We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Friday, January 24, 2025

January 25 – WHAT ABOUT US?


So, take the next step – I’ll be ecstatic! Focus together as one mind. Find ways to show your love for each other as you become one – body and soul; following our Lord together. (Philippians 2:2)


               How big is your “us?” As you think of the people in your life; friends, employees, customers, vendors, and even competitors, are they colleagues and friends? Or, do you see them as members of the other side – rivals and opponents battling you for the same, limited resources?


               Paul urges his friends who are facing opposition – and are even those engaged in conflict, to look beyond what divides them. He tells his people to focus on unity, and to perform acts of love. Paul is saying that to will, and to act like, you are part of an “us” is an important step in making “us” become a reality. Business strategists recognize the importance of unity and encourage it, but genuine harmony is rare. It is very hard to create unity where it doesn’t exist. Why is it so hard? Paul explains this. Unity; real oneness requires more than simply desire and effort. Unity is impossible without common purpose and genuine love.


               God is the author of love. It is He who gives you purpose that becomes a vision for your people. “Us” – real unity that lasts - is impossible without Him.

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