We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 28 – GREAT LOVE

 And with that hope, let us concentrate our love on one another, considering how we may encourage one another, share God’s love, and do His good works. (Hebrews 10:24)

                Is accountability a word you see as negative? Do you think of strict discipline or harsh enforcement? In God’s kingdom, accountability is a measure of love.

                Paul continues talking about the great hope that believers have in God and His promises. Now, he explains the purpose of this hope is that it frees you to show love to other people. What more appropriate way to love another, than to hold up the truth of your hope in the Lord’s promises as a standard for the people you lead? Paul says to encourage people to trust that God will please Himself with their lives, if they will simply hold on tightly to Him. That is genuine accountability. It does not condemn. It is not mean-spirited. It is not self-serving in any way. Rather, real accountability is the great love that compels you to think of, and invest in, others as your calling - and your promise to serve them.

                Make accountability a part of your work today. Challenge, encourage, and concentrate your love on those whom you love and lead.

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