We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025



If you focus on God whose Spirit is in you, you will show love for others in an uncommon, selfless way. You’ll be calm and at peace even when you must be patient. Your faith will allow you to be kind and generous. This comes only from relying on God. Following rules will never produce this life – only God. (Galatians 5:22-23)


               What did the people around you observe the last time you had a bad day? Did you withdraw? Were you angry? Did others pay a price?


               Paul explains that life with Christ allows you to see the events of your life from God’s perspective. This enables you to be consistently faithful. Rather than being angry and selfish, or seeing yourself as a victim and others as enemies, you will experience the peace that will let you be kind and generous. Your life will be different if you focus on the Lord.


               You can live this consistent life, even when times are hard. Turn to Jesus when you rise each morning. View each event, meeting, and task from His perspective, considering how you will affect the people around you with your smallest actions. Your life will be different, and others around you will be changed as well.


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