We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 The apostles came back and reported everything to Jesus. Jesus, seeing all the people around them, and all the activity, said, “get away with Me and rest. You haven’t even refreshed yourselves.” So, they went away together to a quiet place across the lake. (Mark 6:30-32)

                   Do you rest in Jesus? Or, are you stressed, worn out, tired of trying to do something that matters; something that will please Him? Worry and constant anxiety reveal fear. Perpetual busy-ness betrays that same emotion. Do your actions reveal your fear? How about your people?

The disciples had just returned from a work Jesus asked them to do. They were excited. No doubt they were concerned as to His view of their work, and - apparently - they came back to a busy, noisy, active scene around Jesus. Notice that Jesus didn’t feel compelled to address every person and every issue. The disciples were who He had called, and who He was given to lead. So, He focused on them.

   Jesus left the crowds, and the demands of His work to spend time with His people. He refreshed Himself, and in so doing, He refreshed them. Shouldn’t you do the same?

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Remember – You didn’t pick me. I picked you because there is a work you are to do; that you were made to do; that I will do in and through your life. Whatever you need; whatever you ask to complete that work my way, will be yours. God will provide it, so you can finish His work. (John 15:16-17)

                   Is it your work, or the Lord’s work? Quickly. When you know it is God’s purpose, and you know He will prevail, you can simply complete the work as he made you to do it. That is the easy load and the light burden (Matthew 11:30) that Jesus spoke of. You will be an artist, completing the masterpiece that is your life – your story. God has ordained the ending. You simply complete the work.

                   Jesus here explains that you were uniquely crafted to be the one who He uses for a unique, important part of His plan. The promise He gives is that everything; everyone, you need to complete that work will be provided – just when you need them.

                   Understand this gift of being chosen. Help your people to understand what it means to follow Jesus, and to grow to be confident in His work in and through their lives. Help them, so He may complete His work in them as well.

Monday, July 29, 2024


 The Lord God told Joshua, “Not one of their men will be left standing. I have given you the victory – so, don’t be afraid.” So, Joshua marched all night, and was on the enemy suddenly. Then, God – the Lord God – crushed them. (Joshua 10:8)

                   Joshua was assured the victory. His response? Immediate! He got to work, confident of the outcome. Are you confident the enemy will be crushed? So confident that all your actions reflect your confidence that God is for you?

    Hesitation is fear. Action is borne of faith. If you trust that the Lord, God is going to give you the victory, you will act like it. You will look for His hand in each event. You will be grateful for each twist and turn of your story’s plot. You will be optimistic in the face of adversity and apparent defeat.

                   Have confidence. Be strong in the Lord and be of great courage. You are a winner because you belong to Jesus – Act like it!

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 And God said, “Build up the road! Build it up! Remove any obstacle that will keep My people from returning to Me!” (Isaiah 57:14)

    So, what is the work of leadership? What is the job description for your role? Do you envision slaying dragons? Do you see that you are in a position of power and authority so that you can oppose those who use their power for evil? Or, should you focus on empowerment that enables your people to find God’s plan for their lives?

                   This word of the Lord through His prophet, Isaiah, speaks of a day like today, when there are humble people who are ready to turn back to God. The command is to make that return possible by removing barriers and creating pathways. Deep, solid, well-founded roads are implied by the language. God is saying to do good work; build solid, reliable environments where detours and potholes are eliminated.

                   Build the roads your people need, so they can return to the Lord. Don’t be an obstacle. Don’t allow others to be an obstacle on your roads. Remove every obstacle the world presents. Clear the way for God’s people to return to him!

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 If you – being fallen and incapable of showing the consistent, complete love God shows – know how to provide the things your children need, how much better will the Lord God – your father – provide for you. So, spend all your energy to determine how to serve all the needs of all the other people and to do whatever you must to provide it to them. This work lives out all the law and the prophets’ teaching. (Matthew 7:11-12)

                   People often speak of human dignity, emphasizing and affirming that each person has worth. Many encourage self-respect, self-esteem, and generous tolerance of others. In times past, the emphasis was upon honor; a respect based upon status conferred or earned, and upon behavior. How do you decide to whom you will grant respect? What must someone be or do to gain your attention and the standing to be heard?

                   Jesus says that your entire focus should be on such listening; respecting everyone as if the other person were yourself, and working tirelessly – sacrificing anything, to serve their needs. That is not respect based on dignity nor honor. That is love based upon God’s authority, and upon His desire for the world to be united by that love.

                   Open your door, your ears, and your heart, to everyone whom the Lord sends your way.

Friday, July 26, 2024


 I can’t even compare the costs we suffer now to the glory that God will bring from it. All of creation is straining in anticipation; longing to see God’s glory shine through God’s children! (Romans 8: 18-19)

                   What is the value of one life transformed? Consider this. In John 1:12 you read that everyone who believes has the power to become a child of God. Each of these children carry God’s glory and all the potential for healing and transformation His power makes possible. So, is your plan to use your authority and influence to direct your people’s efforts? Or, do you want to trust each of them to your father and theirs, so that His Spirit will guide their lives?

                   Paul’s focus was directed toward making an introduction, knowing each person had the power to be used by the Lord God in ways that make all of creation stand up and take notice. Because of that, he was willing to suffer any cost required to bring one more person into restored relationship with God.

                   Focus on your people’s potential to be children of God. Give whatever you must to empower them to see God’s glory shine through their lives.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 What claim has any man to your attention? Why do you care about anyone born to man? And you made him just less than God, and so have crowned him with glory and honor unlike any other creature. You give him authority over creation, and you made him able to become complete. (Psalm 8:4-6) 

                  When you are asked how you feel, what comes to mind? Do you consider exhausted, busy, overwhelmed, challenged? How about privileged? Do you see that you are privileged each day to be given authority and responsibility by the God of creation? Do you marvel at the opportunity and think first of the gratitude you feel for that gift?

                   David clearly understood that gift, and he was filled with gratitude that the Lord considered him to be worthy of God’s attention, inclusion in His plans, and the assurance of a future marked by success and completeness. David was humble. His words reflect a proper view of his role in God’s plan.

                   View each day as privilege; full of opportunity and hope. Approach each new person as a part of God’s plan, and the work He is doing in you and in His world.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

JULY 25 – WHY?

 Others come to manipulate and destroy lives; kill others, while pursuing selfish gain. I am here so that each of them can have life; full, complete life in every way. My role, like the good shepherd is to give my everything – even my life – for other people. (John 10: 10-11)

                   Why are you placed in a position of authority and responsibility? If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, and you say like Paul that Jesus is living in you and animating your life, there is only one reason. If Jesus is living in and through your life, His purpose is to, “give everything – even your life – for others.” Your purpose then, is to use all of what you have been given to make a difference; to help others find that, “full, complete life.”

                   Jesus was always clear about the cost of following Him. If you follow Jesus you must regard the Lord God as your Father, and you must be willing to give up any claim to ownership of anything He places in your hands. You must recognize that you may lose everything if you obey Him, and you may lose connection with everyone you hold dear. If you are willing to give in this way, God can use you in his transforming work.

                   Use what you are given to bring others to Jesus and the life He offers.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 So, therefore, if you are a master, give each of your servants what he or she needs to live in this reality; God’s rule. Stop your threats. Only the Lord, God is truly their master as He is yours. He doesn’t see you as superior to another because of your earthly status. (Ephesians 6:9)

                   Remember, your role in life is to live in close, loving, devoted relationship with the Lord, and to love your people in a way that helps each of them to find that transforming relationship. You can’t make a rule or threaten a consequence in a way that will lead to real transformation. In such an environment of regulation, fear is the result, and that fear motivates only the body. The heart, filled with terror, begins to focus on self-preservation and escape; not a great breeding ground for prosperity and transformed lives.

                   Paul here is really talking about trust. He encourages the reader to trust God when He says that God will prevail, expects only obedience from you, and that He has a plan for each of your people’s lives as well. Paul also is encouraging you, as a leader, to trust your people; to recognize that each of them – if they submit to God’s plan – can fulfill God’s role for them in your community. Each one can achieve without your constant intervention.

                   Trust God enough not to terrorize your people.

Monday, July 22, 2024


 Remembering that you know, you will ultimately be measured by whether you have obeyed; how you have responded to God’s will. So, no person is a slave in the end. You are free in Christ Jesus, whether you are master or slave in this life. (Ephesians 6:8)

                  Those who see themselves as slaves to another person feel the heavy weight of powerlessness. Most people, under the authority of another who treats them as slave, will struggle. The fear of failing to please the master will lead to stress that ultimately affects every part of life and every relationship. People cannot prosper if they feel they are powerless and enslaved. Have you created an environment of empowerment and encouragement for your people that will enable your group to prosper? Or, do your people suffer in an atmosphere of stress and fear where they feel powerless?

                  Paul reminds the believers at Ephesus that there is no fear of man nor of this world when you are in Christ Jesus. The joy of relationship with God is that all your hope is in Him. Your work as a free child of God is simply to do what He asks you to do. That is the work for each of your people, too. To lead them well is to encourage them to pursue the life God has planned for each one – even if that vision leads them away from you.

                   Trust the Lord. Trust your people to His care. Let them prosper in His power.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 If you are a servant, obey your earthly master, whether that master is kind or evil. You have only one goal; to honor Jesus Christ. So, don’t serve to gain that master’s approval. Work as God’s servant, doing everything He asks with everything in you. Do it all without resentment – for Jesus; not for any man. (Ephesians 6:5-7)

                  People are valued because they are made in the image of God, and they are highly valued by Him. Slaves are valued for what they do; how much they produce. The Lord God works in and through men and women, giving each one an opportunity to flourish in the work He gives them to do. His only requirement; the basis for His estimate of their value – that they do what He asks with all their heart. That’s how each person becomes fully human.

                   Do you regard your people as mere slaves? Are they quickly evaluated on some basis measuring their contribution to the financial bottom line, and then rated and valued accordingly? Or, do you value and esteem each person as a unique creation of your God? Do you look for the reason God has brought each person to you, and do you pray to discern the proper role for each one in your community.

                   If productivity is the highest priority, people are enslaved. Where people come first they will be empowered and they will flourish.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


 And when the religious leaders saw Jesus was spending time with the worst people; very bad folks, they asked the people following Him, “why?” Jesus heard the question, and told them, “Because they are the people who need me.” (Matthew 9:11-12)

                  It is a lot of fun to invest in the best. They catch on quickly, make you look good as they perform well, and they are likely to be people whose company you enjoy. But, those best people may not be the ones who need you today. God may be asking you to invest in the hard cases for a while. Will you do that? Can you even allow that He may use one of your worst people, or one of the least from your perspective – to teach you something?

                   Jesus said He did only what the Father told Him to do (John 5:19). This decision assured He would always focus on the right person, and He would see them as they are – what they need. Those bad people needed to know they had a place at God’s table. The religious leaders needed to recognize their value as well. Jesus focused His love and care on the powerless. He encouraged the powerful to use their power well; most often this included instructions to be caring and generous to the weak.

                   With the many demands on your time and focus, be sure that you too are doing only what God leads, so you will always have the right person as your focus too.

Friday, July 19, 2024


 Jesus was becoming known. The news was spreading abroad, so that great numbers of people were coming to see Him and to be healed. But, He frequently went away to the deserted areas to pray – alone. (Luke 5:15-16)

                   Do you ever walk away from the crowd? Do you stop in the middle of apparent success because you need to be somewhere else? Because God is calling you to pause?

                   Jesus was not ruled by a schedule. Often, at critical times, He would go the opposite direction from where reason alone may have taken Him. God’s direction may send you to a quiet place to pray and reflect at what seems to be an inopportune time. He may want you to spend time in a different place or with other people, so that He can speak to you through what you see and hear there. It may be that your people need for you to be absent at a critical time, so that they will be more able to allow God to help them grow. Whatever the reason, whatever God’s call, don’t ignore His call and pursue what appears to be best simply because reason and judgment dictate that path.

                   Go to the right place, where the Lord is leading you, in preparation for what He will do in and through your life.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 And Moses saw the people had lost all reason. They were acting like animals. Aaron had failed to lead them, and so let them become an embarrassment to themselves. (Exodus 32:25)

                  Yes, individual leaders will pay a dear price for their failure to use well the authority they are given. But, that’s only half of the story. Whole communities pay for the failures of their leaders. Do you ever think about how much your people’s futures depend upon you leading them in a way that is obedient to the Lord’s vision for them?

                   The writer of Proverbs explained this dynamic very clearly (Proverbs 29:18). He said, when a leader loses his way and fails to lead his people toward a Godly vision, his people begin to act like slaves; they lose their humanity in the stress. They become anxious and engage in behavior that leads to their individual and group shame and failure. He said (Proverbs 29:19) such a servant will not respond to even wise counsel, but he must be disciplined and ruled by fear of consequences alone. So, rather than pursuing life in peace and joy, the whole community descends into fear and dread. A culture of shame, guilt, and self-preservation results.

                   Your people need your leadership. Use the opportunity God has given you to help them find their way to His prosperity.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 But, when King Uzziah became great and powerful, he became conceited and proud. This led to his destruction, as he entered the temple and sinned against God by lighting the incense on the altar of incense. (2 Chronicles 26:16)

                   Do you ever over-rule the rules? Often, those who achieve great success and become powerful start to think of themselves as being exceptional. The ethical constraints may then come to be viewed as necessary only to control others who aren’t quite so exceptional. This is a dangerous place to be. God opposes this kind of pride (Proverbs 3:34, et al).

    Uzziah not only did wrong by taking on the role of the priests, but when eighty of the priests came to him to correct him, he became angry with them for challenging his authority. Immediately, leprosy began to appear on his forehead. His rule was over. His great and powerful history was reduced to a legacy of having disobeyed God and having to die a humiliating death as a leper. Pride inevitably will lead to the loss of power and influence.

    God’s leaders must resist the temptation to become arrogant. The opportunity to finish well is forfeited when power and authority lead to - even well-meaning – even benevolent - arrogance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 So, I encourage you to fear the Lord, God, to serve only Him, and to put away every other pursuit. But, if that doesn’t make sense to you, choose to serve who or what you will, but for me; for my family, we serve the Lord God. (Joshua 24:14-15)

                   Have you ever considered that genuine respect for another person includes that you must allow them to be wrong? If so, you may have also realized that your role is never to ‘fix’ that person, fight their battles, nor otherwise to take God’s place in their life. Your appropriate role is limited to what the Holy Spirit leads you to say or do.

                   Joshua must have recognized these truths. In this, his final address to his people, he made clear to them the truth as he understood and lived it personally. Joshua’s Lord defeated all the gods worshipped by the Egyptians. He had driven out all those who had been conquered there in the new land. The evidence was compelling, but still – Joshua respected the people he led enough to acknowledge their authority to make their own decisions. To the end, the great warrior and leader refused to feel entitled to treat them as subjects.

                   Be creative, charming, and persuasive; even be passionate as God leads you to encourage your people. But, be respect them always. It’s their call.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 The reason the Father does love me is that I give my life; lay it down, and then finish the work before taking it up again. Not as a victim, nor a martyr, I do it willingly. The Father gave me this work, and the authority to do it. (John 10: 17-18)

                   You have been given a work to do. The Lord either has or He will, show you that work as you follow Him and ask for Him to show you. Just like Jesus, your work will be to serve your people; the people the Father has created you to serve. Will you use the power and authority that God gives you to do that work? Will you focus on; even identify with your people and their need so that you will finish well?

                   Jesus bewildered those listening to Him. It was confusing and unexpected enough for Him to say He would willingly die. But, there have been other martyrs. Jesus made clear that He had great power and authority. This death would be His own decision, and further, His death would be temporary. This was more than the religious listeners could handle. The work that the Father has for you is the same. Can you believe it? He is calling you to willingly lay down your life. Like Jesus, you must do it willingly, identifying with your people’s need.

                   Embrace the temporary death God calls you to. Lay down your life for your people.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 Don’t try to fake love for others. Don’t just talk about love – that’s evil! Hold on to the good – real devotion to each other. Give honor to the other person – put them first; worthy of all your effort and passion. That’s how you serve the Lord your God. (Romans 12:9-11)

                   To whom do you give honor? Honor is high respect, privilege, distinction that western culture generally gives now only to the rich, powerful, or famous. In this environment, people are encouraged to seek honor selfishly, without concern for others. Love is only a word in that world. Dignity and equality are words used for self-promotion as a champion of others; but there is rarely any selfless action observed that supports those words.

                   Paul tells the church at Rome they are to really love; not simply talk about love. He defines real love as putting every other person first; honoring them as if each one is special in some way. He calls on believers to serve the interests of all those people with empathy, understanding, and to serve them with all the passion and effort a person can exert – as if doing it for the Lord Himself.

                   Without this conduct, love is not real. It is hypocrisy to talk about love if you don’t act this way, and Paul says that hypocrisy is evil. Honor others today!

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 Where there is a culture of selfishness and competition, there will be only noise and leadership will be ignored. Then; every manner of evil will flourish. (James 3:16)

    God’s way is a way of respect and honor. That way leads to empathy and giving. In God’s kingdom we see stories that unite and lead people to hope. When you look up to those who lead you, do you seek ways to serve and participate? When you look down, do you see ways to encourage and lift others up?

   James here observes that the world – living in Christ-less selfishness – compares and competes rather than loving. Looking up leads to envy and jealousy, while looking down brings a sense of arrogance and pride. In this culture of unbridled selfishness, there is no chance for unity; no chance that God will be glorified, and lives be transformed through the community’s influence. When people are led to be self-serving and selfish, there is division and incivility. There is no empathy as leaders lose touch with their people. People who have much will take even though they have no need.

                   Your people – those who stick around - become who you are. Look around and see who you have taught them to be.

Friday, July 12, 2024


 Bring glory to God with words and actions that come from your heart. Your being and your story always focused on Christ’s work, so that all who see you will see your hope in Christ. And be always alert to opportunities to point them to God. (1 Peter 3:15)

                   Are you constantly asking the Lord to show you what you need to see; to recognize the stories that will unite your people? Do you pray for discernment, so you will see the action you should take next? Are you working to live and tell the new story they will need to gain understanding for the way forward? God is the author of creativity. He knows what will speak to your people powerfully, leading them to remember the experiences they have shared that are significant and meaningful.

                   Peter gives two important challenges here. Trust your Holy Spirit-informed heart, while focusing your energy on the actions that the Lord shows you to be the work of Christ in the world around you. Also, make sure that when Jesus transforms; when He brings life to someone who was dead – make sure that He gets the glory for it.

                   Like Peter says, look for what Jesus is doing among your people, take part as He leads you. Then, be sure that everyone knows it was His work.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 In every thought, action, or circumstance – whatever happens – express gratitude and thanksgiving to God, because the Lord God wills for you to live a life filled with thanksgiving as you live in Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

                   Does this sound possible? In a world where complaints are valued, can you afford to be thankful? Is optimism realistic? Do you think it is ridiculous to be grateful for circumstances you perceive to be negative? Do you want to fly in the face of the whole world; people who say, “How can there be a God when there is so much evil in this world?” So many bad things happen to good people – and these bad things are affecting your people.

                   Paul emphatically says, “Yes! God sent Jesus. Jesus plus nothing else – His redeeming sacrifice alone – is reason for you to live a life of gratitude, praise, and thanksgiving.” Yes, maybe things look bad. Maybe you feel so alone, but yes – you have Jesus, and you have been restored to relationship with the Lord God. This is the sentiment expressed by Jesus, himself, when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But be courageous – I, myself, have overcome this world.”

                   Whatever the circumstances, lead your people to see that Jesus has overcome those challenges.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 If we are given suffering, even extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain – it is so that we may encourage and comfort you in a way that helps you persevere to find God’s prosperity. Or, if we are blessed with comfort and ease, we know that it is also to be used to help you to endure and learn to give as well. (2 Corinthians 1:6)

                   What is your first thought when you think of giving? Maybe you think of money or time. It’s not likely your first thought is of suffering. However, one of the most powerful gifts you can give another person is comforting encouragement – especially if that gift is wrapped in empathy; if you know suffering first hand.

                   Paul communicates two important truths here. First, every part of life; sorrow, joy, plenty, and want, is a gift from the Lord God - if you trust Him. He also teaches that every gift received is to be used as the Lord desires. The conclusion you draw, as you observe this design, is that God must certainly have intended for your life to be a continuous process of receiving from God and giving to others.

                   Look around. Consider your experiences. What has God given you that you haven’t given to another? Give it selflessly as the Holy Spirit leads you to give.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Never let your motivation be your own, personal gain – ever! Instead, humble yourself, and value other people and their prosperity more than you value your life. Then you will generously respond to them in ways that advance their interests. (Philippians 2:3-4)

                   What is your greatest challenge to your efforts to be a good listener? Think. You have a choice of two answers; selfishness or focus. It’s easier to call selfishness lack of focus, right? But, the critical issue in listening in a focused way is to live as Paul encourages here; humbly and generously. Focusing on people is about self-LESS-ness.

                   Paul obviously had some experience with personal interaction. How often he must have sought to manipulate others to a desired end. With his intellect and education, and the power of his office before he met Jesus, he certainly knew the dynamics of power and intimidation. Post-meeting Jesus, Paul understands that listening to the person God sends to him, and to the Lord who arranged the meeting, is the way to advance that person’s cause. The work is to help them find God’s way, and that work became Paul’s reason for living.

                   Give yourself, and your focus, generously to others. Pursue their interests as God leads you to respond to their needs.

Monday, July 8, 2024


 You carefully arranged me from your materials, and skillfully wove me into a unique person before I was even formed. And, as you created me you wrote my story, blessing me; blessing the work you would do through me. (Psalm 139:15-16)

                  Do you live in the reality of this passage? Do you recognize that this promise from God is also reality for each of the people you will encounter today? If so, should you not focus on helping each of your people to recognize and appreciate that he or she has a destiny; a story to complete? With this understanding, your people will be encouraged to seek relationship with their Creator; emboldened to pursue their unique story. Then, they too can act with courage and power; real authority.

                   The Psalmist understood – your relationship with God begins long before you are even aware of Him. Although the writer can’t see and touch the Lord, he knows that God’s hand has shaped him into a unique creation He deems to be very good. The hopeful confidence of knowing he was destined to participate with God to finish the story of his life – and that he could not fail – gave him the confidence to overcome his fears (verse 23) and to boldly pursue God’s vision (verse 24).

                   Invest focused attention on each of your people so they can pursue the story God has written for their lives.

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 God gives us, as evidence of His love for us, this thing. While we were still rebelling against His authority, His love was extended to us through Jesus Christ’s atoning death. (Romans 5:8)

                   Do you trust your people? Do you require that they earn your trust before you make a significant investment in them? Do you look for failures to support limiting or withholding your trust? Or, do you make and keep promises to pursue their best interests individually and as a group, even if they fail the trustworthiness test?

                   This passage is hard reading for one who would seriously try to follow Jesus. The requirement to risk your own status – physically, emotionally, and financially, for someone who doesn’t appreciate your gift is hard to accept. To risk your freedom, and even your safety, for someone who may not even understand what you are doing seems to be a really dumb thing to do. But, that is the action that evidences God’s love – just as in Christ’s death. That act is the sacrificial love that brings hope.

                   Risk it all for your people. Extend your love to them just as Jesus did; without reservation. Give it all. Give them hope and love them, even though they don’t deserve it.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 The Lord God said to Moses, Listen! I will send what you need each day from my resources; what each person needs for one day – every morning. Then, I will watch to see if they prove to be faithful in doing what I ask of them. (Exodus 16:4)

                   Every interaction; every relationship is different, and each ongoing relationship is different each day. How can you possibly prepare to meet that level of challenge? Can you read enough books, learn enough rules, or have enough experience to always do what is best in each of dozens of daily interactions? No, but God can – and better still – He promises that He does.

                   God’s provision for His people is constant, steady, and consistent. In this passage, He is explaining to His leader, Moses, “I will show you what your people – My people – need each day, and then I will provide all that you lack to accomplish what I will give you to do.” Has God’s nature changed? (Numbers 23:19). If not, then each person should take seriously the rest of God’s counsel to Moses. The Lord will also be evaluating constantly whether you follow in simple faith.

                   This one action; simply following in faith, is God’s consistent standard for men and women. Adopt that measure as your own. Do enough each day.

Friday, July 5, 2024


 Through this Jesus we also were given this great favor of God and the authority to call followers from every people. We call them at His instruction, on His behalf, and to move in obedience to His authority – And you too are those people who are called to have this relationship of belonging to Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:5-6)

                   Remember. Authority is about unlocking the world’s chains. So, it is about people. The great, powerful events of life are when groups of people respond to a call to do better. Those whom you lead – your group – acting together, in obedience to God’s leadership will be used by the Lord to change the lives of others. That call -the foolishness of preaching Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:21-23) is why you are leading your people.

                   As you obey, and call others to relationship and obedience, pursuing what is best for all – God’s will for their lives – those people will change. They will change dramatically, and will lead others to the new life they have found.

                   The reputation of your leadership is determined by its character – how you use it. Use it as Jesus intends. Use it to call others to be Him, so they can be made complete.

Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Bragging that they, with human authority, were wisdom, they lived out being a fool! That’s what happens if you try to take all the glory that belongs to the incorruptible, forever God, and say that humans, or anything else that God created, can contain that authority. (Romans 1:22-23)

                  Do you ever get a little too big for your britches? Do you maybe worry about how you will solve the huge problem that hangs over you and your people? Do you plan how you will fix that person who is messing up the work? Do you think you have the power or authority to change another person’s life in a significant way? If so, you may be dangerously close to becoming the person Paul describes in this passage.

                  Paul is describing mankind in this part of his letter, but he offers a very important insight into how God responds to idolatry. Clearly, God doesn’t suffer fools gladly (2 Corinthians 11:19). If a person is foolish enough to experience God’s creation, His intervention in the lives of people, and His personal call to relationship, and yet still deny His authority as God, He will let them become the very essence of foolishness. Their innate need to worship will cause them to either try to become god, or to create some other, false god in which to invest their lives.

                  The only authority that is forever and incorruptible (stays firm, lasts) is the Lord God. Never try to take His role. Never assume responsibilities that are His. Always give Him the glory for what He alone can do.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Everything around you, and everything you can see – it’s all temporary. One day it will all be gone. But, my words last – forever! So, don’t focus on or get overwhelmed by this other stuff, or you will miss the chance for my words to become your life. My words mean either life or death for everyone on earth. (Luke 21:33-35)

                  Do you want legacy? Do you wish for the work you do during your lifetime to really endure through time? Are you afraid you may be invested in something that will not last beyond your leadership tenure? If so, Jesus gives the answer you are looking for to build something lasting.

                   What lasts forever is what God values. Over the course of history, He has repeatedly told men and women that His words are the way to real, fulfilling, purposeful life, and His words are about relationship. God’s desire is for obedient worship – period. All the work you must do to please the Lord is described by one phrase, “do what God wants you to do.” Nothing else will last. No manmade monuments will survive. No accomplishments will matter. No heroic, sacrificial deeds will be long-remembered, unless what you build or do is what the Lord asks you to make of your life.

                   Build for forever. Accomplish the work that God gives you each day. Obey His word and build lives that will last.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 (16) Immediately, the man he gave the five talents went to work, using what he was given. He grew the investment; doubling it…. (21) the employer said, “You did so well; exactly what I asked of you. Because you have done what I asked, I have much more opportunity for you. You’ll love it!” (Matthew 25:16, 21)

                  God values and invests in people. What He has given you is people. He places a few in your life, and He gives you opportunity to do what He asks you to do for them. If you obey His word; if you do what He asks you to do, He will bring more and more opportunities to work with Him. Unfortunately (verse 30), if you don’t obey, there is a great cost. Rather than closely relating to the Lord God every day to invest in the people He loves, that opportunity will be lost. Rather than the joy of fulfilling work and growing influence and prosperity, there will be only tearful regret.

                  Every choice has a cost associated with it. The man in this passage decided to immediately go to work doing what his employer asked. That meant he could not spend what he had been given on himself, nor could he do business the way others around him said to do it. Probably, he had to leave some people behind as he worked with only those he was told to engage.

                  Will you leave what you want to do behind you, so you may follow the path Jesus tells you to pursue? That is the path to greater work – the kind you’ll truly love.

Monday, July 1, 2024


 Want to please God? Don’t kid yourself with religious talk. That’s not what does it. The worship God wants is to see you take care of the broken and powerless; orphans, widows, and such, and watch yourself to stay true in the little stuff. (James 1:26-27)

                   Can you even remember the stress of feeling powerless? Or have you become accustomed to the bigger problems of authority and influence; the burdens you carry as a leader? It is hard to be poor, sick, or alone. It is stressful to feel like you have no control over what is happening to you. It can affect your health, your ability to contribute to society, and it can eliminate all your hope for the future.

                   The writer here explains that God gives you strength and influence to look around each day and see who needs help. Your work – your worship – is to help that person He places in your view, as He shows you their need. Your love and help bring His hope for a future. Your simple act of obedience may enable that person to overcome the threats that overwhelm them, so they too can begin to help others and please God.

                   You hold the key to the chains of hardship that bind others. That key is simple, prayerful, obedient worship. Unlock someone today!