We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Friday, February 28, 2025


 Then, the one who received just one talent responded, “Master, I know you are very tough and demanding. So, I was terrified that I might lose your money. Here is what you gave me. I return it to you whole.” (Matthew 25:24-25)

                Are you prepared to invest everything you are and everything you have on God’s behalf? Do you trust that you were given your “everything” by the Lord for that one purpose, and that purpose alone?

               If you do believe that your everything has purpose, but you hesitate to fully submit to God’s plan, maybe it’s because you identify with the man who received one talent. You see, this servant worked his way through some simple logic to a very bad decision. He thought, “I’ve considered what the master said, and I know he will be angry if I lose what he gave me.” Then, he became afraid. He feared that he wouldn’t be up to the challenge. So, he decided to do nothing. He would conduct business on his own terms, with his own money. This man determined that he knew what his master wanted, and that the master simply demanded too much. In fact, he was a coward, and yet he dared to blame his master for his cowardly actions.

               As the Holy Spirit calls you to concentrate all your attention on God, and invest all He has given you in His plan for your life. Will you trust Him – or will you be fearful that you will fail?

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