We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 7 – GOD’S WAY

 The wise and discerning know, and they will learn God’s ways. His plans for you, and the way He completes them, are the right way to live. Those who love and obey the Lord will live and walk as God leads them, but others will stumble and fall. (Hosea 14:9)

                The word, “way” speaks of a journey, or a path. Are you walking along your path each day with God? Are you allowing the Lord to lead you on your journey?

                Hosea explains there is a way that is God’s. Life is a journey that everyone must take on His terms. This is the Lord’s world (Psalm 24:1). God’s way is a path to life. Men and women who will trust God, and who will obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership each day as He gives them counsel are on this path. Hosea also says that there is another approach that many will choose. Most people will choose to rebel against God’s love and ignore His voice, opting to travel without Him. These people will not find prosperity. In fact, they will not survive the journey. Their journey leads to death.

               As you consider this reality, choose to follow God. It is not His will for anyone to follow the path that ends in death (2 Peter 3:9). Watch and listen, as you travel on your journey, for the people God is sending you to love in His uncommon ways, so they will also come to know Him, and find God’s way to life.

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