We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 3 – PLANS

 Yes, I said it, and I will make it happen; I have planned it as part of my purpose, so it will come to pass. (Isaiah 46:11)

                Does the Holy Spirit of God really control your life? God is not like ordinary men. He does not lie (Numbers 23:19). The Lord has a plan – a whole, consistent plan for His world that He planned before you were born (Isaiah 37:26). A plan this complete, that is backed by God’s infinite power, will be fulfilled.

                Isaiah describes, in some detail, how God had planned to move a foreign king to action; a pagan king who has no idea that he is being used. What power! Power like that is a foundation upon which you can build your future. A life lived for Jesus will reflect the certainty of living for the end that the Lord has promised. That life has a constant view of God’s power and purpose. That life will also be consistent, true, and reliable, and it will reflect God’s truth with great love.

                Do your words speak truth? Do you see the purposes of the Lord in the events of your life and those around you? If not, make the decision to give God control today, and your answers will change. That is how He planned it.

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