We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 The bottom-line total of everything you say is one thing – Truth! And every word of it lasts forever. (Psalm 119:160)

               Can you really trust God? If you can believe the two statements in this verse, you have a basis for life-changing trust; the kind that will enable you to throw caution aside and fully invest in a life of devotion to the Lord. God requires you to trust Him that fully if you want to experience the life He offers. His life is only for those who take Him at His word.

                The Bible is filled with the stories and testimony of hundreds of witnesses who went with God where He told them to go, spoke the words He gave them to say, and acted as He told them to act. Many who have followed Jesus this way have seen Him change lives. They have felt God’s Holy Spirit move them, and they bravely kept going in challenging times. These people, many of whom suffered and died as martyrs, said, “He can be trusted.” Until you can believe that God is reliable, these will be simply stories, and you will understand the Bible simply be a book. What happens when you trust – enough to stake your life on it - is that God begins His work in you. Then, He begins to write your story!

                Take your first step. or take the next step, of trust. You can trust the Lord God! His word is forever truth.

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