We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


And God said, “Build up the road! Build it up! Remove any obstacle that will keep My people from returning to Me!” (Isaiah 57:14)

   So, what is the work of leadership? What is the job description for your role? Do you envision slaying dragons? Do you see that you are in a position of power and authority so that you can oppose those who use their power for evil? Or, should you focus on empowerment that enables your people to find God’s plan for their lives?

                   This word of the Lord through His prophet, Isaiah, speaks of a day like today, when there are humble people who are ready to turn back to God. The command is to make that return possible by removing barriers and creating pathways. Deep, solid, well-founded roads are implied by the language. God is saying to do good work; build solid, reliable environments where detours and potholes are eliminated.

                   Build the roads your people need, so they can return to the Lord. Don’t be an obstacle. Don’t allow others to be an obstacle on your roads. Remove every obstacle the world presents. Clear the way for God’s people to return to him!

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