We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Friday, February 28, 2025


 Then, the one who received just one talent responded, “Master, I know you are very tough and demanding. So, I was terrified that I might lose your money. Here is what you gave me. I return it to you whole.” (Matthew 25:24-25)

                Are you prepared to invest everything you are and everything you have on God’s behalf? Do you trust that you were given your “everything” by the Lord for that one purpose, and that purpose alone?

               If you do believe that your everything has purpose, but you hesitate to fully submit to God’s plan, maybe it’s because you identify with the man who received one talent. You see, this servant worked his way through some simple logic to a very bad decision. He thought, “I’ve considered what the master said, and I know he will be angry if I lose what he gave me.” Then, he became afraid. He feared that he wouldn’t be up to the challenge. So, he decided to do nothing. He would conduct business on his own terms, with his own money. This man determined that he knew what his master wanted, and that the master simply demanded too much. In fact, he was a coward, and yet he dared to blame his master for his cowardly actions.

               As the Holy Spirit calls you to concentrate all your attention on God, and invest all He has given you in His plan for your life. Will you trust Him – or will you be fearful that you will fail?

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 28 – GREAT LOVE

 And with that hope, let us concentrate our love on one another, considering how we may encourage one another, share God’s love, and do His good works. (Hebrews 10:24)

                Is accountability a word you see as negative? Do you think of strict discipline or harsh enforcement? In God’s kingdom, accountability is a measure of love.

                Paul continues talking about the great hope that believers have in God and His promises. Now, he explains the purpose of this hope is that it frees you to show love to other people. What more appropriate way to love another, than to hold up the truth of your hope in the Lord’s promises as a standard for the people you lead? Paul says to encourage people to trust that God will please Himself with their lives, if they will simply hold on tightly to Him. That is genuine accountability. It does not condemn. It is not mean-spirited. It is not self-serving in any way. Rather, real accountability is the great love that compels you to think of, and invest in, others as your calling - and your promise to serve them.

                Make accountability a part of your work today. Challenge, encourage, and concentrate your love on those whom you love and lead.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

February 27 – GREAT HOPE

 We must be holding on tightly to the hope that we have claimed to have – without falling away, because our Lord who has promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

                What is faith? Of all that faith is, and all that it implies, it is – at its beginning – a hope. The hope that God can be trusted to keep His promises consistently and fully under any circumstance is the essence of real faith; the kind of faith that changes your life.

                Paul encourages his readers to, “hold tightly” and not, “fall away” or waver in their hope. His advice is vital, because he has taught them a faith that involves action. Paul has urged these people to enter and fully invest every part of their lives in Christ-centered living. In the first century, as now, that was a dangerous thing to do. Only with assurance of God’s faithfulness, could they (or can you) expect to hold to the faith that allows you to be consistent day after day.

                Believe the Lord’s promises and rely on your hope as your motivation to live for Him today.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 26 – GETTING PAID

 ….. even though the more I love you… the less I am loved. (2 Corinthians 12:15)

                Is “getting paid” why you do what you do? If yes is your answer – in any part of your life – you are imposing your own valuation system on a life (yours) that you say belongs to Jesus. Isn’t your compensation His call? If you are to obey God, and you are being spent by Him for the good of other people, getting paid is not the goal. The goal is simply to be faithful – to do what the Spirit of God leads you to do.

                Paul explains this clearly, “I fully intend to continue investing myself and all that I have in you, even though you oppose me while I do it; even if you come to hate me.” You are sent to bring the light of God’s love to dark corners of the world. Those who live in the dark are there by choice, and they often react violently when God’s Holy Spirit convicts them of their condition. If you are the one bringing the light, you may be the object of their fear, shame, and even their anger.

                Will you eagerly continue to invest your life when your payment is rejection and hatred?

Monday, February 24, 2025

February 25 – BEING SPENT

 I will very happily spend everything and spend even my very life for your souls…. (2 Corinthians 12:15)

                Oswald Chambers observed that, “Jesus Christ helped Himself to his (Paul’s) life.” That is the perfect description of humility. Paul knew his appropriate place in the world. His attitude was that he was exactly (not merely) an instrument in the hand of his Lord. What is your role? Is it not the same? If so, is it your responsibility to spend all of yourself – even give your life, desires, and reputation for others whom God selects as recipients of that love?

                Understanding, accepting, and embracing the right relationship of complete surrender to the all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present and loving Lord is vital to your relationship with Him. This is the attitude Jesus modeled as He said, “I came down from heaven, not that I may do my will, but he will of Him who sent me. (John 6:38)”

                Choose to spend – and be spent – wisely!


Sunday, February 23, 2025

February 24 – A CHANGED LIFE

 Suddenly, the Spirit of the Lord will take control of you, and animate every action, and you’ll be a new man. After this, just do what you find to do because God is with you. (1 Samuel 10:6-7)

                At the end of a very long week, have you wondered what it would be like to accept Jesus’ offer to rest in Him? Do you sometimes long for the rest and peace that He promises (Matthew 11:28-30)?

                Samuel describes the life that you live once God changes you. He tells Saul what to expect, and how to act when he is transformed into a new man – a man fit to be the first king of Israel. God has given you a kingdom; a people whom He loves and whom you are to lead, to influence, and to love. He intends that they too will be changed (2 Corinthians 5:17), be led to unity (John 17:21) in the Lord (John 10:30), and become a new people – alive in His kingdom. The one requirement of you is that you allow the Spirit of the Lord to take control of you, and animate every action – making you become a new person.

                You can rest in Jesus. Simply trust Him, and what He shows you to do. He will be with you if you ask Him to take control of your life.


Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 23 – A CHANGED HEART

 Simon, I have prayed for you; that your faith may not fail. And when you repent, and your heart is changed, let your experience – your weakness – help you to strengthen the others. (Luke 22:32)

                Do you harbor shame or guilt in your life that haunts you? Have you overlooked, mistreated, or even betrayed another person? Did you selfishly cower in fear at a time you should have helped someone? Are you struggling to believe that you are forgiven? Stop It – Now - Today!

                Notice – Jesus assures you that He is on your side in such times of struggle – an advocate, interceding and ready to comfort and give you His peace and joy. With the changed heart Jesus had promised, Peter later spoke from his experience. He encouraged other followers both to have a faith that could survive Satan’s attacks (1 Peter 4:12-19), and to be assured of God’s blessing, favor, and presence with them as they suffer those challenges (1 Peter 5:6-11).

                Confess your fear, turn away from the life that is focused on yourself, and let God heal and change your heart as He did for Simon Peter.

Friday, February 21, 2025

February 22 – LIVING WATER

 Anyone who is believing and trusting in me – as the Scripture has said, “From deep within will rush rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)

                What a promise! Here Jesus uses a powerful image to illustrate that, just as water sustains physical life, those who believe will be the source of living water that brings spiritual life to others. He chose the Feast of Tabernacles to say this, and Scripture says he, “cried out,” broadcasting the assurance while at this feast.

Tabernacles is a feast to remind Israel of their time spent living in the wilderness, totally depending on God every day. From the time of Moses, it has also been a time for people of all nations to be included, foreshadowing the day when everyone is offered relationship with God. The writer of John explained the source of this living water is the Holy Spirit, living in believers. So, another way to understand this is, “out of and through those who truly believe, the Holy Spirit will send rushing streams of life.”

Is your life a stream of refreshing, life-giving hope and comfort? Jesus made it clear that is His expectation for you.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

February 21 – A NEW PLAN?

 I thought, “The Philistines are coming to attack me at Gilgal, and the sacrifice has not been offered to seek God’s favor.” So, I felt pressured and forced myself to do it. (1 Samuel 13:12)

                In the middle of the battle, when everything is going crazy around you, where is your focus? Are your eyes glued to the problem, or do you stay focused on the vision God has given to you? Your answer to this question will determine the fate of both you and your people.

                Saul looked around. No Samuel –no word from the prophet to encourage the troops. The troops had heard that the Philistines were brutal. Men were beginning to pack up and go home. There was no way humanly possible to win. What should Saul do? He panicked! He decided to abandon the role he was given, because he stopped believing that God would show up. How about you? When everything is falling apart, and your people are blaming you; looking to you to “fix it,” do you panic? Do you abandon the plan that God has given you? Do you violate your principles, step out of your role, or try to escape?

               Choose to stand your ground, relying on the God who gave you the plan. Otherwise, you may hear the words Samuel spoke to Saul when he arrived, “Your rule is over (1 Samuel 13:14).”

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 20 – SECURITY

 The Lord is pleased by those who fear Him, worship Him, and place all their hope in Him that He will show His great love for them. (Psalm 147:11)

                Where do you find security? Stocks and bonds, warehouses and trucks? Or, do you trust in your wits and your ability to find the answer in a difficult situation?

                Even if you have become so diverse that your risks are lowered, and think you are so big that you cannot fail – God is not impressed. Remember, He opposes the proud (Isaiah 2:12). The Psalmist here contrasts the things that people trust and value – the strongest horses of a mighty cavalry and the courageous men of a powerful army – with the simple humility and submission that pleases the Lord. No matter what your wealth or strength; no matter how many weapons and defense systems you may have, you are not secure apart from God. Everything you value can be gone in an instant. God’s love is forever.

                Recognize this truth today, and you will learn to appreciate and experience God’s love in a new, exciting way.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

February 19 – MOSTLY GOD’S WAY

 And don’t let this world determine who you are, making you live by their values. No, let God change your mind – change you, so that you mature and become living proof of His perfect will for you. (Romans 12:2)

                What do you want – Most? Most is what you will pursue. Most becomes only. Television advertisers may disagree, but - the truth is - you cannot have it all. Each person has one life to spend. Every choice is important. So, what will be your most? You will either choose to follow God’s plan, or you will choose an alternative that is not God’s plan. And, remember, failure to choose God’s plan is also making a choice.

                A person who leads must know where he or she is going. The people whom the Lord has called for His purposes, are being prepared for that work. God has said that He will not share you with the world (Revelation 3:15-16). Listening for His voice, and experiencing life with the new vision God provides will give you understanding. That understanding will be a vision that builds hope. That hope will help you show courage and be consistent when you are opposed; especially as He works through you to change the lives of others.

                Prove God’s love for you. Make Him your most!

Monday, February 17, 2025

February 18 – LIVING FULLY

 For in Him (the Lord) we live, we are moved, and we exist. As some of your poets have taught, “We are God’s children.” (Acts 17:28)

                As you think about what it means to follow Jesus, do your thoughts turn to what you must do and say, or to what you must be very careful not to do or say? Do those thoughts have a negative voice? Do they sound like a rule book?

                Paul did not see harsh rules when he pictured life lived God’s way. Paul is speaking to Greek listeners, many of whom thought the ideal life was about logic, reason, and ancient wisdom. Reminding them of a poem written to honor Zeus, he explains that His God really is a loving father (Isaiah 1:2). Many first century Greeks saw such emotion as a hindrance, believing the brain should always control your actions. Paul argued that the Lord wants to help you understand life with your mind, be moved by your emotion to love others in His name, and respond based on obeying His will that He shows you each time you act.

                If your life is tied to your rulebook, consider Paul’s view. Learn from your Father how to live freely and fully in Jesus.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

February 17 – THE RIGHT WORDS

…. And will make the words I have spoken to you come to life in your hearts. (John 14:26)

                Personal trainers, coaches, teachers, and mentors are often helpful. They provide encouragement, help you to see the long-term and focus on important goals. Often, they bring knowledge; even wisdom, that comes from solid experience. If you could find a trusted friend who could know you completely, always seek your best interests, and have God’s ideal answer for every moment of life – would you hire that person to help you?

               That is exactly what Jesus promised of the Holy Spirit – constant help, advocate, counselor, who will teach you everything. This Holy Spirit will make God’s word come to your heart and mind at exactly the time you need to hear it. He will provide the perfect answer every time. Consider Peter’s story as he was called to step outside his own knowledge and his experience to do something dangerous and new (Acts 11). The Holy Spirit was there to show him God’s will in Joppa, to help him understand the vision and the way forward. Then, as he stood in Caesarea and saw the response the Spirit brought to his mind Christ’s words that he now heard with understanding.

               That is the life Jesus offers you today. Accept His promise and let His word come to life in you. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

February 16 – THE ANSWERS

 But the one who the Father is sending to be your constant help, advocate, and counselor; the Holy Spirit, is coming to continue my work in you. He will teach you everything… (John 14:26)

                How do you respond to a question, objection, or complaint? What do you do when you don’t know the answer, especially when it is critical that you get it right. Where do you go when you don’t know? Is the Holy Spirit – who lives in you – the source of your everything? You may object, “The Bible talks about wisdom coming from the counsel of many.” You may think, “God gave me eyes to read, a brain to think, and emotions to guide my heart.”

               David observed, “It is better to trust in the Lord than in people. (Psalm 118:8)” Solomon said, “Trust God with your whole heart; not your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).” Jesus said, “I am truth. (John 14:6)” It is easy to see the disciples could turn to Jesus and ask Him about any question that arose. In this passage, Jesus explains that the Holy Spirit fills that role of being present and available, and will be the Truth who will teach you everything.

There is no doubt, that God teaches through your experiences and your relationships. But, in the end, He should be the source for your final anser.

Friday, February 14, 2025

February 15 – WHO TO BELIEVE

 But everyone who looks for honors, applause, and recognition will be reduced to shame. Those who serve others quietly will be lifted high to blessing and honor. (Matthew 23:12)

                Do you trust God to have your back? Can you let another person get the credit for your effort? Will you resist the urge to defend your honor if your actions are misunderstood?

                In the middle of an emotional address, Jesus contrasts the pride of the religious leaders, who thought they were much better than others, with the humble attitude of service that God intends for His people to show. It is easy to agree with this truth. This is advice Jesus often repeated. He told stories of service. He gave examples. He modeled this attitude with His life. However, this truth is also very difficult to live. Culture encourages you to build your self-esteem, be proud of whatever you do. You are challenged to fight for what is yours, to defend yourself against every attack, and to take control of every situation. Otherwise, people say, you will lose.

                Will you trust God for your future – even when you are told that you shouldn’t?

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 But none of these things (imprisonment, punishment, death) influence me. My life means nothing. It is no longer what I value. My only concern is that I finish the part of God’s work that is my life. That work is to make His amazing love evident to everyone He leads me to meet. (Acts 20:24)

                Read this passage again – slowly, as if you have written it. Does this passage fit you well? How do you measure success?

                If Paul is to be believed; if the Bible is to be believed, there is only one measure for your success. You were intentionally created by God, and His intention for your life is that it will be lived in close relationship with Him. His purpose for you is that you will be both the object of His love as He works in your life, and you will be a part of His work in transforming the lives of other people. Every part of your life is to be focused on this relationship, whether you are at work, shopping, eating, or even resting. Your only concern, no matter what is happening around you – or even to you, will be that your life, your words, and your actions match God’s intentions for you.

     So, how do you measure success?


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

February 13 – TIME TO SPARE

 Give generously. As you do, it will continue to be given to you – an overflowing return of generosity for more giving. It is your generosity that measures your own return. (Luke 6:38)

                 Which resource would you most like to see multiplied? For many people, who have great responsibility, lots of problems to solve, and lots of new opportunities to pursue, the answer is time. For many, there is no more valuable, nor more scarce resource than that.

                 Although this Scripture passage is often used to teach financial generosity, the context shows Jesus was asking even more. He was teaching listeners to resist the urge to criticize and blame others, even when they harm you. Instead, He said to give and to forgive; to take the time to think through why the offender has acted, and how that person became who they are. Then, Jesus counseled them to respond with love that results in real forgiveness and to invest generously in helping that person – whatever their need.

                 Hear the promise of Jesus. Understand that He is challenging you to see the investment of your time in others who need you as the way to insure you will have all the time you need – and more. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 11 – PAUL’S ENEMIES

 Even though we live in this world, we don’t fight against other men as they do with each other. Our weapon is God’s power, and our enemies are the lies and destruction in culture that oppose our Lord. We fight by being obedient to God in every detail. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

                Who is your most challenging competitor or opponent? Picture the person, not their organization or a group. When you think of this person, do you see an enemy? Or, do you see a person of great value who you should love? In any battle, identifying the true enemy is important.

                Paul clearly explains in his writing that men and women are not your enemies. Instead, like you, they can be victims of the enemy. Your role as a follower of Jesus is to be used in their rescue, and Jesus explained that this is accomplished through God’s grace. God gives you the ability to obey His command to love. Paul refused to get involved in petty arguments and fight with the people who opposed him. His faith in God overcame his fears of being harmed or defeated, so he could focus on obedience, and fight the real battles.

                Today you have the same choice. Choose your enemies wisely.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 10 – OVERWHELMED

 Haven’t I told you? Be strong and have courage; don’t be afraid or get discouraged, because I – the Lord God – will be with you in every place you go. (Joshua 1:9)

                Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the responsibility placed upon you? Joshua certainly had reason to feel that way. He had the experience of spying on the giants of the land he was preparing to invade. So, he knew he faced a hard road ahead. He knew this was the big game.

For hundreds of years, fathers and mothers in Egypt promised sons and daughters of God’s assurance to Abraham. The whole burden; the whole future of God’s people and his promise rested firmly on Joshua’s shoulders. And, he felt alone. Everyone from his generation had died, and now his mentor, Moses, was gone too. No wonder that God told him three times, “be strong and have courage.” Now, He explains why. Joshua could be strong. He could have courage, because God promised to be with him as they entered the promised land.

                When you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that God makes the same promise to be with you, so be strong and have great courage.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

February 9 – IS GOD HONORED?

 Lord, God – It’s not about us. We don’t seek glory and honor. Show your glory. Bring honor to your name. In the victory, let everyone see that you are truth. You are faithful, loving, and gracious! (Psalm 115:1)

                When it all comes down, what matters? What is your first thought when the victory is won? How about when it looks like defeat? From the Christian’s perspective, isn’t every result part of an overall victory story? If that’s true, the bottom-line should always be the same.

What matters, in every case, is that God be honored; that He be known and seen to be gracious and truthful, and faithful. God should be glorified. The Bible is full of stories where it was hard to see a win, but still, God was glorified. Very often, where you see a defeat, God is simply setting up the scene for a story that will reveal His power.

In a world where the bottom line is mostly about money and influence and fame, don’t worry about how you look, nor the results you see when you obey God. Let your measure be whether people can see the Lord in a way that He is honored.

Friday, February 7, 2025


 The Lord God Himself has given to me the tongue of His well-trained student so that I will know how to encourage and embolden those who are weary with my words. (Isaiah 50:4)

               Do your words give courage to those who depend upon you? Are they filled with hope and optimism? Do you inspire a confidence that helps them to overcome?

                God’s word through Isaiah points clearly to Jesus the Messiah. He lived this passage. Each person who came to Jesus found understanding and empathy. Jesus spoke plainly, and He brought hope with words that were true and alive. As God calls you to lead His people, He will also provide the well-trained tongue you need to encourage and strengthen the weary people who follow with you. You must will to give your life to the work of building relationships. This investment of time and energy allows you to know, understand, and empathize with your people. You are also called to spend your time, and invest your other resources to be sure that this word reaches the far corners of your community.

It takes courage and boldness to allow God to speak through you, so you must spend time with Him to become a well-trained student.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 And Balaam answered him saying, “Is it not my responsibility to listen to and then speak carefully what the Lord God tells me to say?”  (Numbers 23:12)

                Have you found your voice? Have you listened intently for the Lord to give you the words to speak to your people? Have you been careful to say exactly and only what God tells you to say?

                Balaam was not perfect. He probably was fearful of the consequences of his words. But, God told Balaam to speak for Him, and he knew he needed to get it right. If your people are to understand who you are, what is important to you, and why, you too must speak. The way you live and conduct business speaks. But, without your voice; the words that clearly communicate your vision and intentions, that message can be distorted and misunderstood. When you remember that everything you do and everything you say, “speaks” to others, you will also be more intentional in your actions.

 Be careful to listen for God’s words to you, so He can provide your voice.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

February 6 – IMMEDIATELY

 Jesus called to them, “Come, follow me. I’ll make you become fishers of people,” and immediately they left their nets and followed Him. (Mark 1:17-18)

                How do you react when you hear God’s voice? Do you try to dismiss it? Do you ask for counsel from other people? Do you hesitate or try to run away?

                Simon and Andrew modeled the only appropriate response to God’s call – immediately they followed Him. Surely, they had questions, doubts, and even fears – if not at first, certainly as they continued to follow Jesus. But, they addressed their questions to Him. They pressed in around Him at times when they didn’t understand or felt afraid. This simple call from Jesus has not changed. As He shows you the people He created you to serve and to love, the invitation is still, “Come, follow me. I will give you the work to do.”

                He is Lord. He has a plan for your life that is designed uniquely to fit you. Answer His call immediately.

February 5 – KINGS AND LIONS

 My God sent His angel and closed the mouths of the lions. They couldn’t hurt me because He found me innocent. O King, I’ve done nothing wrong. (Daniel 6:22)

                Accidents and audits, grievances and false claims, strikes, slowdowns, and litigation. The business world is filled with kings and lions who may oppose you. Will you be afraid? Or, will you trust that it is the Lord God who holds and determines your future?

                Daniel’s offense was that he prayed, staying faithful to His God, even when that act had been made illegal. He trusted the Lord, and he risked death to do what he knew was the right thing to do. Will you face the lions unafraid? You are assured by Jesus that you will be opposed; even persecuted (Matthew 5:10). But, Daniel rightly observed that no terrible punishment men may impose can harm a person who will live eternally with the living God.

When your opposition comes, view it as Daniel did; as a child of the King who has promised that His love endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34).

Monday, February 3, 2025

February 4 – REAL LIFE

 The Spirit arrives when He wants, and you see what He does, but you don’t see Him. You don’t know how nor when He acts, nor His intentions for the future. Just like the wind that blows, so is the Spirit’s work in every person to whom God gives life in His Son. (John 3:8)

                Are you willing to live your life depending on the Spirit, as Jesus describes Him? Can you risk your life on this Spirit you can’t control? Go to places He will show you? Do work you may not even understand?

Jesus explains to Nicodemus that when you are first born, physically, your spirit doesn’t live. It is only when the Holy Spirit breathes into you, making you one with Jesus, that you share in His life. This is the second birth; the birth of the Spirit. Imagine the person who enjoys hang gliding, jumping from a sheer cliff, and trusting the wind is present and moving below to keep them from plummeting to certain death. If you want the freedom of life in Christ, you must make a similar choice. Nicodemus shook his head saying, “How can this be (verse 9)?” Simon Peter said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God! (Matthew 16:16)”

What do you say? Are you ready to live the real life?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

February 3 – GOOD WORKS

 God freely gives to you all that you need in every situation, in each moment, and in everything you do, so that you readily find all you need for every good work.

 (2 Corinthians 9:8)

                Why do you keep fighting all the challenges each day? Problems with employees, customers, revenue, costs, regulations, taxes, and the like are everyday issues. It makes work hard. So, why do you enter that battle, and take risks that few others would dare? What is your reason?

                For believers, Paul has a one-sentence explanation. He gives that reason, “Why?” in three easy pieces; the object, the source, and the purpose of your work. Paul explains that the Lord is in everything you do. God is the object of your work “in each moment.” He’ll be the source that fills your need “in every situation.” Paul explains that the Lord will provide both the work, and everything you need to do that work. Finally, he explains that the Lord will make your life produce works that are truly “good works” – your purpose.

                If you will see God’s vision as your reason, look to Him as the source for everything, and find the person in whom you are to invest every moment, your work will be called a “good work.”

Saturday, February 1, 2025

February 2 – I PROMISE

 (Jesus has always been absolute truth) because His life made every promise of God – all of them – become reality. He is the “yes” of God; the genuine truth. So, now we can say a confident, “Amen.” – so be it – through our faith in Christ, and He is glorified as He acts through us. (2 Corinthians 1:20)

                When did you last break a promise you made to someone? Sometimes, you make promises consciously. Sometimes, others read your actions, misunderstand, and you may create a promise that you did not intend.

                Paul is addressing people who feel he has broken his promise to them. He takes great care to explain and be clear about the circumstances – saying finally, “We represent Christ Jesus who is truth. We don’t make promises like others who never intend to be held accountable.” If the Lord is to act in and through your life in a way that your actions are true; a way that Jesus will be glorified, you must be serious and clear about your promises, and then follow through.

                Guard your words. Guard your actions. Be intentional. Be serious. Most importantly, be Spirit-led so that Christ’s “yes” will mark your life.