We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Sunday, January 19, 2025



My dear friend (Gaius), first I pray that you may experience the same health you enjoy in your relationship with God in every part of your life, so that you may live out fully all the Lord places in your heart. (3 John 2)


               What do you picture when you think of prosperity? Is it power? Money? Fame? Or, maybe you think of great intellect, beautiful appearance, or uncommon skill?


               John includes being “well in spirit” and “faithful in truth” (v3) as elements of prosperity. This may be different from how you think of that word. Prosperity has many definitions, depending on the speaker and the context. From Latin, we understand it can mean “according to expectation” and “for hope.” The Greek; to “have a good career,” and Hebrew “making accomplished” are two other choices. John uses all of them here; a blanket of prosperity. He puts hope in God at the center and as the cause of his wish for Gaius to be well and able to meet the Lord’s expectation for his life. He even identifies that “having a good career of accomplishing God’s will is the real prosperity that he wishes for his friend.


               How will you define prosperity?

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