We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 So, let your Lord God show you the way that is best for them; just as He does for you. And, help your brother and sister to find that best for themselves. This is such a difficult, unusual choice for you to make in this world. Many will start; but they will fail. The way to God ‘s life is hard. (Matthew 7:12-14)

                  There are so many ways to get it wrong as a leader. There are many who will advise you to choose those false paths. Often, they will seem to you to be the right, fair choice. Will you make the only choice that will make all the difference for your people? Only one path will take you and your people to the transformed life that Jesus offers.

                  During this lesson, Jesus explains that often His way will be different from the world’s angry, combative, selfish way of dealing with other people. He gave a couple of very clear examples, pointing His listeners to the all-knowing, loving counsel of the Father as the proper source for each and all a believer’s needs. Many have read this passage as instruction to reason what is best for the other person, and then convince that person to accept their opinion. That’s not the narrow-door path Jesus urges. The narrow way is to recognize that only the Father has the right answer for each of His children. The narrow way is to listen for the Spirit to reveal how to point the other person to Him.

                  Choose the different way. Help your people find their way to God and His very best for them. Don’t try to take God’s place in their lives.

Friday, August 30, 2024


 No – I’m far from perfect. I haven’t arrived. I may not even fully understand. But, I am pressing on to find His way forward, so that I may realize and gain what Christ Jesus gave me. (Philippians 3:12)

                   Do you allow yourself to be imperfect? Is there room in your group for people who will mess up? Fear of liability and loss drive many to assume that perfection is the minimum standard. When that is a leader’s perspective, those who are not able to explain away their actions, put the right spin on a course of events with a bad ending, are found guilty by reason of imperfection. In that environment fear takes over, as each person waits for the dreaded day when they make the unforgivable mistake.

                   Paul explains here that perfection is an ideal worthy of a life-long effort. The life of one who follows Christ is a process of growing closer to Him; learning, growing, and becoming a completed masterpiece at His return. This understanding should lead you to greater humility. You are not perfect. This understanding should lead you to seek unity. Those who falter need restoration rather than punishment.

                  Recognize that your people are imperfect. Encourage them, as Paul has modeled, to press forward to find God’s way when they struggle. Love them to restored relationship.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Brothers, if someone is overcome; if the Spirit reveals to you that they are captured by sin – when the Spirit of God shows you – show them the way back to the Lord. Do this work humbly and gently. Understand that it could have been – could be – you. This loving and caring for another; taking on their problems as your own, that’s God’s work. It is what Jesus expects of you. (Galatians 6:1-2)

                  Do you pray for your people? Do you ask the Lord to give them eyes to see the truth of God’s word? Do you ask the Lord to help you see the role He has for you in His plan for each of them? Remember, that is the work that matters; giving your people opportunity to come into relationship with the Lord, God. When they are experiencing trouble, or have problems, there is often opportunity to share Christ.

                  Paul recognizes this truth. He told the people at Corinth that Satan tries to deceive. He may hide truth from those who don’t know God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Paul also told them, and says in this passage, that Jesus Christ is wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30), and His Holy Spirit is the source of your understanding. The author of James, in his letter, was very direct, “If you lack wisdom, ask God (James 1:5).”

                  So, clearly, you can know that the Spirit will show you those who need you to care for them, and what you need to do. Ask Him how to help your people find their way home to Jesus‘ love.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


 Look to God – obey Him so you can stand and fight the battles of life. This is war against the spiritual powers of evil and darkness, because we fight them, not against other men and women. (Ephesians 6:11-12)

                   One of the consistent themes of Paul’s letter to the people in the church at Ephesus is unity. He covers many of the familiar relationships of life, explaining on each occasion how God’s will and God’s work through time have been to bring His people; those He created, together in their proper relationship of love with Him and each other – through Christ’s sacrifice. Here, he is explicit, “You are not to engage in battles with each other as if you are enemies.” Rather, Paul explains you must fight the powers of the spiritual world who oppose men and women.

                  Do you look at your people who are struggling and see an enemy? Do you see them as a problem to either be fixed – or even eliminated? If so, you’re not seeing them through eyes of faith in Christ. He loves that person. He died for that person. How can you then throw him or her away; see them as disposable?

                  People aren’t problems to be overcome. They are valuable creations; made in the image of God. See their humanity and help them battle the real enemies of life.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 These people come in to you as if they are really my people. They listen to my words as you speak, but they never act on them. They talk about their great love for me, but then they pursue selfish ambition. (Ezekiel 33:31)

                   Your pets, friends, children, and other family members all watch much more than they listen, as they try to figure out who you really are and what you really want. The same is true of those you lead each day as you work. Your people; the ones who are acting on your vision, and whom you are encouraging to adopt your values, don’t just listen. They watch very carefully. What do they see?

                   God is telling Ezekiel that actions are the evidence of faith. When your actions are inconsistent with your vision, when decisions are made that contradict your values, or when people are not held accountable for their behavior, your words have no meaning. Your influence will be lost. Your people will not listen.

                   Be sure your actions and your processes are consistent with your words. Let them see you living out what you profess to believe. Lead your people to a living faith.


Monday, August 26, 2024


 Jesus told them (the disciples arguing over which of them would be greatest), “The powerful abuse their power to manipulate, while calling themselves faithful helpers. But, not so with you. If you want to be the greatest, then you will serve the most. Focus on meeting the needs of others, as I have done.” (Luke 22:25-27)

                   What will you do? The world says to seize power, “Manipulate if you must – there will always be casualties, it can’t be avoided. The task must be accomplished.” Jesus says, “Meet their needs and send them to me. Don’t seek their approval or to have power.”

                   Choose carefully between these options, because Jesus is clear in His assurance that your choice will determine your future, and that of your people. He continues, saying, “The Father’s kingdom is yours because you have continued with me; my way. You will reign forever in His kingdom, with Me” (verses 28-30).

                   Will you choose the kingdom of men or the kingdom of God? Power, abuse, and manipulation seeking more power, wealth, and selfish notoriety pave the road to the top by the world’s standards. Submission, obedience, cost, and even suffering is the price of serving Jesus’ way. Choose well. Choose God’s eternal kingdom. Continue with Jesus, not men.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


 From there (Shechem), Abram broke camp and moved to a mountain east of Beth-El. He set up his home and there built an altar to the Lord, God between Beth-El and Hai to the east. There he preached in the name of God. (Genesis 12:8)

                   Which is more important to you; living and working, resting and waiting, or giving God praise in worship? If you are going to lead your people effectively; God’s way, your answer must be, “Yes. All of the above.”

                   Understanding that Bethel symbolizes communion with God, and that Ai is symbolic of the world, may help you understand the importance of this event in Abram’s life. As God led him to live there, He reminded Abram that He must always be influenced by both the time he spent meditating and waiting for the Lord’s word, and by the events of the world where he lived and worked. The altar reminded him to always worship and give thanks, whatever his circumstances with God and with people.

                   You are in that place as well. Each of your decisions and actions will be determined in this same, complex environment. Live embracing all God gives you as you are between Him and His world. Worship Him there.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 So, recognize – in everything you say and do – that the Lord God is Holy. Regard Him with awe, and be ready at any moment, to answer. People will ask you why you believe in Christ. Be ready to tell your story; why you put all your confident hope and trust in Jesus. Tell your story; what He has done for you. But, tell it giving God all the glory, and be sure you don’t say more than the Spirit tells you to say. (1 Peter 3:15)

                  Are you ready to tell your story? Have you prayed and thought about what the Lord has done for you? Do you tell your people at every opportunity; with everything that you say and do, that Jesus wrote your story?

                   Peter foresees that those who follow Christ will be noticed if they live as the Spirit leads. And, he knows that people are looking for answers to life. Here, he gives counsel on how to prepare and how to respond when that happens. As the leader of your people, they will ask you, “Why?” They will do it often if you allow them to do so. The Lord will give you the response. He knows what they want and need to hear to be receptive to His transforming work in them. You must look for those He is sending to you, and He will tell you the part of your story they need to hear; even how to tell it to them best.

                   Simply listen for God’s voice, saying only what He tells you to say. But, tell your story.

Friday, August 23, 2024


 What I will speak about all day long, every day is your righteousness and the salvation you offer men and women here and now and forever, because there is no way I can ever tell them all. Yes, your acts; your mighty acts! I will tell it as a story of your righteousness, faithfulness, and truth! (Psalm 71:15-16)

                  So, what do you talk about – all day long, every day? Is it Jesus? What do you tell about Him? You are the mission; the visible expression of God’s love in this world and to this world. So, what is that message; your mission? Saving people from death and despair! Men and women are doomed to spiritual death apart from God’s offer of salvation through trusting and following Jesus Christ.

                   The Psalmist speaks of an obligation; even a sacred trust given by God. Entrusted with the understanding of God’s righteousness and salvation and its power to transform human life, this child of God had a message too important not to pursue with all his strength. He must invest every day, every hour, and every minute to tell that story of God’s forgiveness and grace. He would never run out of stories to tell.

                   As you share Jesus with your people, tell them about His life-saving power and love every minute of every day.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 All of those whom the Lord God has saved will come home. They will be singing with a joy that will last forever, and that can’t be taken away. All the sorrow; the frustrations and sighing will run away. They will find gladness and joy that will never end. (Isaiah 51:11)

                   What has eternal significance? Only one thing; the transforming power of the Lord, Jesus Christ – only that matters. You will share a lot of things with your people as you lead them. None of those things will matter unless the Spirit of God changes them, and they find new life in Christ.

                   As God speaks through Isaiah, it is assumed that all men and women have sorrow. They all have circumstances of fear and disappointment which make them sigh. Isaiah reports, “Only the saving, redeeming, reconciling, transforming act of God can take away that sorrow.” It only can happen when someone returns home to relationship with the Lord.

                   Share all that the Lord has called you to share with your people. But, remember the thing that matters is that you share Him. Be sure to share what matters.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 While they were struggling in troubles and pain, their joy overcame that trial, just like their excellent giving overcame their poverty. I can tell you – they did their very best, and even more; without anyone asking. (2 Corinthians 8:2-3)

                   Do you expect excellence? For each person, the definition of excellence is the same. In every task, large or small, the standard of excellence is that you do your best. Will you adopt that standard for yourself and your people?

                   Paul here tells the story of the Macedonians, who gave generously at a time many people would be selfish and uncaring. They themselves were poor, and they had been suffering through unusually difficult circumstances. However, these people managed to keep their focus on others, loving to the point that it cost them. They did their best. Their actions were excellent, simply because it was what they should do. And, as this group gave, Paul notes that their sorrow became joy. Giving from their poverty in obedience to God’s call to do their best brought the real prosperity of His joy.

                   Lead your people to prosperous excellence. Establish excellence as their standard, and yours.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Give what you have, and you will receive gifts; all you give and even more will come back. So much will be given to you as you continue to give that your pockets will stay full and overflow – again and again. (Luke 6:38)

                  Do you believe these words? Do your actions reflect that belief? Is your focus always on the person who needs your money, time, attention, or love? Are you looking for the one to whom you may give? Or, is your attention on how much you need, and you therefore must keep, to have a fair, reasonable amount for you and your family? Do you focus on having enough as your first consideration?

                  Jesus is clear. The passage just before this cautions against judging others; deciding whether they deserve your love. Here, Jesus promises blessing and provision to those who evidence their trust and love by giving in an unreserved way, confident of His care for them. You may regard this concept with suspicion or skepticism. Many have used this passage, trying to change its meaning to encourage people to give to them. These are pretenders who misuse this promise for selfish gain. However, these are the words of Jesus, a loving friend. They are words of comfort, not promises of riches. They are truth.

Give without reserve, with excitement, and with expectation that the Lord will provide even more that you can give in His name.

Monday, August 19, 2024


 Be sure. Understand that the great message of God’s power and desire to save men and women from death and loss has now been sent out for the rest of the world, and they will be receptive to it! (Acts 28:28)

                   Do you understand that you are God’s chosen messenger? He picked you to be the one who will bless a people – your people – with His love and grace. Do you take this responsibility seriously? Do you see this mission as the reason you are where you are each day? Do you talk about your calling repeatedly so that your people may understand and embrace the truth of God’s message of love for you and for them?

                   The central truth; the great message of all time, is salvation. Mankind, doomed to a life of fear and overwhelming misery by the penalty of selfish sin, can be restored to relationship with God, and can experience His prosperity, peace, and joy. It is a positive message. It is good news.

                   God has given you a way He wants you to express this message, and a people with whom He wants you to share it. Share it as the urgent good news that it is.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


 In your passionate focus and intensity be careful and persistent, your spirit boiling over – serving the Lord with great urgency. (Romans 12:11)

                   Paul directs the reader of this passage to embrace a consistent devotion to brothers and sisters. He challenges that person to be both focused on acting, and to be focused in his or her spirit toward the Lord’s business. It is an attitude that combines passionate, intense, eager, expectant, obedient submission with carefully and constantly watching – alert for opportunity - all while waiting to hear what is urgent to the Lord.

                   Do you live with this passion? Do you focus intently and carefully on God, looking for how He would have you act to show your devotion to your brother and sister? Passion cannot be taught. Rather, if you live your life before your people in this attitude of burning desire for what is the Lord’s; boiling over for Him, your people will be attracted to the life that they see in and through you. They will begin to share your passion and desire as they see it is the way to life that is worth living.

                   Boil over with desire for Jesus Christ. Lead you people to find that passion within themselves as they learn to follow Him.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


 And everything; everything you say and any work that you do, do it all in the name of your Lord Jesus Christ, as you give thanks to God the Father through Him for every opportunity. (Colossians 3:17)

                  Do you see all of life as sacred; even the details of a busy work day? If your work comes from, and is directed by God’s Holy Spirit, it is His work. You are a priest; each step a divine activity that is part of His plan for the world. Your people need to understand this character of the work, so they may see the importance of acting responsibly themselves, and with excellence as they pursue God’s vision.

                  Everything covers a lot. Paul sets a very high standard with only a few words. Every word? How often has a careless, seemingly harmless, word you have spoken caused problems for you or someone else? The Bible is filled with cautions to guard the tongue (1 Peter 3:10 et al), says to be careful to think (Colossians 4:6), and encourage (Ephesians 4:29) with that tongue. Each and all these actions require that you relate to the Lord to discover His will for what you say and do. This is true for every act of your day. One small act that is unconsidered can ruin months of good work, and cause opportunities to be lost.

                  So, do everything in the way God tells you. Help your people to understand that is your perspective and help them to embrace the same discipline.

Friday, August 16, 2024


 Listen – Hear what I am telling you. No one may enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and of Spirit. What is born of flesh is flesh, but Spirit is born of Spirit. (John 3:5-6)

                   Every home has a leader; a parent. Are you acting as the father or mother of your people? Or, do you acknowledge as Jesus did, that you are a brother or sister to them? They need to know that the Holy Spirit of God, your father, is the motivating power behind your work; what moves you to action.

                   The central truth-  that like gives life to like in the spiritual realm just as it does in the animals and the plants of the natural world - is a very important concept of life lived in Christ. It is foundational. The work of God is not motivated by the events of the world as you interpret them and reason the right action. God’s work – His plans – His way forward for you and your people can come only from Him. Father God is the parent of the family, or the family cannot please Him. Your work is to become “like” God, as He gives you vision and direction.

                   Remember your role in the family. Help your people to understand that relationship, so they will aspire to achieve the same, right relationship with God.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


 Be to me my strong habitation – the home where I can live continually. You have made the way for me to be saved; my rock and my strong defender. My security. (Psalm 71:3)

                   Families have homes. If you see your role as growing a family of the people whom God has given you to lead, where is their home? One of the important things a parent teaches a child very early in life is to know their address. That way, the child can always find their way home. What address will you provide your people? Where will they go when they need shelter and security?

                   The Psalmist is clear. His address is the Lord, God; not only when he is weak or afraid, but where he lives continually. The word he chooses is rich. Habitation speaks not just to the fact that God is a dwelling place; this home is a place he habitually resides. So, it also suggests that your living in Christ Jesus is about the habits of God; the character and actions which distinguish His family. The people who make Jesus be their address will be those whose habits are the same as His. They will love, serve, care for, and encourage each other, and those to whom they are sent.

                   Be sure to teach your people - especially the new children in your family – to know their address. Make sure they can always find their way home.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


 Jesus responded, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Then, He stretched His hand toward His followers saying, “Look – These are my mother and brothers, for this reason – whoever obeys the will of my Father -that is my brother, sister, mother.” (Matthew 12:48-50)

                  Do you see your people as family? Are you giving them the preference, focus, and love that people reserve for the closest members of their families? Do you make them feel they will be yours – no matter what? You are given a vision from God for your life, and work, and for your people. As you relate to and encourage your people to embrace that vision with you, and by that action to obey the Lord, you are calling them to be family.

                  Jesus explains here that both the pathway to, and the evidence of, renewing your relationship with God is obedience. Because you place your hope in Christ Jesus, believing Him for your future, and doing the work He gives, your relationship with God is restored. Once again, you are His child, and are relating to Him as He created you to live. As you lead your people to this same relationship, you become family with them; brothers and sisters in Christ, and through Him.

                  Grow your family. Find all the people God has given you, and then lead them to Him. Never let go until they come back home to the family of God.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 There is nothing I’ve lost or suffered that matters to me. Nor do I count my own life as more valuable than to finish the work of service given to me by Jesus. With joy, I will tell of His good news of God’s grace and will be living evidence of that grace in my obedience to Him. (Acts 20:24)

                   Jesus was not the only example for living a mission. Paul understood mission too. Often, men and women understand that the mission (or missions) is the work to tell the good news of God’s saving work through Jesus Christ – that He loved the world so much He made Jesus be the way that men could return to a living relationship with Him. Here, you see that Paul also understood that he must be the mission. He knew that he was the living evidence and presence of the living God in the world he was sent to serve because Christ lived in him.

                   When you consider the value of your mission, and the potential for life that will come from you allowing Christ to be that mission through your life, what cost could cause you to turn away from the plan that He has created for your life? Can you think of any cost so great that you would turn back from finishing your work?

                   Be the mission God has called you to be. Finish the work the Lord has for you to do – with joy and gratitude for everything that entails.

Monday, August 12, 2024


 I glorified you on earth. I completed the work you have given me to do while here. (John 17:4)

    Jesus had a mission to complete while He was living among men and women in this world. He explained in this passage that every action of His life had one basic purpose – to glorify the Lord God, His Father on earth. By doing so he caused men and women to worship, praise, and adore God and follow His plan for life with all their strength. Is that your mission? Is that the focus of your life and the end to which you are leading your people?

   Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane on the eve of His crucifixion. He had, indeed, completed the work among men and women that He was given to do. And, in so following the Father God’s will for that life, He had brought glory, honor, and praise to Him and His name. Obedience; being true to what His given mission required, was the reason God was glorified. That is also the way that you will bring honor to God. Simple obedience to the work – that is your mission.

                   Glorify God. Finish the work He has given and will give you to do. That is your mission. Allow the Lord to complete it through His work in your life.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 You really worship; really show your love to the Lord God our Father, when you continue in caring for widows and orphans – all those whom the world abandons, and when you keep yourself pure for Him. (James 1:27)

                   Anyone, any organization, can care about people for a time. It is relatively easy to motivate your people to muster great effort and to perform a heroic, one-time deed. Will you do the ongoing work, and pay the increasing costs required to build and sustain a culture of caring? Changing culture requires the discipline of habit, and habit comes from frequent, consistent, intentional communication. What you focus on is what will happen. With all the demands of your organization, will you focus primary attention on the welfare of the people God has given to you for care?

                   The writer of this letter is so frank; so direct. Two hard tasks are defined. Consistently care for everyone – regardless of their productive value (what they can do for you) and consistently challenge yourself to be disciplined in the way you follow God’s plan for your life in every detail. Wow! What a challenge.

                   Take that challenge and make it your own. Be the person God calls you to be. Continue to invest in your people every day to help them create a culture of caring.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Many of them told him (Bartimaeus) to be quiet, but he continued to cry out, “Lord, Son of David, help me!” Jesus stopped and said to them, “Call him.” So, they said to him, “Be at peace. He has chosen you.” (Mark 10:48-49)

    Even though Jesus taught his followers to look for those needing care, encouraged them to help, and modeled that behavior, they still often struggled themselves to value people and engage with them as Jesus did. His response was to instruct them in specific ways to connect with those in need. He made His people participate. Will you do that? It’s hard work.

   Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, where His identity and His purpose would be revealed, and the people who followed Him must have realized He was moving with great purpose and intent – all business. Surely, they must have thought – He can’t be bothered by one blind man. Not today. But, when Jesus heard the man’s cry for help, He didn’t simply overrule them. He engaged them in the work of caring for the man. “Call him – bring him to me.”

   Will you find ways for your people to become engaged in the work of caring? That is how, and that is when they will begin to understand.

Friday, August 9, 2024


 When you prepare a great feast, make sure you include the poor and sick – the forgotten who cannot repay your favor. And then, you’ll really be able to celebrate. They can’t repay your kindness, but you will be compensated at the resurrection of God’s people. (Luke 14:13-14)

                   Do you care about everyone? Do you recognize the people that the world overlooks and ignores? Does your caring about them result in action?

                   Jesus must have answered each of these questions with a resounding, “yes!” He was roundly criticized, and routinely questioned and challenged for acting to care for those whom others deemed to be unimportant. This advice explained the reason. God values all people. To Him, everyone matters. You may say this often, encouraging your people to care about everyone in your communities. But, until they see you consistently honor the people whom the world tries not to see, it will only be words; hollow words.

                   Always include everyone in your celebrations of what the Lord has done. Look for ways to enlarge your tent to cover people others would not invite to come in. Care for them, and so teach your people how to care.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


 You know that you were called to a life that does not repay evil with evil, nor insult for insult. You have been made heir to blessing. That is your calling; to be a blessing, no matter what others do to you. (1 Peter 3:9)

                   Do you think Peter recalled the events of the garden on the night Judas betrayed Jesus as he gave this advice to his readers? Clearly, this memory was on his mind (1 Peter 2: 20-23) as he recounted those events earlier in his letter. In the garden, Jesus both told Peter the truth of submission and He modeled it. If your people are to obey in the face of evil, you must do the same.

                   “No matter what,” is very broad. Peter says essentially, “Focus on being a blessing to others. Ignore anything else that may distract you.” The first part of this passage speaks the truth, and the second explains why. You can imagine how Peter must often have lived the advice he gave. He stated this truth so clearly, and with such certainty and authority.

                   Live your life today as Jesus, then Peter have counseled. Share this truth with your people, so that they too may bless others.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Jesus told Peter, “Put up your sword – back where it belongs. This is my Father’s plan for Me. Will I not accept it?” (John 18:11)

                   Will you surrender your right to fight back? Can you act in a way that will cause your people concern without defending your actions? Will you continue to trust and simply do what Jesus tells you to do even when it brings humiliation?

                   Jesus, who Peter had seen control the storm, cast out demons, and make sickness disappear, showed him here the way of obedient submission. The disciples were unaccustomed to losing, and this sure looked like a big loss. It must have been inconceivable to the followers that Jesus could be arrested by mere men. Surely, fear gripped Peter. His love for Jesus motivated him to fight to protect Him. Could such passionate loyalty be wrong? Jesus explained that it could – if it goes against God’s plan.

                   Consistently, let your only defense be that you wish to be obedient to the Father’s plan for you. Lead your people to accept God’s will for you and your group simply because it is His will.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 From Solomon: If the Lord God does not build a house, the workers are wasting their time. If He does not protect a city, no defense will protect it. Your long days, working through meals; from early morning to late at night – all unnecessary.

The Father gives to those He loves rest and peace. (Psalm 127:1-2)

                   Do you trust God enough to rest? Do you realize that it will be much harder for your people to trust him if you act like it is all up to you? There is work you must do, but if you are doing the work the Lord wants you to do, you will have time for rest and peace.

                   Solomon asked (2 Chronicles 1:8-12) for and received wisdom from God; wisdom to rule – to lead. The advice of this passage reflects the truth of a very important, underlying precept. God’s will is not going to be frustrated, avoided or suppressed. Work not based on His plan is meaningless in the life of one of God’s children. He will bring about the end He desires in and through your life. Your responsibility ends at obedience.

                   Live this truth, modeling it for those you lead, and teaching them to work profitably and rest well. With their resulting grateful and obedient hearts, the work will be completed – God’s way.

Monday, August 5, 2024


 Look. Because I love you, I’m telling you again – don’t fall prey to the lies of the world. Be careful to hold onto – even to grow in your knowledge of, and your devotion to, Jesus. Protect your inheritance and bring Him glory now and forever. (2 Peter 3:17-18)

                   Which are the lies Peter may have recalled as he gave this advice? Maybe he remembered a dark night when he stood by a fire. The world would tell him that Jesus had been captured, and that Jesus and he must fear for their lives. His response must be to pull away, and to renounce any allegiance if he was to survive.

                   Obviously, Peter’s understanding of the way to preserve his life had changed by the time he wrote this letter. “Jesus is the treasured inheritance. Hang on to Him when dangers threaten you,” became his final word. This instruction was literally the final word of his letter. In this life, Peter no doubt suffered as he paid the price of “listening to the lies.” The days between his betrayal of Jesus and Jesus’ work to restore him must have been brutal.

                   Save your people from this pain and danger. Help them learn from your actions and your words, that the only security is found in holding on to Jesus.

Sunday, August 4, 2024


 Yes! You, oh Lord God, are my shelter from harm! You too – because the Lord has made God your home – rightly related to the High God, the horrors of sin; the things that destroy others in this world can’t take you down. (Psalm 91:9-10)

                   Do you hear the bottom line in this assurance from God’s word? Obviously, the writer did. Before he could write it, he had to shout the affirmation of his own life, “God will protect me! He’s on my side! I can’t lose!” Then comes the explanation; because you have determined to accept the gift of God as your source, and you focus your attention on Him, you are His relation. You are His family. The things that destroy others – those “horrors” that come from living life on the world’s terms – those things won’t destroy you when you are following God’s plan for your life.

                   As you see your people struggle against these destructive forces, you can be sure there is sin at the root of their problems. Where people are struggling, and lives are being destroyed, you will find opposition to God and His rule.

                   Encourage your people to look for God’s answers when they are struggling. Following His way is the key to their rescue.         

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 So, all the petty, foolish challenges and rivalries; arguments and stress over issues that don’t focus on god’s Hope for people. These things have no value; no point. They just lead to fear and division. (Titus 3:9)

                   Rivalry, stress, and arguments that divide focus your people inward, on themselves and self-preservation. Such is the opposite of the grateful hope Paul encouraged Titus to embrace. Confident Hope in Christ leads to gratitude that can focus all its energy on prayer, and on loving and caring for others. In the end, the love which unites is lasting and leads to more Hope and more life. A cycle of fear, as Paul observes, leads nowhere.

                   Can you withstand the temptation to correct people needlessly; to argue them into your way of seeing every detail? Or, will you spend your opportunity telling them about Jesus who is the truth (John 14:6), and who will lead them to His truth?

                   It is likely that your wisdom and knowledge is considerable. Don’t let that ability lead you astray. Your people need your Hope much more than they need your advice.


Friday, August 2, 2024


 So, being made new by His act, we receive this great inheritance of life with hope for more and more life. You can trust this hope, and encourage others who follow, that God’s way leads to prosperity. (Titus 3:7-8)

                   Do you live your life in attack mode? Are you optimistically anticipating each day as one who is an heir to the life that only God can give – the more and better, abundant life (John 10:10) that Jesus promised? Do you believe this so much you encourage others to follow and risk everything on that Hope in Christ?

    In his letter to Titus, Paul tells his protege to tell his people to go all the way; to lavishly and completely give up their lives, ignoring self-interest that would cause others to miss the new life that Jesus suffered to provide. Earlier in the letter, Paul said (Titus 2:7) Titus must make this full investment personally. Here, he urges one further step be risked; that Titus should exert all his influence to lead others to fully embrace a life of following Jesus Christ.

   Tell your people who you are and why you do what you do. Then, risk all your credibility and all your relationship with them as you invite them to go all the way.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 You’re going to find yourself in trouble, but don’t worry. It is part of the work. The Father has planned for this, and He has placed you in these situations. He is going to speak to you; through you to the people you face. And, He will accomplish what He has planned to do. It’s all for Him. Don’t be afraid. (Matthew 10:18-20)

                   So many times, Scripture urges, “Don’t be afraid.” When the angels appeared, they usually began, “Fear not!” As the prophets foretold the events to come, even where they were difficult, they counseled, “Don’t be afraid…” Here, Jesus says explicitly, “Don’t be afraid,” and He explained why. God is in control. He knew that all of this would happen. He is going to walk through it with you, and He is going to win.

                   What does this mean to you? In a word, it means, “freedom.” You are free to simply do what the Lord God gives you to do each day. Every morning, you can get up, head out, and explain to your people that you are all headed out on a great adventure. And, you are headed together for success!

                   Never, not ever, should you fear. Don’t let your people fear. Instead, love them well encourage them to trust Jesus.