We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 And the Lord, God said to Moses, “I will do exactly what you have asked of me because you are special to me. You have found grace and favor in my sight. You have made a name for yourself with me. (Exodus 33:17)

                 This word God spoke to Moses was His response to Moses’ clear recognition that he could not lead, his people could not achieve God’s future for them, and the world would not come to know God by their work – unless they followed God’s plan each step of their way. In that response to Moses, the Lord directly affirmed the humility, the love, and the desire for unity that had come to dominate Moses’ character. These characteristics are what God values, and so they are what God affirmed.            

                God still values uncommon character. Through your words, He will give affirmation to those you lead as they live up to the values you have defined and taught to them. This recognition will emphasize the importance of those values as standards for your group, and it will give hope to your people as they move forward toward the vision God has given you to pursue together.

                 Watch for, listen to hear, and then recognize those who live toward the vision with character. Give God’s word of affirmation to them.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Continually, every day, all day long encourage each other, so that not one of you become hardened by sin’s lies. (Hebrews 3:13)

                 Your presence speaks loudly. Are there corners of your organization you do not know? No matter how large your group, or how widely they are separated by distance, culture, and other barriers, you must know them. If you are to lead them well, they must also know you.

                  This passage speaks of a relationship in which you are fully present, attentive, and prayerful for God’s words of encouragement. Especially if your time together is brief, or infrequent, you must watch and listen carefully and actively, resisting the temptation to defend, accuse, or even express opinions.  When you watch and listen in this way, the Holy Spirit will give understanding of the emotion and fears that you observe. At times, the act of simply affirming that you understand what they tell you will bring hope and encouragement to them. Listening to people is a powerful way to earn their trust.

                 You are limited only by God’s creative Spirit, who will lead you to the answer for your people. Ask Him today how you can best come to know, to spend time with, and to encourage your people. Your group’s prosperity will be based on the trust that will come.

Monday, March 29, 2021


 The word of God has life! It is powerfully effective, like the most dominant weapon. God’s word disarms men and women at their deepest core, and speaks knowing every thought and attitude of the human heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

                 God gives you a vision for the people whom He calls you to lead. This vision is a future He has prepared for you, and for those people to live into. If you will lead them effectively, you must openly, transparently give them His word as He leads you to do that. John Wesley once said, “Light yourself on fire with passion, and people will come from miles to watch you burn.” Does your life “burn” with passion for giving God’s word to others?

                 Give your people God’s plan - His words and His vision for your life - as your deepest, most heart-felt desire. This word from God will resonate within those whom He is calling to respond in faith and join with you. You will see them change as they find their place in the work of the vision. Your openness will invite them to speak clearly and courageously with others. There is no other touch like this! The Word of God can convict, challenge, heal, and calm all at once.

                 Have the courage to speak God’s transforming word – clearly, openly; transparently – today.

Sunday, March 28, 2021


 Each of you, in a way that reflects that you have been given all you are from God, be good stewards of His abundant grace! These gifts are given so you can use them to love others and to serve them. (1 Peter 4:10)

                The most powerful way to convey the vision God has given you to those whom you lead is to simply live your life following that vision. Peter speaks clearly. You should be focused on using your life, and everything else you have been given by God, to show His love for other people. Jesus lived this truth (John 15:13), and Paul also encouraged it (Galatians 5:13-14). Jesus clearly said, “If you want to be a leader, your life will be about serving other people (Matthew 23:11).” If this is true, then shouldn’t each moment of your day be a search for each of the people whom the Lord wants you to serve?

                 Your life’s aim will then be to actively work to bring hope and help to these people whose needs you have been sent to serve. So, it is – Your service is how you live that vision you are being given by Jesus each day.    

                  As you walk slowly among your people, listen and look for the needs that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you. Ask Him how He would have you to serve the person you find. Then serve. Your gift of yourself to serve that person is how others will be drawn to the work of the vision you pursue.

Saturday, March 27, 2021


 Now go. I – I AM with your mouth. I have already spoken what will be spoken by you. (Exodus 4:12)

                There is a quote of Voltaire often paraphrased, “Perfect is the enemy of good.” Several arguments could be raised either to support or oppose this saying. Before you weigh in, you may want to compose your definition of perfect. If you knew that you could have perfect much more easily than only good, would you not want to pursue perfect?

                God has answered several excuses, complaints, and objections that Moses has offered as he tried to avoid the responsibility of accepting God’s calling. Now, God says to him, “I don’t care if you’re a good speaker, because I will be doing the talking.” Moses’ (maybe) good was going to be replaced by God’s perfect. That offer is available to you today. Jesus promised that, even when you are placed before people who want to harm you, “Your Father will speak through you (Matthew 10:20).” Just like Moses, your only responsibility is to go when and where the Holy Spirit tells you to go. Your obedience; your will to be used, is enough. God will speak. God’s word is Truth (John 17:17). God’s word is Life (John 6:63). Without God and His way, you can’t even hope for good (Psalm 16:2). So, when you think about it, perfect as described here, should be only.

                Perfect is not the enemy of good. Hold out for God’s perfect, so that He will say that your work is, “Very good.”

Friday, March 26, 2021


 Now if you will hear me, and you will listen to me, and you will obey me, then you will be my valued possession – treasured more than the other people, though everything and everyone in the earth is mine. (Exodus 19:5)

                God is looking for those whose hearts are committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). God chose Israel as His people. He speaks here about those who will choose Him – by doing what He says to do. Do you want to be God’s valued possession?

                 People are quick to leap into opportunities to distinguish themselves. To make a mark, and become known for achievement is a constant pursuit for many. Often, especially for one who has become a leader of a group or a business organization, achievement becomes the single focus – even in their relationship with the Lord. If you hear God; really listen, you will hear Him inviting you to a very different relationship. God is not impressed by your greatest achievements. The Lord is calling you to trust Him enough to remember that you are of great value to Him, and to believe He has carefully prepared a future for you that fits you perfectly. His desire for you to obey is motivated by His desire to see you become whole and complete. He already has control. What He wants is your heart.

                 Respond to God’s call to be His valued possession. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 The Lord; the Lord that is God is full of pity, showing mercy, ready to extend grace. He is patient in His compassion, and always can be trusted to be the Truth. (Exodus 34:6)

                 It is critical for you to know who God is. He is righteous and just. This is His world, and He will someday call men and women to account. In the end you can either trust god and His way, or you will trust in another way you choose apart from Him. In Proverbs (14:12 and 16:25), you read that any choice other than God’s way ends in death, so it is important to understand God and to understand this choice.

                 Moses has just witnessed a small glimpse of God, and in these words the Lord is describing to him what he saw. This was God’s first-person description of Himself to Moses. How encouraging it is that God chooses to describe Himself in these ways. Although He later explains that He is a God of justice and judgment, His first words are descriptions of His love, affection, and His desire for relationship. God also assures Moses, and you, that He is always trustworthy and always true. No one else could make that promise. No one else could deliver if they did.

                 Take heart in God’s words of hope and assurance, and trust Him and His way for your life today.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 …so be wise and shrewd as snakes, while you are pure and innocent, and simple like doves. (Matthew 10:16)

                 Like the crowd who first heard these words, you may really be scratching your head. The challenge comes for you to be a snaky dove. What does that look like?

                Jesus is emphasizing what He just said about the danger that lay ahead, and He is giving more instruction. First, consider that Proverbs explains, “all wisdom, useful knowledge, and understanding come from the Lord God. (Proverbs 2:6)” So, Jesus again is saying, “I am sending you, but you will still be dependent. You will still need me to be close to you.” The book of James also wrestles with the rest of this message. There (James 3:13-18), the writer explains that real understanding will lead a follower to use wisdom for the benefit of others, with mercy and humility to make peace and show other people the way to God. This is the real distinction. Many teachers advise students to be wise, but in the world’s way. They advise students to be self-centered, and even deceitful. Jesus is saying His follower will use what he or she knows in the right way. Without understanding, those who are wise as snakes - but who realize they are really sheep who are heading toward the wolves - will live in constant fear. They’ll try to avoid contact with the wolves, rather than going where they’re led.

                Consider today which of your animals; sheep, snake or dove, may need more time with Jesus today.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 …where you will be sheep among wolves… (Matthew 10:16)

                 Do you see yourself as a sheep? Sheep are valuable, special animals, but they have not had a great press agent. While they are among the more intelligent creatures, they are marked by, and often fail to show that intelligence, because of their strong instincts and emotions that cause them to follow the crowd. They’re very sociable – and that often causes them pain. Are you a sheep?

                 Jesus encourages the people He is sending as He gives them this warning. The sheep’s only defense when predators come is the shepherd. Following the people of this world who appear to be most experienced or wise; the experts, while you are in a life-and-death battle with opposing powers and principalities (Ephesians 6:12), will lead to your destruction. This is just as the sheep who blindly follow the old ram will face the wolves’ sharp fangs. So, the sheep, who have difficulty with seeing details, must rely upon the shepherd’s voice. Jesus is explaining to these followers they must follow Him closely as well. Wolves also are attracted to prey that is weak and injured. Maybe the listeners remembered the Psalmist saying, “My help and my strength comes from the Lord God! (Psalm 121:2)”

                 Recognize you have predators who would do you harm and remember that you need to follow your Shepherd.

Monday, March 22, 2021


 Pay Attention! I am now sending you out into the world…. (Matthew 10:16)

                 When you close the door of your home behind you each morning, do you think about being sent? It’s very easy to think in those terms when you’re heading to a church meeting, or to do a mission project. Often, there will be a formal send-off for those who travel to do such “ministry work.”

                   Jesus commissions you to your mission every morning. It is your primary vocation to follow that mission from Jesus into the world each day, where He will lead you and empower you with His strength if you keep looking to Him and following. This work of the Lord is to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons. As the Holy Spirit lives in you, and works in and through you, you will do this work both literally and figuratively. This charge from Jesus – “I am sending you!” - gives you that mission. Those words also give you authority; God’s authority to go anywhere He leads, and to speak His message to any person He places in front of you. If you will follow Jesus closely, you will walk in power, and you will get to see lives change.

                  Whatever your company makes, sells, or provides as a service, remember your vocation is that you are sent by Jesus. Live your mission. Be sent!

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Risk yourselves in showing mercy – rushing in to the fire of their torment to save them, but recognize and flee from the sin that entangles their lives. (Jude 23)

                 Which people do you love enough to make you put yourself at risk? Would you risk death for your family – maybe even your closest friends? Would you risk “being burned” by investing in someone who doesn’t deserve your help? It may take your money, your time, your personal attention, or an opportunity to work with you. You may even have to go to the place where they are – even a terrible, dangerous place.

 Rescuing someone from a fire is such a good illustration of the tremendous danger that a tormented person, living life without God must face every day. It also makes you think of the risk that you will face when you love that person enough to rush into their fire to save them. That kind of reckless investment even puts you at risk of the consequences of the sin that has them in its bondage, as you draw near and become intimately related with these people.

                 For whom will you take this great risk every day? Let your answer be, “everyone the Lord gives me to love.” Let your love for other people take the risks that it takes to rescue them.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

March 21 – UNITY

 Be kind and show compassion for people who struggle and doubt and hesitate to commit. Have mercy on them with discernment. (Jude 22)

                How do you deal with the people you lead who are stragglers? Are you tempted to push them to the side, or even drive them out? Those who don’t buy in; who aren’t true believers, will be a source of endless problems. They must be dealt with. But, how do you deal with them the right way?

                This instruction clearly gives you the correct attitude to have, but you may struggle with how to have mercy; how to show compassion to these people who are struggling. Paul also gave some insight in his letter to the Galatians (6:1-2), “Carry each other’s problems, and you’ll be doing what Jesus said to do.” Jesus wanted this mercy for each other, so that His people would find unity. “Let them (the ones who believe in me) be completely unified, so the world will know that the Father sent me and loves them (John 17:23).” Jesus talked in family terms. You become brothers and sisters in God’s family when you follow Him. The unity Jesus spoke about is so complete that you and He are like one person, and through that love you can also be united with other believers. Unity is a high priority of Jesus, and it must be a very high priority for you, if you would lead as God wants you to lead.

Look for your people who struggle today and show them the compassion and mercy that brings this unity.

Friday, March 19, 2021

March 20 – HUMILITY

 But you, my friends that I love, build yourselves on your faith in Jesus; praying in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love for you as you look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you through into life eternal. (Romans 13:9)

                What is humility? You may most easily define this word using its opposites. Humility is not arrogance or pride. Many would say it is good to be humble, but most seem to choose not to do it. This world is about asserting your rights, self-esteem, and bragging. Our culture even has a phrase that recognizes people struggle with what they know to do versus what they do, “humble brag.” So, are you humble?

                 Try this definition for humility. Humility is to understand your proper role, and to live in that role honestly every day. To do this, you’ll need a firm foundation. Trusting Jesus, that he can “bring you through,” is that stable base. Then, trusting the Holy Spirit to know what you need and to pray with and for you (Romans 8:26-27), you can be consistent and live with integrity. It is God’s love for you that makes this happen. It is not whether you are good or bad. It is whether you love, and give your life to the One who loves you.

            Humility is to know that you cannot succeed apart from your relationship with God. Be humble.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

March 19 – JUST LOVE

 For these, commandments not to commit adultery, not to kill nor steal, crave to have other peoples’ things, and all the other commands – they all add up to this, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” (Romans 13:9)

                If you have heard any words from the Bible, it is likely that you have heard this challenge to obey one little commandment, “Love your neighbor!” However, two important questions face you if you want to follow Paul’s advice; “Who is your neighbor?” and “How do you love this neighbor as you love yourself?”

                The word neighbor is an interesting choice. It generally means, “someone close by” or “touching.” If you quickly run through a mental list of people you have at times seen face-to-face, talked to, or written to, each of those would seem to qualify. Paul’s intended definition may have been even broader, including people he had not yet met. Maybe “everyone” could be a good working definition. But, how do you love everyone? Considering the level of attention that most give to themselves, the list of tasks could be long. You must have an interest in how they are doing, understand enough of their story to know why, and work for their interest in a way that accepts the person’s perceptions and feelings. Further, you must appreciate and value them as God’s created people, and both pray and work to help them to find and follow God’s will for their lives.

Only one little commandment. Just love.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 And now, as you consider this choice, a reminder that the Lord God, after providing His people a way to escape from Egypt, also later destroyed those who chose not to believe in, act upon, and follow His will and His way. (Jude 5)

                 God is love. He does extraordinary things to show that love. He wants the very best for each person whom He has created. God also holds men and women accountable for the choices they make.

                 One of the most clear, decisive stories of God’s judgment is found in Daniel 5. King Belshazzar holds a banquet where he uses the sacred temple vessels as common household items during his party. Suddenly, a human hand appeared and wrote upon the wall, “mene, mene, tekel, upharsin” on the wall. The frightened king called for Daniel, who explained that the words meant God has numbered, weighed, and found Belshazzar wanting, and that his kingdom would be taken from him and divided. Belshazzar was murdered that very night.

                 Clearly, God’s word tells about His love, but it also clearly teaches there is a great penalty for those who choose a life of selfish rebellion. Choose today to believe in, act upon, and follow the Lord’s way.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

March 17 – WHOSE TRUTH?

 Dear friends, I must write to you and ask – even beg – of you to fight and hold on to the faith we share as it has been shared with you. There are some, who are not from God, but who have crept in. They want to make the truth of God’s grace and mercy into a lie that says who you are, and what you do don’t matter to God. That makes the whole story of Jesus Christ into a lie. (Jude 3-4)

                From where do you get truth? Do you choose to believe God’s revealed truth, or simply listen to other people and their opinions? There are values that form “the faith.” Your beliefs; these values, shape who you are and what you do. Your values – your truth matters.

                Jude talks about “the faith” here. The faith he pleads with his readers to hold onto is one that is focused on Jesus Christ. This faith leads men and women to embrace the right attitudes and actions He taught this faith, while being grateful for God’s love that makes relationship possible. The people who have sneaked into their group argue, like many people today, that there is no truth. They believe in personal freedom to do anything you choose.  They may also say God loves everyone, and He lets you live without any responsibility. This is the exact opposite of His truth. The Lord loves you so very much that, at great cost – Jesus’ life – He made a way to again be a part of your life,

                Choose well. Get your truth from God and listen for His word to you.

Monday, March 15, 2021

March 16 – ALL THE BEST

From Jude to you who are called by God, your Father, who loves you and preserves and keeps you for Jesus Christ. Let the mercy, peace, and love of our Lord be multiplied in your life! (Jude 1&2)

                 Does your life serve as evidence that you are called by God? Do people who know you see, hear, and feel evidence that God loves you – and them? It is by living with every thought consumed by the call of Jesus on your life, and every action controlled by the Holy Spirit, that you find real life; good life; meaningful life.

                 Jude explains this dynamic as simply as you can. The Lord is full of mercy, peace, and love. So, if Jesus lives in and through you, you will reflect His mercy in dealing with other people. The peace of a life that is complete will be yours, and you will optimistically and courageously show God’s love to those around you. Your complete focus will be on loving other people, as you lead and influence them to live life on God’s terms.

                 As you lead in this way, you will also find freedom. God’s call reaches others in a way that calls each of them to this same relationship with Him. They won’t be called to follow you, with you responsible for their outcome. Rather they will join you as you both follow Jesus. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

March 15 – WHAT TO DO

 So, Hezekiah did everything according to God’s law and His will, and God saw that it was good and right and true. Here’s how – In every work he began, in every aspect of his life, he sought God, and then did it with all his heart. He finished each mission – God’s way! (2Chronicles 31:20-21)

                 Which part of your life have you decided is too small for God to get involved? Where is a place you think you can’t take the Lord? “The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof – the whole world; everyone and everything in it (Psalm 24:1).” He cares about, and has answers for, every part of your life. So, why do you exclude Him – ever? Why do you wait until your plan blows up to ask Him for help?

                 King Hezekiah understood his role was to put his full focus, effort, energy, and passion into what God was doing around him. Each day, in his approach to every task, he did everything God’s way. Following that formula, he did everything well.

                 Maybe you have held back from the Lord big parts of your life. Maybe it is the details you hold onto. Whichever your case, you have not yet failed. Your reign is not over. There is still great opportunity! You can choose to finish well – in everything, God’s way.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

March 14 – WHERE TO GO

 Therefore (since God’s correction is good for you), lift your hands. Get on your knees. Pray and fast, and find God’s straight path so the injuries you suffer in that difficult time won’t make you unable to go on. Persevere until God brings you through and heals you. (Hebrews 12:12-13)

                How do you react when your belief; your trust and reliance on God, is tested? When things are going well for you, and life seems easy, you may be quick to thank the Lord for His love and for the way He provides for you. But, do you begin to question God in difficulty, when you are challenged, or when you face betrayal or opposition? Do you sometimes even turn to other sources for comfort and rescue?

                Pauls’ words echo the words of Isaiah (35:3-10), where the prophet urged the Israelites to stay faithful in very hard times. He promised, if they would continue in their belief, keep trusting even when they became tired and weak and afraid, that God would come. Isaiah said, “He will save you!” (Verse 4). Both Paul and Isaiah promise a day of joy and wholeness, when the suffering of trials and discipline and oppression will end. They said, “a great day is coming that will make you be glad you were faithful, and you kept on trusting the Lord.”

                Life will be hard. You will hurt. You will be angry. You will get weary. The answer is always the same – take it to God. The deeper the pain, the more you need Him.

Friday, March 12, 2021

March 13 – BUT, AN OLD WAY

 When they (outsider, non-Jews who haven’t been taught God’s law) follow the law as if it is somehow a part of them, they show that the reality of the law was written on their hearts by the Lord. (Romans 2:14-15)

                You have a choice. You can ask the Holy Spirit to

speak to you, giving you God’s truth for living your life and leading others. Or, you can consider what people and institutions around you say, using your mind, your emotions, and your personal sense of morality to define your way forward. Which way will you choose?

                Paul’s words seem to argue that men and women are created in a way that allows them to make good decisions. But, notice that he was speaking only of how people were created to be. Paul also said that, by nature, men and women choose to live based on desire for selfish pleasure rather than God’s way, until they encounter God (Ephesians 2:3). After that encounter, if you choose to follow His way, the Lord will bring His will to your life. His law, written on your heart, can fulfill its purpose. Until that time, you will be ruled by an effort to balance chasing self-centered desires within the limits of rules designed by yourself, and by other men and women. If you choose God’s way, you become a child of God, and the Holy Spirit provides your way. From that point, the Holy Spirit will teach you to live as God intended when He created you.

                Choose to live in God’s truth and walk in His ways. Trust the Lord to be your way to life.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

March 12 – A NEW WAY

 If you are willing to be mine, and give your life to me obediently, all the very best of life will be given to you. (Isaiah 1:19)

                Is it time for you to change something? Do you hesitate? To pursue the new, you often must release the things of the present. Most of the time, change is a very hard thing to do. Your current process, your current location, and the people you have become accustomed to are but a few of the pieces of your life that can be woven into a security blanket of relative certainty in an otherwise very uncertain world. It is the way that you know. But, God may be calling you to a new and different way. He will often lead you to change something. God doesn’t want you to rely on anything or anyone but Himself for your security.

                 Remember, Jesus said, “I am the way.” (John 14:6), and Isaiah relays that same message from God. “Follow my way, giving yourself and your will – all of your life – to me. Obey me, because I want the best for you.” This is a huge promise, presented in the simplest of terms. If you will decide to let the Lord determine your way – that means places, people, activities, and circumstances – then, His way will lead you to His very best.

                 Giving up control of your life is a big deal. It is hard. But, God promises – it is worth it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


 As they followed Jesus along the road toward Jerusalem, the disciples were astonished and alarmed. They became more afraid as He took them aside, telling them more details of the things to come. (Mark 10:32)

                Will you follow Jesus when you see that He is leading you into trouble? Often, days following Him are spent in happy, positive, and even miraculous times. People’s lives are transformed from misery to joy, broken families are healed, and hungry people are fed. But, there are times when it becomes clear that trouble lies directly ahead.

                 In front of the disciples, Jesus had just invited a man who approached Him to leave everything behind and follow Him. The other man determined he had too much to lose to risk all of it on Jesus. The disciples had made the decision to follow Jesus. Clearly, they wondered who had made the better decision. It was becoming evident that Jesus was serious about this plan to give up His own life. Maybe they did not wish to follow Him so closely if it meant they may also, literally, carry a cross.

                 How about you? There will come a time when you will be faced with a choice between being true to Jesus at a great cost, or turning aside. Be prepared to make the right call when that moment arrives.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 But Jesus responded, “No one who chooses me over family, home, your work, or anything else will lose. Your life will be overflowing with such things, and with trouble. But, in eternity, those who have chosen me will come in first. (Mark 10:29-31)

                What do you think? Does Jesus want you to be rich? Or, does He require you to live as an impoverished martyr? Have you read Scripture to say that wealth is bad? Or, that it is evidence of good? Some feel a sense of guilt when they achieve wealth and other success by the world’s standards. Others feel that possessions and status are signs of God’s favor.

                Jesus says that focusing on these questions is not the way to spend your life. God’s kingdom is about Him, not about stuff. Certainly, it is not about collecting or hoarding stuff. The proper ambition is to be a trustworthy manager, rather than to be concerned about how much you manage. The faithful, loyal manager doesn’t think it is strange when the owner asks for His property. That manager is also careful to use everything he or she is given in a way that is consistent with the owner’s wishes and goals; to complete that owner’s work.

                Family, homes, labor, talents, and money are important. Each of these is created by God and should be respected and valued. Mostly, though, each one should be used for His purposes.

Monday, March 8, 2021


 Peter started in, defending himself saying, “We gave up everything to follow you!” (Mark 10:28)

                 Do you ever reach a place of frustration; where you feel that you have done enough? Sometimes, you may work tirelessly, devoting all your energy to work that doesn’t seem to amount to much. In those times, you may focus on what you have given up, and all your hard work. You can easily lose focus on what God is calling you to do.

                 Peter did what people often do in such times of frustration. He looked around, compared himself to others, and said, “I have done better than them.” Peter did not hear Jesus say what he wanted to hear. He was looking for praise and affirmation. After all, he had left his home and family, the family business, his standing in the community, and all that made him feel comfortable. Jesus told him, despite all of that, he still had not earned God’s favor. Nothing he could do would earn God’s favor. He’s saying that to you too. There is still nothing you can do to earn what the Lord offers to give to you. You can only accept Him and His way.

                 Frustration is healthy. It’s good for you, when it drives you to Jesus Christ. Like Peter, let your frustration lead you to relationship with Him today.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


 So, they asked, “Who will make it into God’s Kingdom?” Jesus looked straight at them saying, “You can’t do it on your own, but for anyone who trusts and relies on God it is possible.” (Mark 10:26-27)

                Do you ever hear or ask this question, “What is required to please God and to get in on what God is doing?” Like the disciples asked, “Who will make it?”  Some think it is a basic right of every person. They feel that a loving god is going to simply overlook and forgive – regardless of their decisions and choices in life.

                 Jesus makes it clear that this is not the case. In fact, He says it is not possible for anyone – no matter how good, how generous, how loving – to find relationship with God unless God makes it happen. Only moments before, Jesus disappointed a young man who thought he had checked all the boxes on God’s task list, and had therefore earned Jesus’ admiration. But, as he talked to Jesus he quickly realized he had not accomplished much after all. Jesus revealed the real tests – selfless love and constant reliance on the Lord. These, as Jesus explained, are only possible with God’s grace.

                 Tear up your to-do list of how you will please God. Instead, let Jesus write His list on your day. Let Jesus accomplish the work you do. He just wants you!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

March 7 – GOD’S WAY

 The wise and discerning know, and they will learn God’s ways. His plans for you, and the way He completes them, are the right way to live. Those who love and obey the Lord will live and walk as God leads them, but others will stumble and fall. (Hosea 14:9)

                 The word, “way” speaks of a journey, or a path. Are you walking along your path each day with God? Are you allowing the Lord to lead you on your journey?

                 Hosea explains there is a way that is God’s. Life is a journey that everyone must take on His terms. This is the Lord’s world (Psalm 24:1). God’s way is a path to life. Men and women who will trust God, and who will obey the Holy Spirit’s leadership each day as He gives them counsel are on this path. Hosea also says that there is another approach that many will choose. Most people will choose to rebel against God’s love and ignore His voice, opting to travel without Him. These people will not find prosperity. In fact, they will not survive the journey. Their journey leads to death.

                As you consider this reality, choose to follow God. It is not His will for anyone to follow the path that ends in death (2 Peter 3:9). Watch and listen, as you travel on your journey, for the people God is sending you to love in His uncommon ways, so they will also come to know Him, and find God’s way to life.

Friday, March 5, 2021


 The bottom-line total of everything you say is one thing – Truth! And every word of it lasts forever. (Psalm 119:160)

                Can you really trust God? If you can believe the two statements in this verse, you have a basis for life-changing trust; the kind that will enable you to throw caution aside and fully invest in a life of devotion to the Lord. God requires you to trust Him that fully if you want to experience the life He offers. His life is only for those who take Him at His word.

                 The Bible is filled with the stories and testimony of hundreds of witnesses who went with God where He told them to go, spoke the words He gave them to say, and acted as He told them to act. Many who have followed Jesus this way have seen Him change lives. They have felt God’s Holy Spirit move them, and they bravely kept going in challenging times. These people, many of whom suffered and died as martyrs, said, “He can be trusted.” Until you can believe that God is reliable, these will be simply stories, and you will understand the Bible simply be a book. What happens when you trust – enough to stake your life on it - is that God begins His work in you. Then, He begins to write your story!

                 Take your first step. or take the next step, of trust. You can trust the Lord God! His word is forever truth.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


 It is by this one measure that everyone will know that you are mine – if you love one another. (John 13:35)

                 Do other people see love in your actions? How about your people? Could someone who observed the people who represent you see them loving others? Take stock. Gather your lists of people (customers, vendors, employees, friends). How many of these could you say that you and your people love?

                 During His last Passover meal with His closest followers; those who would soon be leading His church, Jesus gave one instruction. He said, “Love one another.” Then, for more clarity, he explained that this will be the measure of their devotion to Him. Time has proved this counsel to be true. From the time of those disciples to this present day, there have been many people who have opposed everything about the church. But, those same opponents, when they observe uncommon acts of unselfish love, find themselves drawn to that love. Whatever your business, wherever you work, and with whomever you relate each day, love should be your primary measure.

                 Make love for others your primary measure, and watch for the change that will come.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

March 4 – BEING – DONE

 But when the Spirit – the Spirit of The Truth – comes, He will be your guide to The Way. He is The Truth directly from God, who will lead you, and direct you through The Life that God has prepared for you. (John 16:13)

                 Do you concentrate on doing? Think about the list of appointments, tasks, objectives, and goals on your agenda before you answer. Are these your focus? Do you have time to focus on what God’s Spirit would say to you? Would you be willing to change your agenda if the Spirit leads you to do that?

                 If Jesus is to be taken at His word, literally, your agenda must always be viewed as a work in progress. The Spirit’s role is to lead you. That doesn’t leave room for you to navigate. “Doing” is navigating; moving toward an end that you desire. Following – being a follower – is the correct role. The aim of the life Jesus describes is to complete the plan God has for your life. You do this by following the Spirit who gives you His Truth. The Spirit shows you His Way to live each moment in view of that truth. Being His follower is the work.

                 Believe that God loves you and has a plan; that He wants to be your guide. Follow. Let the Spirit lead you. That is how you can be sure the work that matters will be done.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

March 3 – PLANS

 Yes, I said it, and I will make it happen; I have planned it as part of my purpose, so it will come to pass. (Isaiah 46:11)

                 Does the Holy Spirit of God really control your life? God is not like ordinary men. He does not lie (Numbers 23:19). The Lord has a plan – a whole, consistent plan for His world that He planned before you were born (Isaiah 37:26). A plan this complete, that is backed by God’s infinite power, will be fulfilled.

                 Isaiah describes, in some detail, how God had planned to move a foreign king to action; a pagan king who has no idea that he is being used. What power! Power like that is a foundation upon which you can build your future. A life lived for Jesus will reflect the certainty of living for the end that the Lord has promised. That life has a constant view of God’s power and purpose. That life will also be consistent, true, and reliable, and it will reflect God’s truth with great love.

                 Do your words speak truth? Do you see the purposes of the Lord in the events of your life and those around you? If not, make the decision to give God control today, and your answers will change. That is how He planned it.

Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2 – HERE AM I

 And I heard the voice of the Lord. It was saying, “Whom shall I send?” and “Who does go for us?” And I say, “Here am I, send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

                 How often – how completely – for what length of time do you place yourself in the presence of God to simply listen for His voice? With meetings and phone calls, problems and decisions, people and places demanding your attention each day, does your role as leader prevent you from doing your job as servant?

Isaiah describes an encounter that happened because he was waiting on the Lord. He had searched himself, prepared himself, and then stood – simply waiting, watching, and listening. God speaks. One who will be used by Him must spend time listening for His call. Notice too, that Isaiah did not know the task, so he could not foresee the results, nor could he know the personal cost of his mission. Even so, he simply said, “Here am I, send me.”

Will you intentionally place yourself in the Lord’s presence; anxiously awaiting His call? Will you answer, “Yes!” before you know the details? If so, God will speak to you.