We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February 13 – TIME TO SPARE

 Give generously. As you do, it will continue to be given to you – an overflowing return of generosity for more giving. It is your generosity that measures your own return. (Luke 6:38)

                 Which resource would you most like to see multiplied? For many people, who have great responsibility, lots of problems to solve, and lots of new opportunities to pursue, the answer is time. For many, there is no more valuable, nor more scarce resource than that.

                 Although this Scripture passage is often used to teach financial generosity, the context shows Jesus was asking even more. He was teaching listeners to resist the urge to criticize and blame others, even when they harm you. Instead, He said to give and to forgive; to take the time to think through why the offender has acted, and how that person became who they are. Then, Jesus counseled them to respond with love that results in real forgiveness and to invest generously in helping that person – whatever their need.

                 Hear the promise of Jesus. Understand that He is challenging you to see the investment of your time in others who need you as the way to insure you will have all the time you need – and more. 

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