We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Sunday, October 31, 2021


 (Love) can patiently, quietly continue no matter what happens. It extends trust, believing each promise and every promise. It hopes fully in every respect (in God’s promises), so it may endure anything. Love never fails! (I Corinthians 13:7)

                  The thing about investments is that you generally want to build for the long-term. What is the asset that you want to “quietly continue” to grow during your lifetime? Jesus said the new command is to “love one another (John 13:14).” If that’s the work, the related asset certainly is human relationships. So, the equation for building that long-term value would be:

Rich Relationships = My Love + My Trust + My Hope

                  Paul begins with love, but he is telling his people at Corinth that the enduring work comes down to faith (trust), hope, and love (I Corinthians 13:13). With the love that is motivated by God’s love, made bold by a firm trust, and centered on a secure hope, you will have courage to risk investment in other people. Only then, will you be able to extend love and trust in a way that the world can’t understand, and fix your focus on your hope for the other person’s future. That kind of love is what makes for a rich relationship with another.

                   Trust the Lord today. Endure; persevere when life gets hard. Love, even when others don’t love you back. Let God’s love that never fails work through your life.

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Each one decides how to invest their own life… Those who just exist for their own purposes worry all the time about material things. But, those who really live, live according to the Holy Spirit of the Lord. (Romans 8:5-6)

                   When you read Paul’s self-descriptions, you never see him mention that he was an accountant. But in this letter, he talks about how to affect the value of a person’s investment. Maybe it’s because, as a businessman, he understands the profit and loss statement. His equation for how to profit was this:

The Work of the Spirit – Himself = God’s Prosperity

For him, the way to prosper was to stop going after what he wanted and his own prosperity. Interesting formula.

                   Can you use this as a rule of thumb for life? When you find that you are pursuing some selfish purpose or gain, might that prompt you to stop and consider if that behavior is in your best interests? If Paul’s equation is right, the word of God is to be valued as the source for a life that gives you the chance to really live. This must have been the abundant life about which Jesus spoke (John 10:10).

                   Decide today that you will invest your life only in the work that God gives you. Let God’s love that never fails work in you, and find His prosperous, abundant life.

Friday, October 29, 2021


 And after the great trembling, there was a great fire – God still was not in this. But, after the fire there came a still, small voice. When Elijah heard the voice, he wrapped his face and went out to the entrance. Suddenly the voice challenged him, “What are you doing, Elijah?” (I Kings 19:12-13)

                  Leaders often are attracted to BIG ideas. Often, this is even motivated by desire to have a big impact for the Lord. The world generally says, “bigger is better, stronger, and more important!” There are at least two big problems with this idea. First, strategic planning often requires looking long-term, and trying to predict the end from the beginning. That’s dangerous territory if you have only been given the first, or next, step by God. Also, God has a habit of acting in unexpected, and often small, ways.

                   This verse also presents two things to consider. Elijah waited to hear from God. He was not distracted by the big things going on around him. The fire, earthquake, nor any other major world events really got his attention. But, when God spoke, he was there. Second, Elijah must have been familiar with that voice. People used by the Lord in the stories of the Bible consistently shared these characteristics.

                   Look for God in everything big or small. Listen until you hear His voice, instead of being pulled to the things that others pursue as big or important.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 So, the Lord said, “This people, they speak honor with their mouths and call to Me with the words of their lips. But, their hearts are far from Me. That’s not worship. It’s just following human rules. (Isaiah 29:13)

                   Another challenge of presenting the vision and values God would have you and your people embody, is truly gaining consensus among your people. Your position of relative power will dictate that most of your people will say that they are with you. They may recite the vision and list the values, but if they haven’t applied these to their lives, you have been forcing lip service rather than leading them well. Using power to force fake agreement leads to hypocrisy. Leading others to real consensus around God-given vision and values leads to the formation of a community of people who can be unified.

                  Through Isaiah, God expressed His frustration with His people who didn’t understand this. Jesus also challenged the Pharisees (Matthew 15:1-14). He berated them for failing to understand and live by God’s true intent, and for leading others to follow confusing rules instead of God’s purposes. Leaders who fail to stay close to God’s intent will often try to reduce God to mere rules.

                  To pursue God’s purpose honestly, and to invest in helping others to relate to Him, is God’s model for your service to your people. That work will produce real consensus, and to a culture marked by God’s prosperity.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021


 But I would not have even thought about wanting and desiring so much, had it not been for the law saying, “don’t covet!” But, sin saw an opportunity in that commandment, and brought to my mind lusting after everything I could think about. (Romans7:7-8)

   Some people really like rules and regulations because they can set limits on how much abuse is allowed. Is your response to a rule ever, “How can I get around this?” In some ways, as compared to simple rules being applied with judgment, having a lot of detailed regulation can legitimize bad acts and bad actors if those actions are not too much or too bad. A regulated environment can encourage selective enforcement and punishment by you or by others.

                  As a Pharisee himself, Paul was familiar with all the bad ways to use laws and rules. Certainly, he saw the waste of time and needless oppression of people under a heavy load of rules. But, Paul also saw another aspect of the law. He observed that the sin remaining in his flesh seems to be drawn toward evil simply by knowing what is evil. Presenting the rules against actions, seemed to draw him to those very same prohibited actions as he thought about them.

                  Be cautious as you define your values to give definitions that are positive, and full of promise. Don’t engage in trying to control each detail. Let the Lord lead you to communicate in a clear and hopeful, yet simple and trusting way.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 (After the interaction with the Pharisees) as thousands had gathered around them, Jesus first told His disciples, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees. It is deceit!” (Luke 12:1)

                  The Pharisees loved rules and regulations. Much of their power was exerted through the imposition, interpretation, and enforcement of Jewish law. They were masters at using law to exclude and manipulate, but Jesus had just challenged them for another cause. In fact, He told the Pharisees they were headed for judgment and doom (Luke 11:42-52). They were dishonest, and they lacked integrity as they applied the law, and their actions ignored the truth behind those laws. Apparently, this fake behavior is judged very harshly by God (vv. 50-51).

                   How about you? Do you ever engage in spinning a situation to present a customer or employee proposal in a more favorable light? Do you ever leave out important details or circumstances that would qualify for exceptions to rules or policies when those disclosures may change the hearer’s perception? Would you ever provide a thick document to someone under the guise of being transparent, when that document serves to hide negative parts?

                   Trust Jesus to lead you to decisions which are good decisions, and then be honest with people. There can be no trust unless there is open and honest communication in dealing with your people.    

Monday, October 25, 2021


Don’t act in any way to advance your own, selfish ends, nor to build your ego. Rather, humbly think of other people as more important than you. Work for what they need, not what you want. (Philippians 2:3-4)

                   What part of you still desires success or significance? Which of the material, social, or psychological goals still capture your imagination? Unless you can put these personal wants aside, your actions will be impacted by them. Your rules for your people will serve those selfish interests. Unless you focus carefully on others, and what they need, your guidance and standards may become tyranny. Some rules are merely a convenient disguise for efforts to manipulate outcomes.

                   Paul drills down to the essence of what it means to follow Christ. Your entire life; every part of your attention and focus will be directed toward God’s answer for you and for other people. You see, people need relationship with the Lord, God. No other purpose, nor any other pursuit that you create will answer that need. Any desire that you imagine will ultimately serve your wish rather than the need of the person before you.

                   Focus on other people – all the time – and listen for God’s word to you for how you may serve their needs.


Sunday, October 24, 2021


 Here’s a new rule for you. This will be your rule. Each one of you must love the others, just like I have loved you. Love one another! (John 13:34)

                  Is it practical to have simple rules and to be inclusive? In the real world, where you and your people do business, can you follow this command of Jesus? In this world, where the extension of trust is rare, rules are often used to limit risk. The costs of complying and of documenting that compliance are usually passed along to some faceless user downstream, and they’re justified as necessary to protect the public. In this world there is a material benefit (an incentive) to being part of the group that writes and follows all the rules because that group decides who will be excluded.

                   Jesus provides a different way for those who follow Him. He says, “love without limit.” (Just as I have loved you). He says, “love fully!” There is no condition in the encouragement to simply, inclusively, “love one another!” Following this regulation may mean that you must follow many of the world’s rules to be able to love that other person. Obeying Jesus may also mean you must break a rule sometimes.  But, the guidance you give your people – your rules should never be designed to exclude others from your love.

                   Your role – the new rule – is simply to love.

Saturday, October 23, 2021


 Be found without any semblance of evil. The very God who desires your peace and prosperity; The Lord, will purify you – completely. He will finish you so that your whole Spirit, soul, and body will be guarded and kept blameless for our Lord Jesus Christ. You can believe and trust that He will do this! (I Thessalonians 5:22-24)

                  Do you believe that good, clear, and detailed rules and regulations are the keys to consistent performance and behavior? Do you think your people need to be guided by lists of dos and don’ts, and to be monitored closely for compliance if your group is to prosper? As you and your group grow, you will make a choice. You must select an organizing process. The choices really boil down to two; rules or relationships. Which will you choose?

                   Paul explains here that God chose relationship to accomplish His work of sanctification in you. The Lord, God sees you as His work. Completing you, and your progress toward His peace and His prosperity – by His working in, along-side, and through you – that is the work He reserved for Himself. God wants to bring about the transformation of His people through relationship, not rules.

                   Consider today whether He may be calling you to work through relationship to bring the vision He has given you to completion.

Friday, October 22, 2021


 And everything – the whole body of all the work you do and all you say – Do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. And, all the time, thank God the Father that He allows you this great gift. (Colossians 3:17)

                   No doubt that the early readers of this letter included many who had heard and understood the truth that love of work is key to performing with excellence and to enjoying that work. Do you love your work? Do you love the vision that drives it? Is that enough? Not according to Paul.

                   Paul tells the people at Colossi, “It is not enough to love your work, even if it is work that God has given you to do. The why is important. Paul says you and your people must love your work because God loves it; because you are pursuing the vision He has given you as an objective in the way He has told you to pursue. In a word, you must love most the relationship with God. When that happens, your work and your worship become one. When it is God you love and pursue – when He is the reason (the why) for all of it – the work can change and yet it will still be work that you will love.                 

                  Make sure your why is Jesus. Make sure your people know that all you lead them to do is part of your worship that wants to honor and represent Him.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


 And so, the people who heard Jesus tell them how very difficult it is to live the life God requires asked Him, “then, who can possibly be rescued?” Jesus answered, “the things that are impossible with men; they are possible only with God.” (Luke 18:26)

                   So, what is the hard part of the new, better work that God has given you to do? The part men and women find hard is to be consistent in constant attention to the work God is doing; His story for their lives. It is difficult to make every small piece of your life be about pursuing that one purpose. Jesus’ message, explained further by Paul and others, is that living out God’s purposes requires true justice, real mercy, and a unity that exceeds anything men and women can create. Living out God’s will this way is hard.

                   In fact, here Jesus says it is impossible without constant relationship with God, allowing Him to shape your heart, transform its desires and make you ready to face the complex challenges of a world dominated by fallen people and failed ambitions. In a world that chooses sin, only God can remain faithful and true as He works in your life and the lives of your people.

                   Focus your people, and yourself, on the God who will make possible His prosperity, no matter how complex or difficult the work of following Him becomes.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Even though people knew God, they turned inward, foolishly claiming to know best for themselves instead of worshipping and glorifying the Lord, God. They gave up aspiring to God and His glory, choosing instead the common things He created. (Romans1:21)

                  Men and women are very good at achieving what they really want most in life. You are always living toward a future, a goal, an end. What is yours? You must be careful to choose this end with serious intent. Recognizing the truth of this passage; that your efforts are animated by your habits that in turn come from what you really want, you should focus intently on God’s vision for your life. You should also be careful to consistently focus your people on God and the work God has given you all to do together.

                 As Paul was describing the choices these folks made, he must have scratched his head. “They know better,” is his real observation here. As he wondered why others (and he, himself at times) would do such a foolish thing, he must have remembered Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” Against their own interests, these people chose to cling tightly to all the lesser things provided by the world; the latest shiny object, rather than pursuing God and His true worth and glory.

                   Be careful. Lead your people to a carefully considered decision to pursue God, so they will become the image bearers He wants them to be.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


 …to rule… (Genesis 1:26)

We beg you – Christ wants us to do this for Him – please be reconciled to Him, so that (as God intended) we will all participate in His rule again! (2 Corinthians 5:20-21)

                  Is your work supposed to be hard? Is it supposed to leave you mentally and spiritually exhausted, discouraged, and stressed out? God’s word is clear about when you will find work to be a burden all these ways, and when it will not be so. It is a choice you make each moment. Will you do the work of the world that is filled with stress and exhaustion? Or, will you do the work of God that brings peace and joy?

                  Both in God’s original creative intent, and in the work of reconciliation Paul describes, God has a plan for you to enjoy better work than this world can ever offer you. Participating in His rule, while in unity with God’s Holy Spirit is that better work. Because of the penalty for man’s rebellion (Genesis 3:17), this world’s work is hard, toilsome, and causes much pain. But, Paul (here), and Jesus (Matthew 11:29-30) invite you and your people to come to Jesus to be re-created, and once again to participate in God’s ruling work – which is the work of renewal and recreation.

                  Don’t spend your time, effort, energy, and focus trying to tame the world’s work. It won’t change. You and your people can change your choices though. Lead your people to join you as you pursue the better work God offers.

Monday, October 18, 2021


 …after our likeness… (Genesis 1:26)

So (since Jesus has left us with this work of reconciling His people to Himself), we are to put on Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:19-20)

                  What does it mean to be made in God’s image… after His likeness? How in the world can you “put on Christ” as Paul suggests? Is this figurative – surely it could not be a literal instruction. The Hebrew words used describe both masculine and feminine, and they speak of a representative model that resembles an original. Possibly to say, “to be God’s representative presence in the world,” is a good way to blend these two passages. 

                  Paul says here, “He has placed in/on us the word of restoration to favor.” In his letter to the Romans (13:14), he uses the imagery of “clothing yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” This work of representation is extensive, from both perspectives. Not only does God call on you to bear His image in every act he calls you to do, and every word you say, but there is more. You are also called to remind the men and women of His world that it belongs to Him – both to help them know their true value, and to remind them constantly of His love and desire for relationship with them.

                   Take the work of clothing yourself in Christ Jesus seriously. Recognize and live into the reality that God created you to bear His image.

Sunday, October 17, 2021


 The Lord, God said, “Let us make men and women…” (Genesis 1:26)

                  In the Genesis 1 account of God’s creation, we learn that He spoke light into existence, He made things, He set things in place and into motion. Further, God allowed things to happen. He blessed, and He saw that the things He created were good. In this verse, the Lord God said, “Let us make men and women.” John begins his story (John 1:1-4) by explaining that Jesus was present and creating all that was made. The Holy Spirit too was there (Genesis 1:2). God used the singular as His Spirit hovered over the waters. What then, is the significance of a sudden change to “us” when He created men and women?

                  As God is omniscient, he knew, and He must have thought about the great role that he would allow you to have in the birth/creation of men and women – both physically and in their spiritual re-birth. From this – the very beginning – the Creator God knew you would have a part in making men and women. Do you understand? Whatever you make or sell or build, repair or manage – from God’s perspective - your product is people!!! Your work, as Jesus commissions you (Matthew 28:19-20), is to be God’s mission in His world to redeem His people and restore them to relationship with Himself.

                   Your product is people. Focus on that work. Never settle for less than God’s missions for you.

Saturday, October 16, 2021


 Don’t be worried and distracted, no matter what happens, nor what lies ahead. Instead, if you humbly and seriously take everything to God, asking Him with a faith that thanks Him, even as you are asking, then He will give you a peace that will blow your mind. He will keep your thoughts and feelings on Himself in Christ’s love. (Philippians 4:6-7)

   It is said that great power corrupts. But, for those who truly understand the great responsibility that God gives to His chosen leaders, Paul explains this power should lead to great humility. His first words are comforting. They should inspire confidence. Maybe he thought about Nehemiah (1:5-11), as he explained why you can have this great peace. And note, the promise is not for a certain or specific outcome. The peace of God comes from focusing on Christ’s love - whatever happens, and whatever lies ahead.

                   What about you? Do you take everything – every action, every decision, and every word – to God? Do you always do it humbly, seriously, and with a faith that allows you to focus on Jesus and His love for other people? Do you have the peace Paul had that blows your mind? Do you have peace when, like Nehemiah, you make an audacious request or deliver a difficult message to a powerful ruler?

                   If not, begin today taking everything to God. Begin every activity with prayer.

Friday, October 15, 2021


 (It is my role to send you) so, go, replicate yourselves as followers of me among all people, then baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to do all I’ve taught you, and I’ll be with you until the work is completed. (Matthew 28:19-20)

                  Do you understand that part of your role; and part of the reason you have been given the authority God has given you, is to send your people out? Part of the work is to teach them to live in community, and to embrace the vision and values that the Lord has given you. But completing replication – their transformation – will mean that they too must relate to God directly. Each of them must find and pursue the unique vision Jesus has for them.

                   Jesus explained that He had been given the authority to send them. He says directly, “You are to go.” There was a three-fold, consistent message here. First – replicate – go and make them like you in that they will follow Me. Then, walk with them so you can teach them all I taught you. Finally, stay with them; be there for them to mentor them in how to trust in Me, knowing I will also always be there.

                   Sending is an important part of teaching. Kind of like a mid-term exam, sending causes you as a student-follower and leader to put all of what you are learning into action.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 In every action, see an opportunity to show a model of good works, so your teaching will have integrity and be taken seriously. Let your words always be carefully chosen, so opponents will be silenced in their attempts to harm you. (Titus 2:7-8)

                  Do you realize that you are always teaching; every moment? Those who follow you; especially those who admire, respect, and aspire to be like you are looking constantly at what you do. If your actions and your words disagree they will be confused at best, and they may become frustrated or feel betrayed. Those who oppose you or your vision will also be watching. They will miss no opportunity to point out disparities.

                  Paul cautions his student Titus, first telling him that his attempts to mentor and teach others will be harmed if he does not have the integrity to live his values. That lack of consistency will be called hypocrisy; a label that no one wants to hear applied to themselves. Hypocrites are treated with contempt, and they are compared with the worst and least honest of a group. That is why Paul added special advice that Titus must especially guard his words. “Don’t say you will if you won’t, and don’t tell me not to do what you are doing – nor what you are allowing others to do.”

                   Be true to your rules. Live out your values, so that everything you do will help and teach your people.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


 And the Lord, God says, “These people have learned the right words to say, but their hearts; their wills, are far from me. What they call worship is just repeating words men have given them to say. They are mere lip service. (Isaiah 29:13)

                   Do you create training opportunities that move the values you teach into the real world? Do you mentor others in a way that coaches your people to consider how the values can and should inform their decisions and actions? Do you celebrate when you see good values-based work, emphasizing the importance of those values to the long-term success of individuals and the whole community?

                   When Jesus commissioned twelve of His followers to work in various communities during His time here (Luke 9:1-6), He showed His expectation for followers. Worship is doing what God desires rather than, as Isaiah says, simply repeating God’s words. Words inform. Practicing teaches. Talking about Christ is helpful. Putting on Christ by doing the work He gives you will teach you, and others, about His love in ways that will lead them to Him. This practice will also bring you closer to the reality of living fully in relationship with Jesus.

                   Lead your people to practice the values in every possible application. Immerse them in the work.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 My fellow believers, I’m not saying I’m there, but I can say I do this; I’ve forgotten all the past. I’m pushing forward. I’m going for a goal! I want to do that thing; live the life God has called me to through the power of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3:13-14)

                  Do you clearly articulate where you are headed? What are the bottom-line, non-negotiable values that you have determined to be critical to your people? In a world that encourages people to define their own, individual choices for good and bad, your people will never become united toward the vision if you haven’t defined and taught these values. Your shared values will shape and define the culture of your community.

                   Paul, who invested time living among his people in their communities and teaching them the important values that Christ taught, continues to reiterate the messages in his letters. Not only did he speak directly, but he also said, “Pray for me. Pray that I will be able to say what I should say clearly (Colossians 4:4).” Even in his time, there were people who pursued competing goals. Paul knew, without clear presentation, there could be no common effort. That’s why the values are so important.

                   Teach your people the values that you know should be non-negotiables for yourself and for them, so you can lead them to life in Christ.

Monday, October 11, 2021


 And the many began to ask him (John), “So what, then, should we do?” He answered, “If you have two coats, give one to someone who has none. If you have food, do the same.” (Luke 3:10-11)

                   Do you give your people practical opportunities to participate in God’s kingdom work? At times, behaving in a way that models your values; especially when providing service unselfishly to others, can open a person’s heart to the love of Christ. As they experience God’s presence in the work and the healing power of hope, people have an opportunity to see a different possibility for their own lives.

                   John encouraged his listeners to understand that God’s judgment is certain, and that He will not accept less than a life lived well; for His purposes. To that challenge, the people asked the question most would consider, “How then do I please God?” Humble repentance in faith, such as these people showed as they sought to be baptized is desired by God. But, Scripture repeatedly explains that selfless love and mercy is the answer to what really pleases God.

                   Words are powerful, but actions are powerful too. Give your people opportunities to learn through action. Let them participate with you in God’s work in your community. Serving others will teach them about God’s love.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


 Christ has one Body and one Spirit, just as each of you was called to the very same hope and faith. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all. He is over everything, through everything, and in everything. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

                   Do you value each of the ways that the Lord has given you to relate to Him? As your people grow and come to be receptive to the Lord, do you introduce them to these opportunities? The old ways; loving relationship with God, prayer, listening for His voice, reading Scripture as you pray, fasting, and worshipping, are all valuable gifts from God. They will enrich your life and the lives of all your people who practice them.

                   Paul explains there is one way – God. Even as you recognize that people are unique, they are the same in at least two ways. First, each is created by God, and is accountable to Him. God is God over every person and activity. Second, He is “in everything.” This means He has made Himself available to each person.

    Sometimes you want to be relevant, or current, and you may look for new methods. God may lead you to them. But, don’t abandon the old ways He has given you. These ancient paths to relationship with God hold great value for you and your people.

Saturday, October 9, 2021


 But the time is here. Real followers will worship the Father, God in Spirit and in Truth. That is the people the Father wants. (John 4:23)

   Are you willing to always tell the truth? This is one of the hardest things to do, but – especially as you lead others – you can’t pursue God’s calling without being truthful. That includes not only being careful with what and how you teach, but also that you be truthful with your people as they move forward. As you are always teaching these you lead, their actions may tell you they are lying when they tell you they have adopted the vision and values as their own. Teaching truth means that you must require their words and actions to be consistent. You must require them to be honest with themselves, with the Lord, and with you.

   Jesus here mentions truth is a characteristic of genuine worship; the kind that God is looking for. “God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).” Lying, deceit, false balances, flattery are all characteristics and actions that God says He despises. As you pray, asking that the Holy Spirit show you where you must change, ask that He reveal places where you are being dishonest with yourself and with others. Listen to the Spirit prayerfully as you observe and speak with your people, asking that He show you where you and how you should speak the truth.    Truth is hard. Your people need you to speak and model the truth as you lead them.

Friday, October 8, 2021


 Go and replicate yourselves in the other nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them how to follow in all that I taught you. And listen, I am with you every day; all the time, until the completion of this age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

                   Does your plan for your people include ongoing teaching? Is teaching imbedded in your processes? Is it a responsibility of each leader to be teaching and growing others whom they lead? Repetition is important. Recognize that new people enter the groups you lead and relate to, and that someone must be charged with teaching them as well.

                  Jesus left His followers here with three clear, direct mandates; replicate, baptize, and teach. Replication is the product of transformation. Baptism is the clear communication of the changed life. This includes both the intentional act of the transformed person to say, “I have been changed, “and the public witness he or she gives to that transformation. Teaching brings maturity, forming the new life that grows each day when it is nurtured. God has chosen to do the work of teaching and nurturing partly through His people just as people share in helping others come to faith in Christ. He intends for you to include your people in this work of teaching and nurturing too.

                   Embrace the opportunity that Christ has given you to teach and provide for ongoing instruction of His people. It is vital to His work and yours.

Thursday, October 7, 2021


 But Christ was faithful as the Son over the House of God, His Father. We are His house if we persevere boldly to bring glory to Him with our firm hope always to the end. (Hebrews 3:6)

                  Are there times you don’t feel like celebrating God’s goodness? Have you experienced the place where the work you have done and the processes you have initiated to follow Him seem to be yielding nothing? Were you tempted to use your mind, and the proven ways of the world to turn it around? You should never choose the world’s way.

                  The writer observes, “Jesus was faithful.” He did what God wanted Him to do – period. Then he says, “If you are His house (where He lives)” – in other words – “If Jesus really is your Lord and lives in you,” then you will do the same thing. You will persevere boldly through difficult times if Jesus lives in you. He includes strong adverbs for emphasis. He says to persevere always, every day to the end. Be bold in speaking truth even to those who don’t want to hear. Do the work because you have hope (believe) in God’s power to accomplish His will and purposes in the world. Living this way means you never stop celebrating God; never give up on Him and just do what other people would do.

                  Persevere boldly, with great hope in the Lord God alone, and do it firmly to the end when He completes His work in you.


Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 And everything; whatever you do and every word, action, and all your work – do it in the name of the Lord, Jesus. And, in all of it, give thanks to Father God through Jesus who gives us this life. (Colossians 3:17)

                  What are the daily routines of your community? Have you thought about the customary, default activity and reasoning process of your people? Routines are important tools in the formation of a culture. The decisions your people make should be tested against the vision and values you have communicated and defined. Processes to care for people must be part of your routines if your community is to be connected and prospering. Each of your routines should be measured against God’s vision and values for your people.

                  Paul stresses that everything matters to Jesus. He says a lot in this short statement. Everything that you do that you call work and everything you say, are done in Jesus’ name as you live your life in the Spirit. As you move toward that desired reality, you begin to form personal habits of attentiveness to Christ. These are your routines. They are vital to your Spiritual growth. Similarly, as you recognize the patterns, you can establish processes – ways of being and ways of doing things – for your people to follow. These “ways of being and doing” will be vital to the growth of the people in your community.    

   Routines aren’t routine. They are the mark of excellence. They become the way for your people.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 Let this new song be sung; everywhere – to the ends of His earth. Go to the sea, take it to the islands and all their people. Even out in the far wilderness, and from the tops of the mountains they will sing, shouting praises. They will all give glory to the Lord God singing His praises in all the islands. (Isaiah 42:10-12)

                   Are your words full of hope? Or, do you sometimes forget from where your hope comes? Do you speak in ways that convey your fears to your people? Each celebration is an opportunity to show and inspire a hope that sustains confidence in the future. To say, “God loves,” is what enables you to love (1 John 4:19); not just to love Him, but also to love His people. In like manner, celebrating God’s work enables hope for those who are gripped by fear.

                   Isaiah delivers God’s promise that the songs that praise His work on earth will connect to the future. This means, if you sing His songs everywhere, always, to the ends of His earth, then others will inhabit this new life! In still other words, if you are faithful in praising the Lord, God, His earth will be filled with hope-giving celebration and praise.

                   So, speak optimistically, as God leads you. Be careful that your words are filled with His hope rather than with fear.

Monday, October 4, 2021


The Holy Spirit of the Father, the Lord God, is covering me; my life. The purpose; the reason He placed that Spirit in my life is to tell the great news to the poor. The captives are now free, those who have been stumbling around blind can now see, and I bring real liberty to the oppressed and enslaved. (Luke 4:18-19)

                  Do some of your people need re-charging? You don’t celebrate just to introduce and invite new people to respond and join the effort. Celebration also promotes and grows participation for those already engaged. Remember that what you talk about as the leader is what your people will do. Your words will have a desire-shaping focus. If you stop talking about vision and values, and you stop telling and celebrating the stories of what God is doing, they will notice. Your actions and words, or your inaction and silence are watched very carefully.

                  Jesus said the Spirit was placed upon Him; “covering His life (completely),” so that He would be constantly telling and celebrating the good news. Every day brought an opportunity to shape focus on God, encourage participation, and grow people together in community. His whole business, and yours, is to replicate workers who will in turn bring more transformation.

                  Let your life be covered with the Spirit. Keep on telling the good news. See the transformation God promises as you allow Him to work through you every day.

Sunday, October 3, 2021


 When God’s people talk with each other about all He has done, the Lord, God listens. Even He makes note of how they have worked and what has been done through their work because they honor Him and put all their hope in Him. (Malachi 3:16)

                  Do your people have time and opportunity to simply be “us” together? Have you established, in your times of celebration, opportunities to focus on and celebrate the “we?” When you make room for time to appreciate what has happened because God brought you and your people together, it encourages unity. This time of celebration provides opportunity to grow in understanding the common vision and to care for and encourage each other.

                  Malachi urges, “Even He notices” when there is such community. Talking with each other about what God is doing, and seeing the work as His, is the beginning of faith. People become open and receptive to God’s provision and care. Think of all the Israelite feasts. Each one had a purpose, and common to all was that each was a reminder of God’s work in them as a people. Altars and pillars of stone dot the Israeli countryside from times that leaders memorialized God’s great works.

                  Leave your peoples’ memorials as you celebrate what God has done for “us,” the work He has done through “us.” Build a united community where the pronoun is “we.”


Saturday, October 2, 2021


 Come, listen – if you want to know what God has done, so I can tell you what He has done for me! (Psalm 66:16)

                   Have you given your people opportunity to listen to God’s vision for you and for them, and to the values He has given you to teach? That work is very important, but it is also important for them to hear the stories of how the vision and values look when they are lived. As people hear how God has used others in their community for His purposes, they will begin to see themselves in those stories. They will understand how to show integrity in living the values and pursuing the community’s shared vision, rather than just talking about them as ideals.

                   Again, the writer focuses on what God has done. It is important that this topic dominate your words, too. When your people listen to – and celebrate - the stories, and they hear, “this is how you have lived,” and “this is how you have participated in pursuing God’s purpose,” they will begin to take ownership. The vision becomes “our vision,” rather than simply the words you have spoken. As the importance of the values become evident, they will be adopted too.

                   Speak in ways that will help your people to hear what God is doing and to embrace that work as their own.


Friday, October 1, 2021


 Sing, show delight, and great joy all who belong to the Lord, God. It is right for you to praise God for what He does. Praise Him using every instrument. Sing with your voice and heart your gratitude for all the new work He does. Give it your best! (Psalm 33:1-3)

                   As you notice the work God is doing in and around you, there is opportunity to help your people share in the celebration you lead to recognize God’s prosperity. Think of the many ways you can provide evidence of Jesus’ work, and call attention to Him as well as the culture He is calling you all to inhabit. You will be teaching them the patterns of worship each time you speak, “We celebrate!”

                   Here, the Psalmist says, “It is right for you to praise God for what He does.” He encourages a full-throated celebration – loud with lots of instruments and joyful gratitude. The encouragement to give it your best, and to be grateful for everything - all of what the Lord does - eliminates any doubt about the importance of this celebration. Clearly, your voice is critical to God’s plan for you and your people.

                   Celebrate loudly, publicly, and give it your best. Bring awareness to God’s purposes and His work in and through your people!