We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

January 24 – ANY COST


Because Christ has risen, I will suffer and pay any cost He requires for the rest of my life. It’s worth it! I do this so those who hear His word, through my pain, will know and love Him and be saved. (2 Timothy 2:10)


               Do you ever repeat the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished?” As you invest your life most fully in your calling from the Lord, does it seem that problems begin to grow around you? Are things getting worse instead of better? Do you think this is strange? Should you be surprised?


               Paul’s statement to Timothy, his student, assumes opposition, cost, and suffering. His advice is encouragement for Timothy to see the suffering he will face as a small price to be a part of the Lord’s work in the world. To participate in the rescue of other lives is worth a great cost. Paul is not alone. Jesus spoke often of sacrifice, assuring people who wanted to follow him that they must give up people, places, and things which they loved. He also promised the sacrifices would be worth it. Yes, when God controls your life, there will be a cost. Jesus said you should consider that price as you decide.


               Believe the promise of Jesus, and decide, like Paul, that the life promised you and your people is worth any cost.

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