We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Monday, February 3, 2025

February 4 – REAL LIFE

 The Spirit arrives when He wants, and you see what He does, but you don’t see Him. You don’t know how nor when He acts, nor His intentions for the future. Just like the wind that blows, so is the Spirit’s work in every person to whom God gives life in His Son. (John 3:8)

                Are you willing to live your life depending on the Spirit, as Jesus describes Him? Can you risk your life on this Spirit you can’t control? Go to places He will show you? Do work you may not even understand?

Jesus explains to Nicodemus that when you are first born, physically, your spirit doesn’t live. It is only when the Holy Spirit breathes into you, making you one with Jesus, that you share in His life. This is the second birth; the birth of the Spirit. Imagine the person who enjoys hang gliding, jumping from a sheer cliff, and trusting the wind is present and moving below to keep them from plummeting to certain death. If you want the freedom of life in Christ, you must make a similar choice. Nicodemus shook his head saying, “How can this be (verse 9)?” Simon Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God! (Matthew 16:16)”

What do you say? Are you ready to live the real life?

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