Antioch, I confronted him directly – face-to-face. I saw that he was acting hypocritically; bringing condemnation on himself and leading others away from truth. (Galatians 2:11)

                  When you see a friend messing up in a way that will harm that person and others around them, will you step up to address it? Do you feel a responsibility for praying; asking God to give you direction? Do you act when the Holy Spirit moves you to speak? There is great risk – to relationships, self-interest, even to the entire group, when someone falls short of the community’s stated values. It is a big deal.

                  Paul and Peter (Cephas) were two of the most visible leaders of the early church. Conflict between them was a serious issue that carried a high degree of risk. Paul must have wondered how it would end, when he decided to confront Peter with his failure. Fortunately, we know from Peter himself that he and Paul continued to have a solid, perhaps better, relationship (2 Peter 3:15), but Paul could not have been sure of this ending when he approached Peter. Fortunately, Peter did listen, and the church community was strengthened.

                   Measuring your own performance, and the actions of your people is important ongoing work. Holding them, and yourself accountable in humility is a critical part of creating a strong values-based culture.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


 And the Lord, God said, “I am the One who has rescued you. You will have no other gods to rival Me. Nor will you worship anything in the sky, on land, or sea… Don’t misuse my name… Remember I created the Sabbath day – observe it… Honor your parents… Don’t murder, commit adultery, steal, or lie about another person. And don’t wish for what other people have.” (Exodus 20:1-17, abbreviated)

                  Do you know what is important to you? Can you tell someone what matters from your perspective? To be a thoughtful person with integrity, you must identify what attributes you value. Certainly, if you will lead your people well, you must communicate and define these values. Without that explanation, there is no fair measure for your evaluation of their conduct. And, experience teaches that what the leader says and does is what the followers will do.

                  God clearly explained to the Israelites these values. This law; the ten commandments, became the standard for their conduct. Jesus communicated these truths and other truth about God and His Kingdom using statements of values, and through His own actions. In the absence of good consistent communication about your expectations, there can be no accountability in your group. With clearly defined values, fair evaluation can be a reality.

                   Give your people understanding of the values that the Lord gives you to communicate. Lead them to prosperity as you measure each other by these standards each day.

Monday, November 25, 2024


 You are truly blessed of the Lord God when you recognize your poverty, and you rely upon God for everything. With this understanding, you hold the keys to the kingdom. (Luke 6:20)

                  Are you poor? Does this verse make you uncomfortable? At what point do you have enough (money, intellect, power) relative to other people, so that you believe you are secure and self-sufficient? Do your words communicate arrogance or a humble heart that understands all you possess – except your relationship with God – is temporary?

                  Jesus may have been thinking of God’s word through Isaiah when He spoke these words. Isaiah had said, “Don’t you remember I made everything? I am looking for the person who knows his or her place; who hangs on my every word. (Isaiah 66:2). The fundamental truth; the “I AM” of history, is God. God is all-powerful, always present, all-knowing, both loving and just. He is the creator, sustainer, and the source of all truth. Compared to Him, no person has a reason for pride, apart from God’s involvement in his or her life. Nothing you have will give you security. You are not self-sufficient. Accepting this, and recognizing that only God is your security, is a fundamental truth for you if you will be effective.

                  Grow in the humility that sees God as the source of all strength and power. Embrace your role as a carrier of that gift through the Holy Spirit’s work in your life.

Sunday, November 24, 2024


At every opportunity; whenever someone asks you for anything, offer what you have. And, even when they take something that is yours, don’t ask them to return it. Be creative – find ways to do for them what you dream others would do for you. (Luke 6:30-31)

                   Do your people treat the people around them like family? Do you give to one of your group as easily as you would give to a spouse, a parent, or a child when they have a need? Do other people trust that you will try to help when someone has a problem or a need?

                   Jesus is describing here the attitudes that His people should have. He describes the value of generosity that caused Him to explain at other times that giving rather than receiving is the way to real joy (Acts 20:35). Generosity, as Jesus taught and lived it, was not limited by self-preservation, nor what others would call wise restraint. The only limitation for Jesus was He would not give enough to hurt the other person. With genuine empathy He considered what was best for each situation, and then gave without limit.

                   Invest yourself generously. By this action you will grow a community of people who will also respond without reservation to the needs of the people around them.

Saturday, November 23, 2024


(Those who rejected Jesus failed yet again) But you – believers – followers – God picked you! You are Priests. As His own, favorite people, you can be Holy – part of His royal family. Show other people the way to this Jesus; the Christ who rescued you from a meaningless existence to give you His magnificent purposes. (1 Peter 2:9)

                   Is your group a community full of leaders? Are you working toward that end? Would you like to have more of your people growing to love and care about others?

                   Peter was serious about rocks. Maybe it was because Rock (Cephas) was the name Jesus gave to him as a replacement for Simon (God has heard) when Simon first identified Jesus as the Christ (Matthew 16:16). In a way, this was Jesus explaining to His followers the truth that Peter tells others here. Jesus is that rock on which prosperous lives must be based. When you are adopted into His Holy family, you begin to follow Him. As you grow in that relationship, you inherit His purpose of providing others help in restoring their relationship with God and with each other.

                   Help your people find their identity as a co-rock; a partner in God’s purposes. It will provide meaning in your life and in the lives of those whom you are called to lead.

Friday, November 22, 2024


 The person who is sure his intellect and emotions will tell him the right thing to do – that person is stupid. But, the person who follows the Lord’s path finds wisdom, and that person will be rescued. (Proverbs 28:26)

                   How do you make decisions? Are you confident that your experience, intellect, and intuition are going to render sound decisions? The Bible repeatedly says that this state of self-reliance is foolish pride. The world tells you that it is the way to be wise. Who will you believe?

                   The statements in this passage assume that life is filled with challenges beyond the capacity of human intellect and rational thought. The passage argues for a relationship of dependence on God for your decisions each day. The greatest deception of Satan is found here; the one that we call “original sin” (Genesis 3:15) shows it clearly. The root decision of your personal life is, “will you trust in God or trust in yourself?” You cannot carve out segments of your life where you are in charge. You cannot give God the big issues, and you handle the details because that would imply you can determine which issues are big.

                   Don’t deceive yourself on this point. Then, help your people to see and live in truth with you. You nor your people are competent to live a prosperous life without God’s constant involvement. Give all your decisions to Him.

Thursday, November 21, 2024


 (God’s plan to make us different) is so there will not be splits and battles among you; so that you will each be concerned about the other person because their contribution is so important to the group’s welfare. (1Corinthians 12:25)

                  Do you see others in your group as valuable, unique partners in pursuing God’s vision? Do you remind your people often that each person, you included, is dependent upon the others for the prosperity of the whole? Or, do you believe you, or another leader, are more important than the rest, and so foster fear and selfishness among your people? If you help your people see relationships from God’s perspective, you will prepare them to thrive as a group.

                  In Paul’s time, as today, the default attitude for everyday people was to see other people as rivals, competitors for vital resources, and as enemies. Paul’s explanation that the Lord designed us to be mutually dependent and cooperative was – and is – exactly the opposite of the world’s expert opinions. This world’s dog-eat-dog existence gives opportunity for a person to rationalize almost any behavior under a mistaken idea that their self-preservation demands an extraordinary action. That’s how thieves bring themselves to steal and murderers to kill. In God’s world, people see abundance, but here in this world there is never enough to go around.

                  Lead your people to embrace the unity and trust in God that dispels fear and prevents a selfish perspective.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


 The reason I wrote was to see if you are found to be trustworthy and are obeying all God requires of you. (2Corinthians 2:9)

                  A strong relationship of trust is not about benefitting and then abandoning the person while wishing them the best. Extending trust genuinely requires valuing a person enough to love them into a mutually accountable relationship. That investment of your time and energy to provide or plan for feedback and help to navigate uncertain, new paths is often the costliest action you can take. Will you pay that cost?

                  Paul knows that you can trust a person too much; so much that they will be harmed by your refusal to continue accepting the responsibility for your people’s welfare. The Corinthian people were part of Paul’s responsibility, and he continued to monitor and encourage them regularly. With constant temptation, and the cares of everyday life, your people need for you to love them enough to stay involved in their lives. As you grant them authority, they do become responsible for their part, but you continue to bear responsibility for obeying God’s command to love them. In the absence of accountability, your people will often deceive themselves as they are left to measure their own actions.

                   Love your people enough to help them avoid this deception. Give them the accountability they need to continue pursuing God’s vision for their lives.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


 Therefore (since we please God, and we find His peace and joy through obeying Him – v.17), let us seek peace and what helps one another. Don’t get in the way of what God is doing for personal gain. There are many things you can choose to do, but you choose what helps rather than hurts another person. (Romans 14:19-20)

                   It is one thing to accept that some pain may come your way, but to choose to deny yourself an indulgence – even when there’s nothing immoral or unethical about doing it – that is another issue altogether. Have you ever consciously chosen not to do something you really wanted to do, just because it may hurt someone else?

                   It seems that Paul is encouraging initiative here. “Do what the Lord tells you to do, and then look around for ways you can encourage others (and refrain from derailing them). Paul knows that you can’t make decisions for other people, but he is saying, “Even when you extend trust enough to love and care for other people, don’t trust them with things that may harm them.” You can often keep people from fooling themselves. That is the fraud that will hurt them the most.

                   Care for others like Jesus cares for you. Let their needs inform and motivate your actions.

Monday, November 18, 2024


 Even though people are terrible, and they will lie about me, I’m going to obey what you tell me to do with all my heart. Even though others won’t understand, I will embrace this pain, and all that goes with it, if I can learn to live life your way. (Psalm 119:69-71)

                  Do you love God enough to obey Him when it hurts? Can you overcome your fear of pain or loss with your trust in Jesus and His promises? The difficulties are inevitable when your work requires extending trust to people. Are you willing to embrace this difficulty as a necessary part of the job?

                   Scholars have said that the basic principles of God; His values, are repeated often throughout Scripture. If this is true, there is suffering for each person who would live life on God’s terms. Jesus explained that suffering has long been a part of obeying God, and that such suffering is part of following Him (Matthew 5:11-12). Paul, Peter, and others explain that your willingness to accept personal loss is an important part of both showing God’s love to others, and of growing in understanding of His love for you. Just as physical pain can teach lessons to every person, the suffering you experience because you follow Jesus is part of bringing you to spiritual maturity.

                   Understand and trust that God’s love for you will be worth the costs of following His way.

Sunday, November 17, 2024


 There’s nothing to trust about mere mortals. Men can’t save you. When a man dies, so do his plans. And, he returns to dust. Real help and blessing – that comes from God. The Lord of Jacob who made everything is the trusted judge who helps those who suffer. (Psalm 146:3-7)

                  Here again, you are advised by Scripture not to expect men and women to be trustworthy. How often have you wondered, “can I trust this person who needs my help?” Maybe you’re worried that, “they will just waste this opportunity. Why should I invest in them (again)?” If so, you are in luck. This passage gives both correct answers to your questions.

                  Absolutely, no! Men and women aren’t even capable of insuring that they will do what they say. They are not trustworthy. And, absolutely, yes! The Lord, God – who created them – loves them (and you). He provides real help and blessing. He can be trusted. Jesus came to find and rescue hopeless, helpless people who were otherwise headed for self-destruction (Luke 19:10). Paul recognized that this purpose becomes your purpose as you follow Christ. He said, “this love of Jesus compels us. (2 Corinthians 5:14)”

It compels you to extend trust to those who don’t deserve it – people just like you.

                   Place your trust in God alone. But, extend His love - in that trust – to other people each day as He leads you.

Saturday, November 16, 2024


Do not look for support from a friend, nor place your trust in a companion. Careful even with one who sleeps in your arms. Even the son dishonors his father, and a daughter opposes her mother. (Micah 7:5-6)

                   Have you ever been betrayed? Have you been victimized by fraud? Have people you held in esteem ever shaped “facts” to influence or persuade you to agree with or to benefit themselves? If you have graduated from kindergarten, your answer is probably yes.

                   Micah concludes his prophetic word from the Lord with a few observations. His verdict on Israel was not flattering. He concluded that none of those people were trustworthy. So, you shouldn’t be surprised that you find those around you to be the same. People will let you down. There are frauds all around. In this world, you will even see that you can’t trust yourself! Fortunately, Micah’s conclusion brings hope for people as well. God can be trusted, and He is compassionate to His people.

                   Recognize that God alone is trustworthy. All others will ultimately fail to be a faithful friend to you at times. God should be at the top of your list of valued relationships. God alone is the person who will always bring value to your life.

Friday, November 15, 2024


 For this reason (because Jesus has given us the work of bringing others to Him), we are His representatives. It’s like God Himself is inviting people through us as His way to communicate with them. So, we invite you, even beg earnestly and humbly that you, on Christ’s behalf. Please, please choose God. Let Him transform you! (2 Corinthians 5:20)

                  Do you ever rush about, trying to do the things that will accomplish God’s work of saving people? Do you think and plan and try to figure out what is the best way to reach them in a way they will respond? If so, where is your attention? Is it on your creativity and wits, or do you look for the things other people are doing? Or, are you paying attention to God, looking for Him to give you the plan, and waiting for Him to show you the person you are to invite?

                  Listen to Paul as he explains to the people at Corinth. He says it so well. “God is inviting people through us.” This much is clear, God is choosing the time, place, person, and the means of contact and invitation. It is as if Paul is saying, “all we have to do is deliver the invitation to you.” He does this as well as he can, with passion and love, but he does only what God leads him to do. He knows anything else would be to try and force God’s hand.

                  Trust that God loves you enough to include you. Believe that he will give you meaningful work. Wait expectantly for Jesus to show you whom to invite

Thursday, November 14, 2024


 “This is my promise to my people after those days” (when Jesus conquers sin by His atoning sacrifice allowing God’s people to relate to Him as He has always intended) says the Lord and Master God, “I am going to place within them – at their core and etched into their minds – My truth and what I want from them.” (Hebrews 10:16)

                  There is another choice to be made if you will be this sign for your people. Will you learn about God, memorize and quote His words and decide which of His written laws you will follow? Or, will you pay attention to Him, listen to the Holy Spirit as you read His word and live in His world, and seek to recognize Him and His works in the people around you?

                  The writer of Hebrews is quoting Jeremiah here, as he argues that a person can never know so much about God and what God wants, that He can determine what is important each moment. Without the Holy Spirit, active in your life, it is impossible to behave in a way that will please the Lord. Instead, Jeremiah argues that Jesus has created a new way (vv. 20-25) that requires only that you be attentive to the Lord in community with your people, so that you may encourage and help each other. God now takes the responsibility for your prosperity if you will lead your people to Him.

                   Point your people not to what you tell them about what God says, but to the Lord, God Himself.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


 All the world is witness today. I’m giving you a choice – right out in the open – life or death; prosperity or ruin. Choose life – live – love your Lord, God and do what He says. Hang on to Him because He is your very life! (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

                   Do you concentrate on the after-life or the now life? Do you dwell on controlling the impulses to sin and doing the things that the someone else says that you’re supposed to do, or do you focus on Jesus and what He is doing right now? Is what He wants you to do most important to you? There is great value in Scripture, a church family is helpful, even critical to provide accountability and encouragement. You should oppose sin and your flesh, and the life to come will be ecstasy. All of this is true. But, God’s call is to relationship – and life in Him – today!!!

                   Moses is calling on his people to pursue prosperity rather than destruction and death (Deuteronomy 30:15). He poses a clear choice. He argues very forcefully. The way you and your people will find prosperity is the same way. Prosperity – from the time of creation up through today – is found in “loving the Lord your God, walking in obedience to Him, and keeping His commands to you.”

                   See life – live God’s prosperity by answering Him always, “yes, Lord.” Just, “yes!” Choose life!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


 Even while I travel through the most difficult times of life I can’t be afraid, because you are right here next to me. Your power and provision allow me to relax. (Psalm 23:4)

                  Is it your way to tell your people what they must do, and how they must do it? Could they ever come to see you as someone who talks “at” them rather than with them? Everyone, whatever their circumstances or status, wants to be listened to; moreover, they want to be heard. From your position of relative strength or wisdom or resources, will you walk with them even when it means you must walk through their difficulty without solving or their problems or fixing them? Are you willing to let it cost you to be used as God’s sign for another?

                  King David had some very dark, difficult times. He trusted God to calm his fears and go with him through all those challenges. If you are to be God’s sign to your people, it is unlikely that He will change His nature to accommodate your desire to stay in your position of comfort and safety. And, by the way, your people do not want you to tell them what they should do from that lofty position. If you are going to talk with them, you must go to them – where they are.

                   It’s clear that God calls you to go down with your people to the valleys where their hardships beset them. There, in that valley, He will show you how to lead them to the safety of His love.

Monday, November 11, 2024


 But Mary; she added sign to sign. She brought it all together in her heart. It began forming at her core. The shepherds went home, and as they went they were praising God for everything He had done. God had not let them down. (Luke 2:19-20)

                  The shepherds saw the light. They returned to their place; changed. And, Mary – she had received many signs. The angel spoke to her. Surely Joseph told her of the sign given to him. She visited with her aunt. Now the stunned shepherds were sent by thousands of angels, affirming all the other signs. All these people were changed by the one thing – the baby that would be the way for a clueless world to find meaning and be restored to right relationship with God.

                   What about you? Do you ever take time to think about what God has done in your life? Have you ever taken the time to add up all the signs He has given you? That is what you must do if you will let Jesus become your life. If you settle that He is the answer for your life, and you focus on what He has said and done, and what He continues to say and do in your life today, you can be used to move your people toward Him too.

                   Today is the best day to determine that you will settle the issue in your heart. Add up the signs and act on God’s call to you.

Sunday, November 10, 2024


 After living through this amazing experience, they began to tell others about God’s great message concerning the child. Each person who heard was astonished. They all wondered about what all this meant to them. (Luke 2: 17-18)

                  God’s work is to communicate through signs and to provide for His people. Paul says you are what God makes; His work (Ephesians 2:10). So then, you are a sign, and a provision for God’s people. As you are affected, it is to affect others. As the anointed one, Jesus was created and gave His life for you. As God makes you with His transforming power, you – being transformed – will become an agent of His transforming work. As He has given you signs and experiences leading to that change, you will be made to be a sign for others. Your life will communicate God’s truth to your people.

                  Scripture tells that the shepherds went away from Bethlehem changed; prepared to work with, and to be the work of, God. And you see that, as a result, other people were changed too. They were astonished. They wondered. They understood this was not just a fabulous story told by deranged shepherds. Armed with God’s truth, their passionate communication led to transformation.

                   That is God’s plan for you as well. Your action, upon God’s call to you, prepares you to be a part of His work in others through your continued obedience to Him. You are His sign. You are His mission.

Saturday, November 9, 2024


 So, right away they went to Bethlehem, and they discovered Mary and Joseph. There was the baby, lying in the manger just as God promised. (Luke 2:16)

                   In the relationship you have with the Lord, God, where He communicates His sign to you while anticipating you will accept His invitation to work together, you have two choices. Each time, you will have opportunity to answer, “yes!” joining with Him, and doing exactly what He is calling on you to do. Otherwise, you will create an alternative response that you will argue is, “enough.” No matter how risky and dangerous the way forward appears to be, when you consider God’s way, the alternative is much more perilous. God does not negotiate. He is God. The choice is His way, with His provision, or else you are choosing to go your way – alone. He will let you fail.

                   Right away, the shepherds went to Bethlehem. They found Jesus! They could have hidden under the rocks, hoping the sky full of angels would not return. If they worried about how risky it would be to leave the sheep, and how dangerous it is to travel at night, and had they not gone, they would have missed out on what God was doing.

                   Don’t let fear keep you from experiencing everything that God has prepared for you. Choose to do what He asks – right away!

Friday, November 8, 2024


 After the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds talked among themselves. They decided, “God showed us this sign. We should go to Bethlehem to witness this great thing He has done.” (Luke 2:15)

                  God explained through Isaiah that He is not limited by the constraints of time. “I tell you from long ago things that will happen tomorrow” (Isaiah 46:10). God has an outcome that is fixed. He takes responsibility for that outcome (46:11). God IS integrity. What He says is what happens. He gives signs to encourage His people to move toward His purposes for each of them. How willing are you to be attentive to those messages? Are you ready to act upon them?

                   Given the logic that God expects to see a response to His signs, one who is attentive to God’s signs should interpret the communication in the same way as these shepherds did. Not only did they consider the meaning, but they also sought to determine their proper response to the message. What should they do? This is your relationship with God at its very best. He invites you to join in the work He is doing. You join Him because you love Him and want nothing more than to be part of that work with Him.

                   When God speaks, listen for the immediate, specific action He places in your heart. Understand that His signs call for your action.

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 Suddenly, surrounding the messenger, the sky filled with angels. All of them at once were praising God, announcing to the world, “Glory to God who reigns on high! He sends peace and prosperity to mankind; showing His great kindness and favor. (Luke 2: 13-14)

                   Signs don’t occur in a vacuum. Where and when a sign is given is part of the communication too. That is a reasonable, intuitive conclusion you may draw very quickly. But, how (how many times, how much, how loud, how…) is also a part of the context. God very often chose to communicate definition for the same signs to multiple people, multiple times, in striking and spectacular ways. Talking animals, pillars of salt, rising flood waters, and such gave added significance to God’s signs.

                   Only once in recorded history has the sky been “filled” with angels, all loudly proclaiming their praise to God, and announcing the birth of a special child. Possibly the shepherds may have questioned if the single angel were maybe a figment of their tired minds at the end of a challenging day. Thousands of angels in a dark sky, singing a deafening chorus would be very hard to dismiss.

                   Pray for the Lord to give you understanding of the time, the place, and the how of His messages to you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


 Today, in David’s hometown a deliverer has been born to you. This is the anointed one; the Christ! And this is the sign that will tell you it is Him. This baby will be wrapped in layers of fabric, and He will be laying in a feeding trough. (Luke 2:11-12)

                  Have you ever looked for signs in Scripture? One of the greatest God-signs in all of history is found in the story of Jesus’ birth. To bear significance, a sign must have meaning. Just as words must be defined for you to understand language, signs must also be defined if they are going to communicate a message.

                  Many would say that having an angel announce the birth of the anointed one would, alone, be enough to give meaning to the sign he explained. But, as is often the case with God’s signs, there was yet another layer of meaning. The shepherds no doubt would be very familiar with the practice of wrapping the first-born lamb with cloths and laying it in a manger, so it would not harm itself or become blemished. Hearing the angel’s words, while imagining the perfect sin sacrifice gave them greater understanding of God’s communication, and greater significance to this great event.

                   Scripture is filled with such definitions, giving you insight into events of your world. Read, and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit as God defines His signs for you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024



So, don’t worry about what you’ll be eating and drinking, and the style of your stuff. People who don’t know God are consumed by these things. For your father, God, these are details – He knows your needs. Invest your attention on the Lord and His work. You’ll find that you have what you need. (Matthew 6:31-33)


                  Have you noticed that God has chosen to do things differently? In this world, negotiation is important. Therefore, most business communication is cloaked in and hindered by the pretense that masks selfish motives. Will you be like those people whose every word; every action is carefully calculated and crafted for personal advantage? Or will you focus your attention on the needs of others, trusting Christ to provide what you need?


                  Here, Jesus explains that in God’s Kingdom economy, there is provision rather than a need for constant negotiation. Real trust in a faithful God allows you to live freely. Your changed life will then become one of the Lord’s signs for others. You will become one of the living words of God’s sign language that speaks hope to the men and women you encounter.


                  Very few of the things of this world are significant. Each of those things is found in Christ. Focus on Him so you will always be about significant pursuits.

Monday, November 4, 2024


 But you, Daniel – keep all this secret – let the book be closed tightly until the time that will come after. Then, many will travel the earth and knowledge will become great. (Daniel 12:4)

                  Do you believe that you are living in the time about which Daniel speaks here? Jesus encouraged alertness (Matthew 24:44 and 25:13). Paul spoke often of anxiously waiting for Christ’s return (Titus 2:13). Certainly, since Jesus ascended, the story of mankind has been marked by people traveling more each year, and by human knowledge increasing day-by-day. These are those “times that will come after;” the time near the end of this age.

                   Daniel’s words bear further implications for today. Later in this discussion, Daniel is told that those who have been made clean; God’s people, will understand His signs. They will know what to do, while those who reject God will continue in ignorance. To lead your people effectively, it is God’s signs; His word, that you need. The words of others, who don’t follow your God, even if filled with sound, scientific observation, lack the significance and wisdom of the Lord’s simple, timeless truths.

                   Don’t be distracted by the experts of the world. Don’t concentrate on what the world says; where experts will tell you to focus. Find your way by watching and listening for the word from God. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024


 Surely you’re acting! You know how to interpret the signs you see on the earth and in the sky. How is it you can’t see the signs of God around you? Why don’t you do what you know is right? (Luke 12:56)

                   Often people complain of not knowing what the Lord would have them to do. However, after honest, prayerful reflection, many will see that there is much that God has shown them. In many cases, He has made the next step abundantly clear. His word is more often a foot lamp (Psalm 119:105) than a beacon that will show the entire way forward for you. It is God’s intention to be with you moment-by-moment (Isaiah 41:10), revealing His truth for your life as you go (John 14:6).

                   In this passage, Jesus observes that people give their attention to the things that are important to them. He also exposes their hypocrisy; saying it was hard to believe they had professed faith in God, while ignoring all that He wanted them to do. As they talked constantly about God’s law, they oppressed everyone who was excluded from their privilege. They silenced and killed God’s prophets, and they behaved in other ways that ignored the law’s intent.

                   As you see and hear God’s signs, remember that He wants you to act rather than just talk about what He says to do (Jeremiah 7:23).

Saturday, November 2, 2024


 Say to those who cower in fear, “Don’t be afraid! Your God is coming! He is just, and He is coming to save you. Then, you’ll see the signs – blind will see, deaf will hear, those who can’t walk will leap, and the mute will speak God’s praises. Living water is coming to your wilderness; life to the desert!” (Isaiah 35:4)

                  God’s presence in this world, and His work of restoration and healing are signs He uses to communicate. He has chosen to use prophets to explain how people can see God in His actions. Those who look for God will have these signs that serve to encourage them and to affirm their hope in His love and provision. Through Isaiah, the Lord, God, gave Israel the meaning that makes the signs related to Jesus communicate clearly. God’s desire is for them to see Him present and working as Jesus healed and brought new life.

                  Do you know God’s signs? Do you look for them, so they can be affirmation for the work you pursue each day? Do these signs provide the map that guides your work? and your evaluation of its progress? Are the people with whom you work really the most important part of that work? If you are genuinely pursuing a God-given vision, people must be your focus. God’s signs; your work, have one purpose – to be living water to people in a desert.

                   Work for transformation today. Find what God is doing to change peoples lives around you, and then take your part in that work.

Friday, November 1, 2024


 For our God so much wanted His people to return to His love that He put His Son – the only, unique Son of God – in their place. So, if they will invest all their trust in Him, they won’t be dead, but will be restored to life – real life. (John 3:16)

                  One of the problems associated with Jesus’ new way of accounting for life is that it is different; especially in a place of work. You are familiar with how to establish rules and penalties; use carrots and sticks. But, how do you “do relationship” in that world? In the work world, it is all about what you and other people do – how they perform. In this new economy of faith in Christ, it is about what you allow Christ to do through you. As you live the story He has written for your life, the vision and the values Jesus has given you become a story of your sacrifice for others. The less you do on your own, the more success.

                   That’s how Jesus lived thousands of years ago. He went to the people to whom the Father sent Him. The Son of God used each moment of His life to live out His story as the Father showed Him (John 5:19). If you will follow that path, giving your life, this scripture explains you will be raised to spiritual life just as Jesus was resurrected after giving His physical life.

                   Let your life be a daily invitation for others to find that real life too.