We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 17 – MAKE IT HAPPEN


Now, my Lord – God – everything you have promised concerning me and my family, make it all happen in and through us; just like you said! (2 Samuel 7:25)


               God’s promises are numerous, generous, and gracious. Do you believe any of them enough to conduct business each day as if they are truthful? David believed. He was not perfect. He did some really bad things. But, David trusted God. God even said that David was a man after His own heart. Why would He say that?


               David was humble. Even as king, he knew he was subject to the Lord, God. David wanted to be obedient and faithful. He recognized that God held authority over him and he respected that authority. David loved. He loved God, and he loved his people – even enemies within his ranks. Each of these characteristics show great faith in his Lord. Jesus began many of His promises with the words, “if you have faith…”


               Do you have the faith of David? Will you earnestly call on God to “make it all happen” just like God says?

Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 12 – PURPOSE – A COMMAND

This is what I command; that each of you continue to love the others. (John 15:12)


               Do you struggle to find and clearly express your life’s purpose? If you do, consider a simple possibility. You could say, “I follow Jesus.” To follow someone is to do what that person wants you to do (1 John 2:4, Ecclesiastes 12:13).


               Jesus explained what He wants repeatedly. He commands that you love others - as that love shows your love for Him. So, in its most simple form, your purpose; the focus of anyone’s life who is a follower of Jesus, is to love Him enough to do what He says – love other people. This idea is so very simple; even child-like. The great challenge comes when you try to apply this rule to every part of your life. You see, unless you change your statement of purpose to, “I follow Jesus at those times when I’m with nice people who treat me well,” loving other people can be very hard.


               Will you follow and obey Jesus in the places, and at the times, when it is hard to love?

Friday, January 10, 2025

January 11 – HOPE


May God – The Author of Hope – fill you with all His joy and peace so that you can keep on believing in Him as you live, and so you will overflow with hope in the Lord by the power of His Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)


               In an earlier part of his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul explained that people develop the reliance on God that is called hope, as they experience suffering (Romans 5:3-5). How can this be true? During the last challenge you endured, do you remember being filled with God’s joy and peace?


               Paul explains that God gives hope by filling men and women with the confidence of His character, His strength, and His love. This knowledge, from the experience of a relationship with God, and from His promises, gives the peace which allows you to keep going in times of trouble. Also, Paul’s prayer here for God’s grace to “fill” his Roman friends reminds you that all good things come from Him. It also reminds believers to pray for those good gifts every moment.


               Consider all the times God has been reliable, and be filled with His Hope.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 10 – COMPLETE


If you wish to be made whole and completed, dispose of the possessions you have and value now. Invest that wealth in the lives of others to find the real treasure in heaven. Then, come and follow me. (Matthew 19:21)


               Is there some part of your life; something you “possess” that you are holding back from God? Is there any person or thing that you can’t give up – that you value more than you value becoming what God wants you to be?


               Jesus counsels this wealthy, young man not only to release his ties to what he values more than God, but he also tells him to give that wealth to those who can never repay him; people who may not deserve the gift. That sounds exactly like what Jesus did for you. With that understanding, He is really saying, “If you want to be complete, then do as I have done. Do as I am doing now. Then, come along, and continue to follow with me as I show you the way forward.”


               All it will cost you is everything. But, it’s worth it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025



Dear friends, don’t be confused and lose your way because you are mistreated and opposed, even when it’s extreme. You should expect that to happen. (I Peter 4:12)


               How do you respond when your very best efforts are frustrated, and even seem to cause problems rather than to solve them?


               Peter, who was clearly writing to people he loved, still was firm and very clear with them. As Jesus had said before, “There will be a great cost paid by each person who chooses to live God’s way.” Later in this letter (I Peter 4:16 & 19), Peter explains that you will suffer because God wills it for your good. He also says your response should be to, “praise God,” and “continue to do good.”


               Will you praise God while you are experiencing loss? Will you keep doing good when the world calls it bad?

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 8 – DOING RIGHT


I will make my word a part of their innermost being, writing it on their hearts, being their God, and them becoming my people. (Jeremiah 31:33)


               Do you ever hesitate to act because your worry overcomes your ambition? How often do you fear making a mistake, even as you act?


               When God spoke this promise through Jeremiah, He was talking about today. As a follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit of God lives in you and works in you to do God’s will for your life. Jesus later promised that, “your Father will give good gifts (the Holy Spirit) to those who ask” (Matthew 7:11). God knows how you feel. He knows everything. He has lived in this world as a man. He lives today in your spirit if you are a follower. He calls you to trust that He loves you, and He wants the best for you.


               When you need guidance, counsel, affirmation of God’s wishes for your life, don’t worry – just ask!


Monday, January 6, 2025

January 7 – WHAT HE SAID


If you really love me, you will learn, hold onto, honor, and keep obeying what I command. (John 14:15)


               What are your big, religious rules? Go to church? Watch your language? Give money? Join a Bible study? Maybe you even lead a fight either for some moral cause or against some sinful action.


               Jesus says, repeatedly, that you show your love for Him by doing what He says to do. Someone has compiled a list of forty-nine (49) commands that Jesus issued. Have you learned these? Do you measure your life based on them? Many people have observed that you become what you focus on; what you love. Those who focus on other things, like rules, or the cost of obeying God’s calling, can’t follow Jesus with all their hearts (Proverbs 23:7).


               It is so clever that Jesus reveals - it is by valuing His instruction to you (and by following it), that you find a loving relationship with Him, and it also is how you show Him your love.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

January 6 – FOCUS


God your Father knows your needs. Keep your focus on Him; His concerns, your relationship with Him, and what He wants from you, and you will find that all those needs are provided. (Matthew 6:32-34)


               When it is crunch time, do the people who watch you see you respond with a cool, optimistic confidence? When you focus on worries, you communicate that fear lives inside you, and a fearful leader heads a fearful organization.


               The opposite of that fearfulness is what Jesus urges. He encourages you to, “Dream God’s big, kingdom dreams for you and your people. Step out, and do what I ask of you - His concerns - in faith!” And, He says, “Realize that you always have time to spend with Me!” Your relationship with Him is always top priority. With this priority as your focus, you don’t fear some dreaded failure. The results are not your concern – only Jesus and obeying Him.


               This is the step of faith; that you take Jesus at His word, and have only one plan. Focus on Him.


Saturday, January 4, 2025


I have lived without what I need in humility, and I have lived with excess provision and great esteem. Through all of this, Christ has taught and strengthened me, so I focus only on Him, regardless of my situation. (Philippians 4:12-13)


               Today, do you face a challenge of “needing?” Many have taken Paul’s words to be an encouragement to be strong in tough times. On the other hand, you may have found living with wealth and power, especially among those who admire you, is the greater challenge to your faith in Christ alone.


               Paul says he has learned that each of these extremes, as well as the drudgery of routine, day-to-day living in between, pose challenges to your ability to live the life Jesus wants you to enjoy. This message does encourage. It also gives you an answer for all when life’s circumstances threaten to distract you. Focus only on Jesus.


Keep your focus on Jesus Christ, and you will be up to any challenge that comes. Whether you have too much or too little, Jesus will always be exactly enough.


Friday, January 3, 2025

January 4 - AFTER “COME”?


Come here, follow me now, and I will make you become fishers of people. (Matthew 4:19)


What is your product or service? How do you figure your bottom-line? For many people, success is measured by dollars or percentages, growth in square feet, or in numbers of people. There is usually some list of objectives or measurements that informs the work of a successful organization. Some call this management by objectives.


               Jesus introduced a new concept to Simon and Andrew. He replaced their objectives with a new process – “Follow me.” He changed their product and their bottom line too. Most importantly Jesus assumes responsibility for that new bottom line. Wow, what a relief! Finally, though, there is a cost; a price you pay for this new deal. You must give up your objectives, and simply obey Jesus.


               Are you willing to “drop your net” – your goals, your process, your measurements – and follow Jesus? Will you manage your life by simple obedience?


Thursday, January 2, 2025



Come to me if you are laboring and weighed down with burdens, and I will give you the rest that refreshes you. (Matthew 11:28)


               Do you ever get weary, and sometimes even feel overwhelmed? Not the public you, of course. Rather, the private one who longs to find a place to simply be at peace for a moment.


               This is a great promise! It reminds that God offers you real life – an incredible, full life He intends for you to enjoy. Jesus’ next words in this passage promise that He will replace your toiling and burdened life with something better – His work. This is what God intended. He also promises that this work will fit you. It will allow you to be who you were made to be, while living a life of freedom and peace and purpose.


               You can act on these promises today. Trade in your self-reliant anxiety and fears. Take this life Jesus offers. All you must do is, “Come.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2 – NEW LIFE

 The work of the thief is that he takes away from you; kills and destroys everything. I came to give you full, complete, unending life; a better life than you can imagine. (John 10:10)


Is your faith about dos and don’ts? Is following rules at the foundation of your hope? Or, do you work hard trying to do enough good deeds to accomplish God’s favor?


With this message, Jesus offers a new relationship. He offers to give you a great life, simply because that’s who He is. It is His work to change your life to one of purpose and meaning. Your work is to invite the Holy Spirit to make that change. Immediately before this assurance, Jesus explains, “I am the source – all the other roads lead to the thieves.”


To find this “full and complete” life, you learn to hear God’s voice and follow Him, closely. Follow closely enough that no thief can take you away.