We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, September 29, 2022


 Nothing else matters. The only thing important is that the story is told. When that happens, I’m elated because I know my story. With your prayers and by God giving me the power of His Spirit, my ending is assured. I just hope and pray that I’ll always be courageous enough to live in Him; exalting Him. You see, for me, my story must be the story of Jesus Christ and even if I die that will lead to a great ending. (Philippians 1:18-21)

                  What does it mean to live in your story? Actors sometimes “step out of character” for a moment. This is a time when they will stop acting their role. For that period, they are no longer a part of the work to present the story. Is there a parallel for you? Do you ever “step out of your role” as leader? Do you ever fail to act consistently with your character? Are you ever too tired, or too distracted, or too worried about yourself to do what you must do to be true to your calling as the leader?

                   Paul’s one, fervent hope as he awaited trial, punishment, and even possible death, was that he would be true to the call of Jesus Christ upon his life. He wanted to be strong, and to live his life faithfully all the way to the end.

                   When you understand the story you have been given to live, it becomes the way you see the world. You will live a story each day. Be sure that Jesus is the center of that story as you face whatever your story provides.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


 The disciples asked Jesus, “Why tell stories?” Jesus answered, “God has given you understanding of His truth, but these people have not yet received it. You know the one who has will be able to take in more, but the one who has not, will even lose what he has. I tell them these stories, so that they may begin to understand. Until now, they have seen and heard God’s word, but can’t understand it.” (Matthew 13:10-13)

                  Jesus told powerful stories. He introduced them in ways which held the attention of his listeners by telling stories about the things of everyday life; things in their lives. He painted a vivid picture of what the kingdom of God looked like, but he used stories instead of paints. These stories helped His listeners see through eyes that could now imagine that kingdom to be possible, and they became more open to hearing further truth from God.

                  You have these interesting, powerful stories too! Each day, as you look around where you are, some of your people will be living the reality of the vision God has given you for your community. As you observe these people living the values, doing the work of making the vision become reality, take advantage of this great opportunity. Share their story with others of your people as examples of the future you are pursuing together. Paint the picture for them.

                  Why will you tell stories? So that your people will understand and will be drawn to fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Tell them stories.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


 But Jesus would not let him (the man He had healed) sail with them. Instead Jesus said, “Go back to your people and tell the story of the great things God has done for you, and how He showed mercy to you.” (Mark 5:19)

                  Your people know you well. They may not know about your past and your struggles, but they know you well enough to see a change in your life. Are you willing to be transparent with them – honest enough – so they may be encouraged by the story of the Lord’s work in your life? Telling your story is powerful, but it costs you something. That cost is part of your investment in your people; giving your life and your foregoing your privacy, so they may know God.

                   You can understand this man’s desire to stay with Jesus. He had been tormented by demons, and now they were gone. Think of the profound gratitude you feel when someone relieves you of a significant problem. This man truly loved Jesus, and he wanted to show that love. But, consistently, Jesus told people to show their love for Him by giving their lives away to other people. For this man it was no different.

                  Understand that this is the way for you too. Your work will often be to tell your story of God’s powerful work in you, even when it is hard to tell that story. Do that work, and so model transparency for your people.

Monday, September 26, 2022


 The man answered them saying, “You know this is an amazing thing. That you Pharisees don’t know about him, yet He healed me! Everyone knows God only answers the prayers of those who do His will. He doesn’t do the bidding of unrepentant sinners.” (John 9:30-31)

                  Do you believe that prayer is an effective action? Do you see evidence that the Lord, God hears and responds to your prayers; changing you and the lives of others for whom you pray? The Bible tells the stories of many who have seen God’s dramatic answers to prayer. Jesus, and others, gave assurance that God answers the prayers of His people. Yet many people will say, “All we can do is pray,” as if prayer is an ineffective, last ditch response to a difficult challenge.

                   The formerly blind man in this story puts this question to the Pharisees in a very direct manner. He said, in effect, “For me – seeing is believing.” In other words - he explained, “It is obvious to me that God acted to change my life in response to the prayer Jesus prayed in faith. Doesn’t that tell you what you need to know about Him?”

                   As the writer of James said, “The prayer of a person in right relationship with God is powerful and effective (James 5:16).” Live seriously, knowing that other people are changed by your relationship with God and your prayers for them.

Sunday, September 25, 2022


 Understand – what we talk about is Jesus as the Lord, God. We’re serving you for Him; His plan. You see, God who said for light to come out of darkness, has made Jesus, the face of the Glory of God, to shine out of our hearts. So, we understand that we containers of clay have this treasure within us, showing us this great power is from God, not us. (2Corinthians 4:5-7)

                  With all the communicating; talking, showing, encouraging, explaining, that you must do, are you careful to remember that it’s not about you? In fact, one of the quickest, most certain ways to recognize you are heading for a dangerous place, is when you notice your language is dominated by the words, “I” and “me/my.” God’s leaders will speak to their people about the “we” which recognizes that God is in the lead, and that their people are important partners in the work rather than subordinates who are to serve selfish desires.

                  How interesting it is that Paul brought to the reader’s mind the imagery of God creating light in the beginning (Genesis 1:3). Also, he made the same reference to clay pots that he used in a letter to Timothy, making it clear that the flesh that carries God’s light; Jesus, is not honorable and doesn’t deserve any praise. Rather, it is the stuff that must be shed if a person is to be used by God.

                  Recognize as Paul did, that your life, your work, and even your identity is no longer about you. Let your life show only Jesus.

Saturday, September 24, 2022


 If the house is big enough, there will be containers that are made of gold and silver, but some will be made of wood and clay, and some to work that brings great good, and some shame. If a person will stay away from such dishonor, he or she can be used for good purpose, set aside for profitable work for the Lord; remembering He prepared the work.      (2 Timothy 2:20-21)

                  Have you ever considered your work to be like that of a casting director; one who finds the appropriate role for each “actor” in your community? As you lead your people, God will help you to see each individual with His discernment. But, to do this, you must insure that each person has a relationship with you or one of your leaders who can relate to God in that discernment. Are your people being led by someone with a gold standard? If not, are you moving toward that reality each day?

                  Paul explains to Timothy the importance of carefully considering the nature and character of each person around him. He encourages Timothy to go for the gold, and further explains that he must understand that each person must strive for a right relationship with God if he or she will be used for God’s purposes in His ongoing story.

                  Prayerfully consider your people’s actions. Encourage each one to pursue the things of God so they too may be part of God’s “play.” Help those who struggle with the things that lead to shame and dishonor to overcome those things.

Friday, September 23, 2022


You – as my maker - you know the extent of me. You made me and wrapped me in my mother’s womb. You are my God, because you alone made me uniquely. That work was wonderful – I know it still is! You know me to my core, as you alone know the secrets of who I am. And as you put me together, you knew and made me for the life you would give me to live. (Psalm 139:13-16)

                  King David loved the Lord, God. He likely had a lot of time to consider God’s plan for his life after he was told he would be king. As he watched over his sheep, he must have wondered about himself, his own character, and his very nature; wondering what would have made God choose him to be king. In that meditation, he may have come to the realization he expressed here. God created David uniquely, and He did so with the expectation that he would fulfill an important role in the history of the world.

                  Do you realize that you were created by God just as uniquely and specifically as David? Have you considered your own nature, your character, and your values, as you think of the roles God has called you to fill? Knowing yourself is important if you are to lead your people well. Not only must you articulate a vision, but you must also share the values that will be important elements of the culture of your community as you work toward that vision.

                  These values are your values. Your role is to live and teach God’s truth with those values that form your character. Know and live your role authentically.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


 To your revealing – showing your will and desire – we have looked and waited on Lord, God. As we have struggle and suffer we wait on you. All night long my soul wants you; my spirit seeks you. Because your arrival will bring the world to right-living. (Isaiah 26:8-9)

                  Augustine said, “You (God) have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” Do you now recognize this in your life; that your proper role in life is to be that part of God’s story which He made you to fulfill? Do you live in that reality, explaining life to your people in those terms, and encouraging them to find their place in God’s plan – their story?

                   Isaiah has relayed God’s promise to His people. He explained that God’s day of judgment is coming. A day when he reveals Himself to all mankind as God, making everything right and justice becomes reality on the earth. Here, he explains the emptiness that each man and woman feel when they are separated from God. Isaiah speaks of a knowing sense in each person that longs for God, and that hasn’t changed. What has changed is that Jesus’ atonement made it possible for men and women to relate to God again. God will show you your part of His story. He will make clear to you the role you are to play in that story.

                   Learn your story. Live in and teach from that place and encourage your people to join you in it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 And God said, “Let us make mankind, our very image and likeness, to manage all this – fish, birds, and other. And, so God did it. The Lord, God made male and female; the very image of God. He blessed them, so they would multiply, and fill the earth to accomplish the work He gave them to do. (Genesis 1:26-28)

                  Do your people understand how special they are? Do they know what it means to be fully human and the amazing life they were created to enjoy? One of the first tasks for any leader who will help their people to grow, is to help those people to see and become all God intended people to be. Without taking that step, how will they ever understand the rest of the Lord God’s truth?

                  Through this explanation of creation, God provides you with the identity and the role for you and each of your people. People are created to be a reflection; a copy; an expression of the Lord God in His world. That is each person’ s identity. Sin damaged that perfect creation. To accomplish the work of God, the identity and relationship must be restored. Each person must be recreated by the work of God’s love before that person is able to receive and accomplish the purposes of God for his or her life.

                  Help your people find the restoration of relationship with their God that will enable them to be His image in the world today. Help them learn to be authentically human.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 Hear me when I (Jesus) tell you (Peter) this. When you were younger, before you met and began following Me, you made the plans, you prepared, and then you did life your way. As you grow to completeness in Me, you will simply stretch out your hands and reach for Me, and you will willingly go wherever I lead – even though you don’t want to go where I’ll take you. (John 21:18)

                  Peter experienced a very challenging three years with Jesus. It was marked by soaring highs and dramatic lows, as he always seemed to be one of the more serious, passionate disciples. This passage immediately follows an exchange between Jesus and Peter where Jesus allowed him to both be restored in close personal relationship, and to gain new understanding for his way forward.

                  Do you struggle against this expectation of Jesus? Do you think of great plans; big projects you can do to make up for the times you may have failed Jesus? You must understand, these desires, without the kind of complete submission Jesus describes to Peter, will lead you down the broad way of destruction. Hear Jesus tell you today, “Your work is to feed My sheep; love my people. Just stretch out your hands and let me show you the way, even if that way doesn’t make sense to you.”

                  Learn the truth of following Jesus. Understand and accept that it means you give up control. Trust the way Jesus shows you, even when you don’t understand.


Monday, September 19, 2022


 After Jesus received the vinegar, He said, “It has been completed;” then bowed His head and released His spirit. (John 19:30)

                   How often do you say, or allow others to say about you, (or at least feel – inside) that, “you deserve ___” (some benefit or honor or recognition)? The ultimate work of Jesus was to die. Do you understand that He was saying that your work is to be the same?

                   Earlier in the book of John, Jesus is speaking with His disciples (John 12:23-27). He explained that neither He nor they could be faithful to God the Father, and His purpose for them, unless they were willing to give up any claim they have upon even their own lives. People whose expectation for their life is that they will live it as if they are already dead to what they want or need, do not feel they deserve anything beyond that death. The language was much more direct in the book of Mark (8:34). There, Jesus said explicitly that His follower must, “deny himself and take up their cross.” Your desires to get what you have earned by your good works or your faithfulness must die if you wish to follow Jesus faithfully.

                   Refuse to feel entitled and die to your selfish desires so that Jesus can use you to bring others to new life in Him.

Sunday, September 18, 2022


 If I could speak eloquently in every tongue, whether of men or angels, if I don’t have love it is just noise; no meaning. If I could preach and could know and teach everything, even having all the faith to move mountains – bot not love – I am nothing. Even if I give away everything I own for the poor or give my life as a martyr, if I don’t have love, it won’t help me at all. (1Corinthians 13:1-3)

                  Chances are good that you are quite capable. Decisions may come easily; almost as second nature, and people whom you lead may look to you every time there is a difficult challenge. Having such capabilities often leads men and women to believe that they have responsibility for outcomes rather than obedience. This belief can grow stronger, even to a place where leaders determine the desired outcome for others. Then they may use coercion or deception, allowing the ends to justify the means.

                  God didn’t give you gifts of capability so that you can control the decisions others will make. He speaks through Paul’s words to make it clear that the object of His gifts to you is the benefit of another person. His desire is that you will use those gifts to show the love that you and He share for them as His people – and yours – by using them in the way His Spirit leads you. Power is God’s to exercise. Your tool is love, as He expresses that love in power through your life and all your capabilities.

                  Your gifts are wonderful creations of God. Let Him use them creatively to love others each day.

Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Just as a file of iron is used to make the iron axe sharp, one person is an instrument used to sharpen the face of another. (Proverbs 27:17)

                  King Solomon also gives insight into the relationships of a healthy community of faith. He explains that people are to sharpen and improve the effectiveness of each other as they rub against and challenge each other in relationships each day. This is in sharp contrast with the way of the world. There, every interaction is framed as a self-serving, competitive battle in the arena where there must be winners and losers. In God’s economy, each day’s business can result in benefit to each person.

                   Do you view your daily interactions as battles to be won, or do you see those events and activities as opportunities to find God’s purpose and his will for each of you whom He brings together? Living with partners; doing business God’s way, means using your relative power to influence and encourage submission and obedience to the Lord and His will. It is not to be used as a political lever to be used for leverage to win the day.

                   Living with partners in community protects you from the temptation to manipulate others. Also, a broad, inclusive view of community encourages you to follow Jesus and His will for each relationship to which he leads you.

Friday, September 16, 2022


 Is any one of you sick? If so, call the elders to have them anoint you with oil in the name of the Lord, God, and then pray over you together. Faithful, believing prayers will heal the sick; the Lord will heal. If they have sinned He will forgive. So, confess to each other and then pray for each other, so you all may be healed. The prayers of one who lives in close relationship with God are strong medicine. (James 5:14-16)    

                  The author of James paints a colorful picture of a community of faith that depends not only upon the Lord, but upon each other as they relate to God together in community. Sharing in the burdens of sin and its effects on the fragile, valuable lives of brothers and sisters in Christ is God’s expectation for His children. The pride that will tempt you to feel that you must be a perfect role model, free from temptation and error, is not from God. While you may not confess every stray thought to everyone of your people, you need strong, faithful partners for accountability and help.

                Who are your partners in the work? Are you looking for those God will lead your way to help in the work? The Lord will lead you to the community of confession and prayer and healing He has prepared for you if you will ask Him to do so.

                   Look for your partners as you follow Jesus each day.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Satan said (to Jesus), “If you are really God’s child, throw yourself down (from the rooftop of the temple). You know it has been written about you that he will send angels to protect you from harm.” But, Jesus replied, “It is also written – never presume upon God.” (Matthew 4:6-7)

                   As you look around, do you see the markers of success? Are the revenues high, are the profits trending up? Are more raving fans coming into the ranks? If so, is it because you are especially talented? Of course, you will say, “No!” Humility would require that. But, do your actions testify against you on that question? Do you charge ahead, pursuing the rational course that brought you to this place of apparent success without conferring with God each day? Some people become so successful they simply don’t have time to consider God’s will. Is that you?

                   Jesus warns against presuming what God wants. Particularly, He cautions not to expect to have somehow earned special treatment and protection from poor or selfish decisions. Satan wanted Jesus to choose the spectacular. Jesus chose to be faithful and obedient. So must you if you will follow Him and lead effectively.

                   Remember that God participates in and blesses the work He authorizes. He’s not a guaranteed rescue for those who use His name to show off.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 He who lives where the Lord, God shelters him, lives in His very shadow all day. I will live there and say, “He is my safety. He is my strength and my protection. My God is my only hope, and he is who I will always be trusting.” (Psalm 91:1-2)

                  Do you find that the old axiom, “It’s lonely at the top” Is true for your life? Does it get lonelier, the higher you go; the bigger your responsibility? Loneliness is an experience shared by many leaders. It seems harder to connect with other people as many subordinates are intimidated, and the leader may struggle to be transparent or authentic with others, feeling he or she must be nearly perfect.

                   The author of this Psalm recognized that the Lord, God is the true friend. He is the one who accepts you as you are, loves you, and helps you to grow to be the person and do the work he created you to do. Jesus is the best friend for any person; every person, not only the isolated leader. So, the logical, reasonable decision for each person who follows Christ should be to “live where the Lord, God shelters him.”

                   Live in God’s shadow, all day, every day. Allow him to work through your life to love others into that relationship of intimacy with yourself and Him. Never walk alone.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 Jesus responded to her (the Samaritan woman), “Everyone who drinks this (well) water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I will give will never again thirst. The water I provide becomes a living well; life that brings new and everlasting life!” (John 4:13-14)

                   Think of all of society’s needs; the things that threaten people and destroy their lives in the world around you today. How can you know the answers? Experts are everywhere. Science studies every problem, seeking solutions. But, these problems are varied and they are interrelated in complex patterns. Jesus says these words to explain to the Samaritan woman that God has the best answers for human needs. Also, God desires the very best for His people. That is the expertise that people in the world around you need if they are to prosper.

                Recognize that – apart from God – human answers are short-term, limited responses to your peoples’ needs. Knowing that the Lord has the answers people need and that He wants each of them to find the life that is best for them, listen to Him for your guidance. Send your people to Him when they have needs.

                   Recognize that the Lord God is the true expert for all of life’s concerns.

Monday, September 12, 2022


 So, which is the easier thing; to say, “Your sins have been forgiven,” or to say, “Get up and walk?” (Matthew 9:5)

                   Physical needs, financial concerns, health issues, and social concerns are so important. These problems are the issues with which most leaders are engaged. The world around you will rate various of these needs as primary. Which of these are most important to you? Where do you focus your attention each day?

                   Jesus gives evidence here of His focus. The harder thing; the important thing is the sin that separates men and women from the Lord, God. The focus of Jesus’ life – His purpose and work – was the restoration of that relationship. His business was – and is – life, spiritual life. He made a way for people to live as God intended. If you are following Jesus; if in fact He is your life, will that not be your focus too? The world’s material health and social needs are practical problems worthy of address. Be the one who brings the Lord’s spiritual answers to those problems.

                   Help your people; those God sends to you, to see that Jesus is the bread they need for life that matters (John 6:35). Like Jesus, let your business be bringing life to other people every day.


Sunday, September 11, 2022


 And I, if I may be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself. (John 12:32)

                   Self-esteem, self-promotion, self-reliance, self-assurance, self-determination… Are these the phrases others use to describe you? Are these characteristics the traits that you value? If so, how do you reconcile them with your role as one who follows Jesus; one who is completely submissive to His will for your life?

                This simple statement of Jesus provides a vivid picture of the proper focus of your esteem, promotion, reliance, assurance, and determination. For a follower of Christ, to live and work is to reflect His image. You will be the background music; the canvas on which His love is displayed (lifted up) for others to see. When that is your life, Jesus will draw others to Himself, and they will experience His transforming work in their lives. You are probably more comfortable relying on you, but that is not God’s way. His way is a relationship where every movement is motivated by Him, and you depend entirely on Him.

                   Have the courage to simply be the follower. Rest in Christ, and just be you as He leads.

Saturday, September 10, 2022


 And this – This is His will (the Father, God) – that I will not lose any person he has given to me. They are mine, and I will raise them up on that last day. (John 6:39)

                   You are a child of the Lord, God. He has called you to a life of following Jesus Christ; to be a part of the story of His work in this world today. That is your identity. You are a Christ-follower. You do not have to waste time trying to find yourself, nor figure out your purpose in life. That identity and your purpose have been given to you by God. Will you give this identity; this purpose to your people? Or, will you allow them to struggle and search for it in an effort to find themselves?

                   Jesus understood His role. He says clearly in this passage, “God has given me a people to save, and I will deliver them safely home.” With Christ living in you – consuming your thoughts and controlling your actions – this is your work with the people He has given you as well. God has promised that he will complete the work in and through your life. This is a promise to every believer. When you know this, you can find rest in the Lord. You can know who you are!

                   Lead your people to understand their identity as followers of Jesus Christ. Help them to walk each day in the confidence of His love.

Friday, September 9, 2022


 Put my words in your hearts. Repeat them to your people diligently; whether at home, traveling, and even when sleeping or rising. Have them always at hand, and always on your minds. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)

                   Your vision; the work that the Lord God has given you to do, is the priority for you and your people. Do you repeat it frequently to them? Is it on their minds when they wake up? Do they go to sleep at night thinking about the values you have communicated to them frequently and urgently? When they make decisions at their work each day, are these concepts etched in their hearts?

                   Moses knew the value of repetition. He urged the Israelites to treasure, value, teach, and even obsess about God’s word for them. He knew that these were the words of life. Moses knew that God’s people must follow, in every detail – as their top priority, the word of the Lord God. The same is true today for your people; if they are to be successful, they must follow the Lord’s will for their lives. Repetition, constant and consistent, will help them remember to consider the vision and the values you have received from the Lord, and have communicated to them.

                   Touch them often with God’s words. Saturate them in the story of his work in your life, and His desire to work in their lives.

Thursday, September 8, 2022


 Another of the people following Jesus asked, “Lord first (Before I follow you), I need to go see to my father’s burial and affairs. He’s dying, you know. But Jesus said to him, “You follow me now. Come and work with the living. Others can deal with the dead.” (Matthew 8:21-22)

                   Jesus is counter-cultural. The world tells you to complain; to view events selfishly, and to follow the rules. Jesus says, “No! You have been given a unique opportunity to change the world!” Every moment of your life is brimming with the opportunity that comes from being one of the few who are really living. Will you seize each day, and attack with creative, imaginative energy? Will you use the entrepreneurial spirit that has placed you where you are to transform your people? When you look in the mirror are you serving Jesus, or are you serving yourself?

                   Jesus told this gentleman, “You are more!” And, before he could protest or question, Jesus explained to him that few have found real life, and those who find that life are in the business of helping others to find it. “Follow me – live with the living – help others find life,” He counseled.

                   Use all your creativity; everything you can imagine, and all that you know – every day – to follow Jesus, and to lead others to Him.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 If the speaker knows not the language of the hearer, and the hearer does not understand the language of the speakers, how will they relate? They will each be to the other as a deaf and mute person. They can’t relate or communicate.           (1 Corinthians 14:11)

                   Language is surprisingly complex. It is not simply words strung together into sentences. Language is a tool; complete with complex rules and methods, words, and even the “how.” Often, the medium – the how – becomes the message. You must decide what language should be used. What is the medium; the delivery method for your story and the message God has given you to communicate?

                   Paul speaks further about those who look to impress others, or to advance their own, personal cause or benefit. He argues that the purpose of communication is not to promote yourself, or even your message. It is rather to communicate the truth of Christ to your people. Otherwise, he cautions, you will impress only yourself. Your people won’t understand. They won’t benefit or be changed.

                   Learn the language your people understand. Communicate using the means, the methods, and the words they understand. Focus on their languages so they will understand the way to God.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 If you don’t speak words your audience can easily understand, how are they to know? You’ll be talking to yourself. There are so many kinds of languages. Each one is important. (1 Corinthians 14:9-10)

                   People everywhere understand and enjoy stories. Stories communicate life. They relate deep truths in a comfortable way. But, stories must relate to the everyday experience of the listener or they do not communicate. Do you know your people? Do you understand how they view the world and their lives in that world? If not, how will you tell your story in a way they will understand? Visions, values, interpretations; all of these are important. They communicate truth. But, the stories you tell, and the way you teach these truths must be relevant to everyday life or they will just be words.

                   Paul is talking to people whom he suspects are trying to elevate themselves – become important in their church – by speaking in tongues. He explains to them that they are communicating with no one unless they speak in a way that their audience will understand.

                   Exert the effort. Do the work you must do to know your people. Understand their lives so that you can tell your story in clear and meaningful ways.

Monday, September 5, 2022


 Now the man (from whom Jesus took away the demons) begged Jesus that he may stay with Him, but Jesus sent him away saying, “Go back to your people and tell them what the Lord God has done for you.” So, the man went and told his whole community all the great things Jesus had done for him. (Luke 8:38-39)

                   Have you considered what the Lord has done for you? If you are going to introduce other people to Jesus should you not have a clear, compelling reason to do that? What has Jesus done for you that you could not do for yourself? What change did that make in your life? How did it happen? The Bible is one long story that continues into our present day. Your experience with Jesus is another chapter of that Jesus story.

                   This passage relates a common desire you may have. When Jesus acts in your life, you may wish to stay with Him; to simply enjoy being healed by him. But, Jesus explains to this man that he must now take responsibility for the new life he has been given. He must begin immediately to live the mission. His job now is to live as evidence of Christ’s work in this world.

                   That is your work as well. Know your story! Be ready to share that story as a part of God’s work in His world when He sends others to you.

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 If your life is going to be fundamentally this way, you must live in constant relationship with the Lord’s Holy Spirit. If not, you may become conceited; even be competitive and envious about your spirituality. We’re in this together. Spend your time caring for your brother or sister who may be tempted, while guarding your own relationship with Christ Jesus. (Galatians 5:25-6:1)

                  People can lose their way at any time; even when you least expect it. Often, success that leads to power or position can insulate you and your leaders from the critical voices that remind you of your human frailty. Each person needs the connection with others that comes from community. Do you have people around you who insure that you maintain your focus on God? Have you established accountability for other leaders to be challenged regularly?

                  Here, Paul gives a principle, a warning, and a prescription for health. You will do well for your people to hear his words. First, Paul explains that there is ongoing work required if you wish to maintain a healthy organization. People must continually be directed to attend to their relationship with God. Then, he explains what happens if you don’t do that work. Finally, he gives a very practical, general process for how to be sure that you do the work to continue moving forward God’s way.

                  You know your people and their context. Let the Holy Spirit lead you to specific ways to live this counsel from Paul.

Saturday, September 3, 2022


 What naturally appears in the lives of those who are led by God’s Spirit is an uncommon love, joy, and peace. These people are very patient, kind, good, and faithful in their relationships with others. They have a gentle self-controlled manner that you can’t will yourself to have. It comes only to people who have allowed Jesus to change their desires (Galatians 5:22-23)

                  Another reason to carefully observe the behavior of your people is that you need leaders. Those who help you lead must be led of God’s Spirit to work in unity toward His plan for your people. Do you base your selection of leaders on these character traits? Do your subordinate leaders and managers share your vision and values? Are they leading your people where God wants them to go?

                  Just as clearly as he gave symptoms of self-centeredness and defiance of God and His rule, Paul has given the “symptoms” of good spiritual health and close relationship with the Holy Spirit. This calm, peaceful, patient demeanor that is marked by loyalty and a gentle, controlled goodness to other people – even when problems arise, is uncommon in the world. It will be easy to see for a person who is looking. These people may not have all the traditional characteristics society associates with leadership, but they have the ones that count in God’s economy.            

   Locate those among your people who are prepared to join you in the work and help you lead. Invest in them to help them learn to grow others.

Friday, September 2, 2022


 Things people do showing they base life on their own, selfish desires are obvious to everyone. They are sexually immoral, whether private or public, are shameless in lewd behavior. Further, they conform, pursuing idols and other spirits. They show their hatred, combativeness, and jealousies in ways that lead them and others to extreme anger. Dividing people, leading them to part emotionally, and even separate permanently. Those who live with discontent or drunken or uncontrolled behavior will not share in God’s kingdom. (Galatians 5:19-20)

                  As you lead your people, you must carefully observe issues of character if you will lead them well. Often, you may have layers of systems and processes to insure quality, limit risk, and protect resources. What are you doing to identify and address problems of character?

                  Paul knew that God’s prosperity comes only when people pursue life on God’s terms. He observed the behavior of men and women, and over time had come to see patterns. These basic human patterns are still evident today. If you see people who have no shame, who seem to be angry or selfish, and whose lives are spinning out of control, they are not pursuing God’s will for their lives. These actions lead to destruction for them and for the other people around them. They will infect others if left unaddressed. But, if you look, you will see these symptoms.              

   Invest in people. Help them find their way.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


 Friends, do you remember where you were; how you acted, when Jesus first rescued you? It wasn’t your brains, nor your power, nor your social standing, that caused God to choose you. That’s not how He works. He picks the least and makes them into the best.      (1 Corinthians 1:26-28)

                   Do you always focus on the superstars? Have you established a culture where those who are the brightest and best get all your attention? Have you ever considered that you may be overlooking people in whom God intended for you to invest – simply because they didn’t fit your definition of importance?

                  If so, Paul has an important word for you in this counsel. God has a history of late bloomers. It is His habit to take people from where they are, and work in them in a way that is creative and surprising. In the Lord’s kingdom, remember that there is irony. “The last will be first (Matthew 20:16).” Paul speaks of process over time (Philippians 1:6), and David acknowledged the same (Psalm 138:8). That is why you are so dependent each moment on the Spirit’s leadership. You can’t predict which person is the one in whom you should invest. You don’t know what they need, nor how to address that need apart from God’s work in you.

                  Recognize that God works in people’s lives over time. Understand that you will sometimes be part of the early years in the life of a late bloomer.