We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Friday, February 7, 2025


 The Lord God Himself has given to me the tongue of His well-trained student so that I will know how to encourage and embolden those who are weary with my words. (Isaiah 50:4)

               Do your words give courage to those who depend upon you? Are they filled with hope and optimism? Do you inspire a confidence that helps them to overcome?

                God’s word through Isaiah points clearly to Jesus the Messiah. He lived this passage. Each person who came to Jesus found understanding and empathy. Jesus spoke plainly, and He brought hope with words that were true and alive. As God calls you to lead His people, He will also provide the well-trained tongue you need to encourage and strengthen the weary people who follow with you. You must will to give your life to the work of building relationships. This investment of time and energy allows you to know, understand, and empathize with your people. You are also called to spend your time, and invest your other resources to be sure that this word reaches the far corners of your community.

It takes courage and boldness to allow God to speak through you, so you must spend time with Him to become a well-trained student.

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