We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Don’t love this world, nor anything in it. If you do love these things, you aren’t following God. Because, everything in this world that you want and you think is beautiful and important – that all belongs to this world. It’s not the Father’s concern. All that passes away, and men tire of it. But God’s purpose lives forever. (1 John 2:15-17)

                   Are you sure you love what you think you love? Consider that your actions are what show your true loves; your deepest desires. When you must choose between more for you, or more for another person, which do you pick? The things you unconsciously choose to pursue during your day were trained into you before you gave your life to Christ. Has the Lord reshaped you with His new, second nature?

                   Many of the New Testament writers cautioned about mindlessly conforming to old habits and the ways of this world. This world teaches you that there are things more important than Jesus. But you know better. Everywhere, all around you and your people, your culture is helping you to acquire this false narrative – this empty vision they call the good life. Don’t be fooled, and don’t let your people buy in to the lies that tell them who and what to love.

   Choose to embrace the new, second nature that God has placed within you and lead your people to do the same.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


I’ve given you a new heart and spirit; taking away your old hard heart, I’ve put in you a heart that loves. And, My Spirit that I put in you will lead you and teach you My ways, and you will live in My reality to be My people. And – I will be your God. (Ezekiel 36:26-28)

                   What is truly at the center of your life? A person? A goal? An organization? A Position? An image you maintain? God does not compromise. God will not share you. God will not allow you to exclude Him from any moment of your day. Without a firm focus on Jesus, you will pursue – worship – something else. Those other things you pursue, no matter what you choose, you will need more and more of that thing. The only God that can be enough is the Lord, Jesus Christ.

                   This passage explains the wholesale change that comes by the Power of Christ in you. When you are changed by God, there is a new you; a new reality. The new you is led and taught; mentored and grown by God’s Holy Spirit, who has taken up residence within you. Your capacity (heart) has been enlarged. You can love Jesus as He intended. You have the heart to love others, and unite them in Christ as the Spirit works in and through your life.
                   Recognize who you are. Take the role you have been given seriously. Act with purpose, and from your new heart, in all you do.

Friday, May 29, 2020


After this, the Lord Jesus identified seventy others. Then, He sent them out two by two, to arrive before Him into every city and every place He would come. (Luke 10:1)

                   Jesus sent these people out with very detailed instructions. He gave them a very specific process to follow in their work. He gave them actions that would let them live their way into greater understanding of His gospel, His mission, and the Kingdom of God. These practices are preparing them to live their faith in Him.

                   The practices, processes, and detailed instructions for not only what the people of your community will do, but also how they will do the work and how they will relate to each other, and why they are doing what they do – all of that – becomes part of your community’s culture. As your people live their way into greater understanding, much of it will seem to happen unconsciously – almost from habit. But, you must understand that it is your hard work in obedience to the vision God has given you that will create the environment where it occurs.

                   Ask God to give you the whats, whoms, and all the whens and hows you will communicate as you send your people out.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Then, James and John’s mother approached Jesus. She knelt and asked if he might grant her a favor. Jesus asked her simply, “What do you want?” (Matthew 20:20-21)

                   Do you ask your people what they want? In a world of expert studies and polling data, customer service indices, and trade publications you may think you know what they want. However, if you ask them - seriously – and give them time to think, you may be surprised. You may get a real and thoughtful answer.

                   Jesus often asked this question in one form or another. It was more to make the other person think than to get their answer. This question makes the responder consider, “What is important?” When your people have an opportunity to tell you what they really want, and they have time to carefully think about it, and they believe you will listen and care, they will be serious. The answer will then help you – and the process will help them more. One of the greatest ways to show love for another is to be concerned for their deepest desires.

                   Invest the time and energy to ask your people, “What do you want?”

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


We pray for you all the time. We want God to finish His work in you, so you will complete all He has given you to do, and Jesus will shine through you – with you bringing Glory to Him. All this so others see His work in you. (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)

                   Ultimately, the choice is theirs. Your people will choose whom they will serve. God will lead you through His Holy Spirit to encourage and help, but the choice is theirs. They will choose their own direction. What should you do if that is the case?

                   Paul is clear. Prayer is what makes the difference. Just as it is God who speaks to you through His written word, through the Holy Spirit, and through the world and events around you, He is speaking to your people. Paul knows, and explains here, that it is God who wills to bring you to the place where you will be useful, but He does not abandon others, leaving their future up to you. He is actively working in each person’s life; each of your people’s lives, the best thing you can do to help them is to pray!

                   Pray for your people “all the time.” Ask God to continue to convict, to speak, and to work in and through their lives to complete His work in them.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Always remember Jesus Christ, the living Lord, prophesied as Messiah King. He’s the good news. That is why I will suffer – even now bound in chains like a common criminal. But, Jesus and the truth of His life will never be stopped. That’s why I’ll keep going through this and anything else they do to me– so others will know Him. (2 Timothy 2:8-10)

                    When people are uncomfortable, and especially if they suffer a loss, they often look for a way out. To keep going when things get tough, your people need a reason to continue to believe and to push through difficulties. Will you give them the model of integrity that will encourage them? Will your actions show them that life in Jesus Christ is worth any cost?

                   Paul knew Timothy would soon pick up the mantle of leadership. His words must have both encouraged and scared Timothy. He could see clearly that the life ahead of him would be hard, but here Paul assure him – “It is worth it!” That’s what your people need. They don’t need empty promises that sugar-coat the truth. They need to know that living with values is hard. But, they also need to know that it can be done, and that it is work that is worth doing.
                   Have integrity. Life the life you ask of your people, and so lead them persevere until they can see their effort was worth it.

Monday, May 25, 2020


Next, little children were brought to Jesus in hopes that He would bless and pray for them, but his disciples tried to prevent them from coming. Jesus said, “Leave them alone. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these.” (Matthew 19:14)

                   When opportunities present themselves, where your people clearly are going against the values you are teaching, do you take advantage of that opportunity? It may seem like a small issue, but the simple, clear choices that arise, can be great times for your people to learn.

                   Jesus saw the disciples’ intent. They determined he was a man on an important mission. His time was much too important to be spent with children. Jesus made clear the choice He was making. He chose people. Jesus loved people; individual people. He loved every one of them. He later would die for people; beggars, lepers, and robbers, as well as disciples and Pharisees – and children. People matter to Jesus – always. He values people. He makes it His job to be sure that His followers value people too.

                Jesus still values people. You have no people in your life who are unimportant. Help them all to learn to make the right choices.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


One who was there had been by the pool, unable to walk for thirty-eight years. Jesus saw him, approached, and asked, “Do you want to get well?” (John 5: 5-6)

                   Believe it or not, some people really become accustomed to being miserable. They may settle for a life that is far less than they could have, simply because it is much easier to give up than it would be to change. Some of your people are living this way. The biggest question for them – and for their future with you – is, “Do you want to get well?”

                   Jesus’ suspicion seemed to be confirmed in this story. The response he received when He asked the question was an excuse. People will often have an excuse for not stretching; not reaching beyond their present circumstances. It is your job as a leader to challenge your people with the big question. Ask them, “Will you be all that you were created to be?” If they give you excuses, you may try to help, but you are looking for those who simply say, “Yes!”

                   Ask the big questions of your people, and then challenge and invest in those who respond in faith and hope that they are ready to say, “Yes!”

Saturday, May 23, 2020

MAY 23 – ASK….

They (religious leaders) asked Jesus, “Why do your people not follow all of our traditions and rules? They don’t even follow mealtime ritual.” Jesus replied with a question, “Why do you ignore God’s word, and choose your traditions instead?” (Matthew 15:2-3)
                   Asking questions is a powerful way of teaching truth. Jesus used questions often. As you watch and listen to your people, there will be opportunities for you to see, and to hear the challengers who are competing with God’s will and your stories for your people’s attention. As you are attentive, the Holy Spirit may provide you with a question. That question may lead the person, or those watching, to consider His or her words. This gives each one an opportunity to see the truth.
                   Jesus, recognizing that these Pharisees were not interested in God’s truth, proceeded to explain how they had ignored God’s truth to seek their own, selfish interests. Then, He clearly contrasted God’s desire for heart-felt relationship with men and women to the empty performance rituals of the temple leadership. His question led to many people understanding more about God and His truth.

                   Look for the questions that God wants you to ask your people.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Even though you know these things; even though you are already firmly planted in the truth God has placed in you, I will always remind you of these qualities – again and again and again. (2 Peter 1:12)

                   How often is enough? How many times, must you teach and explain the values and remind your people to live toward the vision you have been given?

                   Peter has listed the qualities that evidence a life lived for Jesus; faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, Godliness, mutual affection, and love (2 Peter 1: 5-7). He has explained they are critical qualities for those who would be faithful; who would finish the work God has given them. That is why he promises to teach them “over and over again.” If your people are to make sound judgments, and perform the work that is their part well, they must be firmly anchored in your values. Their vision must be stamped with a pattern you have given them for the future, so it can be real to them too.

                   Always; every day remind them of the work ahead, and how God wants it to be done.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


So, therefore, make it a habit to confess your sins to each other, and then pray for each other, so you all may be healed and restored together in unity. (James 5:16)

                   What do you do when you know that it’s you who has messed up? Do you try to hide it, or explain it away, so that you won’t need to humble yourself and confess? Your people see your actions. They know when you mess up, whether you admit it or not. If your actions are inconsistent with your stated values, they must find a way to deal with that difference. They will create an explanation. Studies have shown that people usually become tightly bound to that explanation they create. You can’t risk that they will choose to say that you have abandoned the vision and values of your organization. You must let them know it was an error; that you have not changed – you are simply human.

                   Confession, as the writer explains, is God’s plan for His people to live together in unity. The Lord has a people, and He has a purpose for that people – together. Only when you are humble, accepting that you too need Jesus, and your people, to be fulfilled, can you follow Him faithfully.

                   Be transparent. Be humble when you fail, and so lead your people to genuine unity.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Jesus used the story with them (the religious leaders), but they did not understand Him. They couldn’t make sense of what He was telling them. (John 10:6)

                   A few of your people will grasp, and be receptive to, your vision. Most will muddle along under various levels of understanding. Some, who have vested interest in their story of the world will aggressively oppose you – often subtly and deceitfully, while acting as though they support you. These people must be addressed – directly, both to be given opportunity, and to stop them from harming other people in your community. Left unchecked, their story will become more prominent than yours in your community.
                   Jesus told the story of the sheep and the good shepherd (John 10:1-5) to help these church leaders understand what they were doing with the people. From their perspective, He had insulted them (John 9:39-41) earlier in the conversation. When they did not understand the story, He tried to explain with a lengthy, literal explanation (John 10:7-18), but they did not wish to understand. Understanding meant they would have to change. Jesus saw them for what they were, and clearly challenged them. When God’s message is opposed in your community, you must do that as well.
                   Make sure that you address opposition to God’s vision for your people. Seek His will in how to combat it effectively, but don’t ignore such opposition.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


He (Jesus) didn’t say anything to the crowds without telling a story, but when He was alone with His own people He unfolded God’s truths to them – so they could begin to understand. (Mark 4:34)

                   People use their collection of stories (often their own experiences) to understand how the world works. When presented with new challenges, and especially when facing uncertainty, they will often create their own stories to predict the future. This is how most folks make decisions. Jesus presented God’s kingdom in a way that showed it was consistent with the natural world He created. For the few people who were receptive, He took time to teach more of the depth and breadth of God’s truth.

                   Some of your people also will be receptive to your stories. They will need your further investment in their lives to help them understand more of the meaning and value of the culture you envision. In these encounters, you will have opportunity to share with them how the Lord is your source, and help them grow in their reliance upon Christ each day. Then their stories, and the predictions and decisions they make can be based on God’s truth.

                   Find those who are receptive to truth and invest in them intentionally. Their decisions are going to be made based upon stories. Help them find God’s story.

Monday, May 18, 2020


Jesus told stories to the crowds of people who gathered around Him. He didn’t say anything without using a story. (Matthew 13:34)

   Jesus told parables (stories) about everyday tasks; farming, sheep herding, cleaning house, and such, to help His people become ready to hear the truth about God’s kingdom. Jesus explained that His stories were talking about God’s way of living, and they showed the differences between that way of life and living based on the world’s terms. These stories made it much easier for listeners to observe and find meaning in what Jesus was doing and the reasons for it. Studies have shown, the more complex and difficult the subject, the more valuable will be the availability of these stories to help people interpret ideas.

   In like manner, the stories that you find in your community may help your people understand the messages God asks you to give to them. Look around and see the stories of people following the vision as you have asked. Then, as you tell these stories, you will be showing your people what success looks like. They will begin to look for other expressions themselves, helping even more to gain understanding.

   Find and tell the stories that your people need to hear.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


But you, Timothy, have followed my way. You have seen and heard my teaching. You have seen that my behavior has been consistent, and my purpose has never changed. You know the trust, perseverance, love, and patience – along with the inevitable persecution and physical torment. You know that God has always rescued me. (2 Timothy 3:10-11)

                   Can your people trust you? Have you given them unconditional love? Have you been careful to be consistent in your behavior, regardless of who you’re dealing with? If it costs you, even greatly, do you stick to the vision and values you have communicated?

                   Paul is encouraging Timothy in a way that will help him understand trust. First, he explains that the noted false teachers of the day will soon be recognized as the frauds they are. People will see through them, and their deceit. Then, he explains to Timothy how he will gain credibility; how he will prove himself to be trustworthy. In a word, consistency is that answer. But, it is deeper and richer than that. Real consistency means being the same in your stated purpose and your actions. Real consistency requires that you be the same person in harsh circumstances, and that when facing difficult challenges.

                   Make it your sincere goal to be trustworthy today, the Lord helping you.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


He (God) wants everyone to be saved; to know the truth that there is only one God, and one way to Him – Jesus Christ. He surrendered His life so that all people could have life. This, just this, is why I was called by the Lord – to tell this good news to those who haven’t heard. (1 Timothy 2:5-7)

                   What do you communicate to the people around you? Do you have a clear understanding of why you are where you are, and of the purpose of the work that you are doing?

                   Paul obviously knows exactly why he is there, and what he is to do, and he repeats this message many times over – especially to young leaders he prepares for their work. People often dwell on exceptions. The urge, particularly with people who know a subject well, is to communicate about failures or special, extraordinary events rather than the basic, main idea. Many of your people may lack understanding of the very important purpose that is the reason for the work. If so, they will not process your messages about the exceptions in the way you intend. They need to frequently hear about purpose, vision, and values. Communicate that message clearly, so they can understand. Context matters if you are to empower your people to represent you.
                   Know your main things. Talk about them often. Your people need this.

Friday, May 15, 2020


I am not telling you that I need anything; because I have learned, whatever the Lord provides for me or whatever I lack, to be content (Philippians 4:11)

                   Are you content – right this moment? Or, do you want more – something you don’t have? What is your most prized possession? Could you be content if it were destroyed or otherwise taken away? Could you give it to someone else if the Lord asked you to do that? ….. And, still be content?

                   As he thanks the church at Philippi for sending gifts to him, Paul explains that the excitement he felt when he received the gift, the true gift from his perspective, was their growth. He was far more grateful that they responded to the need with love than he was to receive the gift. So, he is careful to explain. All he needs is Jesus. To lose everything else can be accepted. Whether freedom, possessions, people, or his life, he would be content. God, who is Paul’s provision for everything he truly needs, is enough for Paul.

                   Let your people know today that all you need is Jesus. Be sure they know that’s what you want to form them. Help them understand that following Jesus is always the best thing they can do for themselves – and to please you.

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Don’t be content with simply hearing God’s word. You can agree with it, and believe it is true. But, if you’re not acting on that truth, thinking it enough to simply agree, you are mocking that Holy Word. Don’t deceive yourself – or others! (James 1:22)

                   What are you doing today to act on your trust in Jesus? When have you put yourself on the line in a way that the plan fails without His action – because He told you to do it? To truly believe, every part of you; every aspect of your life must be fully invested in following and obeying Jesus. There are no carve-outs where you can maintain control.

                   This challenge to, “act on that truth,” doesn’t mean to simply dream up a work to do for God, and then go do it because you believe. It is a much more challenging charge. To act on the truth of the Lord is to submit to His authority and constantly communicate with Him, listening for - and immediately acting upon what the Holy Spirit calls on you to do. Whether the task is large or small, the same answer applies. Simply obey.

                   Believing, trusting, following; all these words mean action. Act today.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Jesus did not let him come. Instead, he told the man to go home and tell his people all the great things the Lord did for him while he was helpless and unworthy. (Mark 5:19)

                   What the Holy Spirit leads you to do will spring from your experiences in life, and the things that the Lord has done for you and has taught you. Many people, especially those accustomed to leading, look for big, important assignments thinking that is where they will find great purpose.

                   In this story, Jesus has cured a man who had been suffering for years. Legions of demons had taken over his life. He lived in the caves alone, and from there he terrorized the townspeople. In a moment, Jesus transformed his life. So, he wanted to go with Jesus, and be a part of His great mission in the world. Jesus had a different plan. He sent the man back to the people he had terrified. When they heard the story, they were amazed! They knew the change that come, and could appreciate how Jesus had done the impossible.

                The work begins with your people. It is important work. Don’t be reaching for more than God leads you to do, but go exactly where He tells you to go.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


People can’t give their lives to Jesus if they don’t believe in Him. They can’t believe in Him if they aren’t told. How will they hear if you don’t tell them? (Romans 10:14)

                   Do your people know that Jesus is the reason for, and the source of, your vision and values? Have you told them your story that gives context and help to them in understanding why your life and work are so wholly devoted to the Lord? It is important that you do so.

                   Paul explains in the preceding part of this letter, that many have a form of religion that seeks to please God. Their lists of rules and series of rituals and sacrifices may give these people a sense of comfort. The projects they have designed to win God’s favor may be expensive and far-reaching. However, it is only by fully entrusting every part of their lives to Jesus that they will find meaning and purpose in life. It is the reality of your story, the one which has motivated you to seek the Lord’s vision, that can give your people hope to dare to believe they can do this as well.

                   Have your people heard about the real, powerful life in Christ that is available to believers? Tell them about Jesus. Tell them about that life.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Earnestly, sincerely, and frequently challenge and encourage each other – every day – so sin won’t become habit. Don’t allow sin to harden you, and lead you away from truth. (Hebrews 3:13)

                   When you see one of your people violate the values you have established, do you address it? Immediately? Often, to do that is uncomfortable. It may be inconvenient, and there are certainly risks associated with confrontation. Accountability is hard. Accountability can be costly to you and to others.

                   But, look at the goal of such accountability. Here, the writer of Hebrews observes the true goal of consistent accountability. It is the prosperity of the person being challenged. Accountability is one of the most sincere and practical ways to show love for another person. In that light, remember the characteristics of love described by Paul (1 Corinthians 13). Love is patient, calm, humble, respectful, selfless, forgiving, seeks the truth, and – importantly – never stops. If these characteristics are present in your work of accountability, it will help you and your people find that prosperity that you both seek.

                   Take courage. Hold your people to account – with love – even when it is costly or hard to do.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Behind your door, on the back side of your door posts, you hide what you really pursue. You’ve removed your loyalty from Me. You’ve added other gods, and you never tire from looking for new ones. You prefer what they give you rather than Me. (Isaiah 57:8)
                   Do you observe your people carefully? There are many who will give lip service to what you ask of them, but their actions will show they are pursuing other, selfish goals. Some will even actively oppose you, leading others with them, away from the vision you teach and opposing the values you have said are important. Are you prepared to respond to this reality?

                   Through Isaiah, God is talking about this person who pretends. God’s word was on the front of the doorpost of His people’s homes. These people left the exterior claim to follow Him. But, on the inside, in secret, they sought and worshipped other gods. There would likely have been a penalty imposed by the community for open defiance, so they chose a cowardly way. Many will go along with what a leader wants, at least they will say so to be favored. But, behind the façade, in secret, they will seek other motives. Others will simply lose their way. You must be alert for every instance.

                   Watch carefully. Recognize when words and behavior don’t agree. Be ready and willing to act.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Engage with your people closely, preaching and teaching the word through every circumstance of life. When they don’t understand, correct them. When they don’t obey, warn them. Comfort them whenever they miss the mark as they grow, showing them great patience while continuing to teach (2 Timothy 4:2)

                   Do you identify and personally invest in the people whom God gives you to lead? Is that work a priority for you? If you wish for your business to grow, and especially if you would like to see it survive past your time as the leader, you must grow new leaders. Growing leaders takes significant personal engagement.

                   Paul is here telling Timothy, his young protégé, how to lead. Timothy is warned not to assume that those who hear will follow the Lord. Rather, Paul says he should become part of their lives. From this relationship, he can encourage his people daily to embrace the Hope in Christ, and the vision and values he has been given. As Timothy tells his story each day, his people can see his actions and know that he is being obedient to God’s calling.

                    Find your leaders, as God reveals them. They may not be who you think. Invest fully in their growth in Him. Teach constantly.

Friday, May 8, 2020


Make these words I am giving you be a part of you – heart and head. Constantly teach them to your children, and talk and think about them every moment you are awake. Carry them around with you and post them everywhere – in the most prominent places. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

                   Do your people know what is important to you? Have you told them what the Lord has said to you? Did you write those words down? Do you think of this vision, and speak of it – often?

                   Moses has reminded the people of Israel of all God had said to him. He gives clarity to the message, saying that God has given them this law so they will live long, prosperous lives in the new land they will inhabit. That dynamic has not changed. The Holy Spirit has given you a vision for the prosperity of your people. Write it down. Tell others about what He has said. Be sure that everyone hears and sees that you have heard, and that you are pursuing what God has asked you to do. Then, other people can hear and embrace that message. They can partner with you, understanding the work that is to be done together.

                Spread the word today. Tell your people about all that God has prepared for them.

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Have I been with you all this time, and yet you haven’t known me, Philip? (John 14:9)

                   Philip had been with Jesus almost since the beginning of His ministry. In this passage, thought to be near the end of that work, Jesus observed that he still didn’t know who Jesus was. Many people, even those who may appear to be closest to God, still do not know Jesus for all that He is. That kind of relationship is a knowledge that comes only from intimacy with God; time alone with Jesus, experience relying upon Him, and burdens shared with Him.

                   Do you really know Jesus? Your life, and the lives of other people depend upon on this knowledge. As you lead your people toward the Lord, there will be opposition. Friends, colleagues, business associates, employees, and others will challenge you to conform to more acceptable behavior – even to simply be reasonable. If you want to continue doing what the Holy Spirit leads you to do, you must have this intimate knowledge and trust in Jesus. You will not prevail against the powers and principalities which actively work against the Lord’s will.

                   Continue today to spend time with Jesus. Ask that He reveal more of Himself and His desires to you. Learn to know Jesus well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Don’t trust in the powerful, brilliant people. Men’s projects and plans die when they do. You’ll be blessed if you trust and hope in the Lord God. He made the heavens and earth, and He will be faithful forever. (Psalm 146:3-6)
                   How do you make your plans? Do you consult all the leading experts for current market projections? Do you watch for what market leaders are doing? Or, do you ask God what He would have you to do? Market awareness is good. It is useful. Expert opinions are part of the information you can process. But, all of it should be taken to the Lord in prayer if you genuinely trust Him as your hope in all of life.

                   This passage reminds you that obedience is not only what God commands, but it also is very practical. Your self-developed plans will be no more ingenious than those of other men and women. They will be short-term successes at best, because only God sees the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The Lord is not impressed by your projects, even when you design them to honor Him (Romans 9:23). What God wants is for you to wait until He speaks to you through His Holy Spirit, and tells you His plans.

                Don’t waste your time doing business the way the world does it. Seize the opportunity to trust God for the plans that will lead to His prosperity.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


But thanks always be to God. He leads us to victory in the Christ, and raises through us a fragrance of incense that shows everyone His glory. (2 Corinthians 2:14)

                   What do your people believe in? What gives them confidence in your organization’s ultimate success even when times are hard? Is it your intellect, experience, track-record, wealth, or have you explained to them that the Lord is your source for all things?

                   Paul says, “in every triumph, be sure God gets the thanks, the praise, and the glory.” Some modern sports figures show how this looks after big wins. Occasionally, one will say, “First, I want to give thanks to Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.” Could you do this in your organization? In your big wins, and even when struggling? Could you explain the basis of your vision and values statement in terms of God’s calling on your life and your desire to bring honor and glory to Him? If so, you will be raising the fragrance of praise that leads people to see God’s glory. For this reason, your story is very important. That story must be told if you will lead your people to Jesus.

                Direct your people to the Lord as their hope, and lead them to give praise to Him in all things.

Monday, May 4, 2020


Look! Open your eyes and see the fields are white. The harvest is ready. (John 4:35)

                   When you walk into your business each morning, what do you see? People busily at work, accomplishing the tasks of the day may be one answer. But, what do you see as a believer, who has a responsibility to show other people the way to Jesus? Do you see a potential community of faith?

                   Just before this statement, Jesus reminded his disciples of their ability to see the everyday, work-related aspects of their environment. By simply looking at a field they could project harvest time. His plea was for them to open their eyes of faith and hope – to see the huge harvest of people waiting to hear the good news of God’s kingdom.

                   That call has not changed. He is still calling you to see the potential around you. He is calling you today, in your context, to see the community around you - that spends half their lives living and working together – as a future community of faith. He wants you to see each man and woman as a valuable person who needs your consideration. While the tasks they do are important, their eternal destiny is critical.

                   Open your eyes today. See the people around you who are ready to hear a message of hope.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


Listen, a farmer once planted his field. Some seed fell on a hard-packed path, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocks. It grew quickly, but died when the sun scorched because it had no root. Other seed fell into thorns and briars that choked the plant, and it didn’t bear fruit. (Mark 4:3-7)
                   Not every seed grows. Jesus later explains that, when you show others the way to Him, very few people will give their lives to Christ and fully embrace the life of following Him. You are not responsible for this outcome. That is the responsibility of each man and woman who hear God’s word, and who are given the opportunity to surrender themselves to Him and the hope that He offers. Your responsibility is to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit leading you, telling you how to plant your words and actions in His garden each day.

                   So, what are you to do? Love. You are to love every person God places in your way. However, this does not mean you are to agonize over their choices, nor does it mean you should self-design ways to reach them. Often, it will not be your job to do more than plant the first seed – which they may reject. You also can love them enough to pray God will continue to call others to the life He offers.

   Farming is hard work! Planting is a long-term venture. Make sure God is guiding your work.

Saturday, May 2, 2020


A second time Jesus asked, “Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me?” He answered, “Yes, Lord; you know I love you very much.” Jesus said, “Then care for and look after my sheep.”
                You value your people. They are very important; employees, customers, and vendors. But why? Why do they mean something to you? Is your primary, or only, measure of their value what they can contribute to the financial bottom line?

                Every person has tremendous value. Each one has been created by God. Jesus died for each man and woman, regardless of that person’s attitude, behavior, or character. And, if you love Jesus, He says to you, “then care for and look after” each of them. Regardless. Difficult business decisions often must be made, and they very often are in the best interests of the affected people – even when the short-term consequences are negative. But, even in those situations, where there must be a reprimand or an end to the business relationship, the charge is still to love and care for the person. That responsibility may extend past the time that your “business” relationship lasts. Sometimes it is your uncommon love that will lead to the transformation of their life.

                Everyone has great value. Recognize that in your life, and show it in your work today. Love God’s people.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Don’t dwell on the past. Wake up! Look! I’m doing a new thing. It’s happening already. Don’t you see? I make you a road through every wilderness. I sustain you in the driest and bleakest places. (Isaiah 43:18-19)

                Are you looking forward? Do you believe the best is yet to come; that God will continue to do even greater things? The good news, that new and better things are ahead, is the message of the Lord through Isaiah.
                The preceding passage reminded listeners of all that God had done to save Israel from their Egyptian slavery. It evoked memories of the parting of the sea, providing for them in the wilderness, and leading them to their new home (vv.16-17). He was telling them to realize that the Lord is always doing amazing things. As a believer, God has done some great things in your life. He has saved you from a life of destruction. He has used you in His work. You have seen faith in Jesus Christ change the lives of people around you. Maybe He has even transformed the place where you work into a community of believers. But, He is not finished. Don’t stand around talking about what God has done. Don’t miss what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do today and tomorrow.

                Ask the Lord today to keep your eyes on the road – where you are and moving ahead. Don’t keep looking back.