We assist business owners and other leaders who wish to follow the calling of Jesus Christ to create communities of faith in their workplace.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


He (God) wants everyone to be saved; to know the truth that there is only one God, and one way to Him – Jesus Christ. He surrendered His life so that all people could have life. This, just this, is why I was called by the Lord – to tell this good news to those who haven’t heard. (1 Timothy 2:5-7)

                   What do you communicate to the people around you? Do you have a clear understanding of why you are where you are, and of the purpose of the work that you are doing?

                   Paul obviously knows exactly why he is there, and what he is to do, and he repeats this message many times over – especially to young leaders he prepares for their work. People often dwell on exceptions. The urge, particularly with people who know a subject well, is to communicate about failures or special, extraordinary events rather than the basic, main idea. Many of your people may lack understanding of the very important purpose that is the reason for the work. If so, they will not process your messages about the exceptions in the way you intend. They need to frequently hear about purpose, vision, and values. Communicate that message clearly, so they can understand. Context matters if you are to empower your people to represent you.
                   Know your main things. Talk about them often. Your people need this.

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