We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Monday, January 20, 2025



My dear friends, keep loving all others (everyone), because love comes from God. Only those whom God has fathered – who know Him – can be loving. One who does not love could never have known God, because God is love, and love comes from Him. (1 John 4:7-8)


               People are not reliable. That’s why you trust but verify. You confirm, notarize, guarantee, and collateralize every significant agreement. To love, you must extend yourself, and place yourself at risk. You may suffer loss! When, other than with close family and long-time friends, have you put yourself at risk because of your love for another person? When have you loved one who has hated you in return?


               In this letter, John says repeatedly, “The sign of your relationship with the Lord God; the proof that He lives in your heart, and you are trusting Him with your entire life, is that you are constantly, consistently – without reservation – loving other people.” The love he describes assumes that you are so connected to Christ; so much filled with His Spirit, that your whole life will be invested in a love for other people that leads them to Jesus.


               Make love your primary vocation. If God is your Father, loving is the family business.

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